MTB CAT1 Peripheral driver library
PDL API Reference
The following provides a list of driver API documentation
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 StartupProvides device startup, system configuration, and linker script files
 ADCMic (Delta-Sigma ADC with PDM microphone support)ADCMic driver is used to process analog and digital microphone signal and DC signal with the mxs40adcmic IP
 AXIDMAC (AXI Direct Memory Access Controller)Configures the AXIDMA Controller block, channels and descriptors
 BLE ECO (Bluetooth® LE ECO Clock)This driver provides an API to manage the BLE ECO clock block
 CAN FD (CAN with Flexible Data-Rate)The CAN FD driver provides an easy method to access the CAN FD IP block registers and provides simple functionality for sending and receiving data between devices in the CAN FD network
 CORDIC (Coordinate Rotation Digital Computer)The CORDIC driver provides an easy method to access the CORDIC IP block registers and provides simple functionalities for calculating the Trigonometric functions, hyperbolic functions and Park Transform
 Crypto (Cryptography)
 Cryptolite (Cryptography)
 CSD (CAPSENSE™ Sigma Delta)The CSD HW block enables multiple sensing capabilities on PSoC™ devices, including self-cap and mutual-cap capacitive touch sensing solutions, a 10-bit ADC, IDAC, and Comparator
 CTB (Continuous Time Block)This driver provides API functions to configure and use the analog CTB
 CTDAC (Continuous Time Digital to Analog Converter)The CTDAC driver provides APIs to configure the 12-bit Continuous-Time DAC
 DMA (Direct Memory Access)Configures a DMA channel and its descriptor(s)
 DMAC (Direct Memory Access Controller)Configures the DMA Controller block, channels and descriptors
 eFuse (Electronic Fuses)Electronic Fuses (eFuses) are non-volatile memory where each bit is one-time programmable (OTP)
 EMAC (Ethernet MAC)Ethernet is a well-defined industry specification
 EPHY (Ethernet PHY)The PHY chip is outside of SoC
 EVTGEN (Event Generator)This driver provides API functions to configure and use the Event Generator
 Flash (Flash System Routine)Internal flash memory programming
 GPIO (General Purpose Input Output)The GPIO driver provides an API to configure and access device Input/Output pins
 HPPASS (High Performance Programmable Analog Sub-System)The High Performance Programmable Analog Sub-System (HPPASS) PDL driver provides API to use the High Performance Programmable Analog Sub-System (HPPASS) HW block
 I2S (Inter-IC Sound)
 IPC (Inter Process Communication)The inter-processor communication (IPC) driver provides a safe and reliable method to transfer data between CPUs
 KeyScan (KeyScan)MXKEYSCAN is a DEEPSLEEP peripheral IP that performs autonomous key-matrix scan and system notification
 LIN (Local Interconnect Network)The LIN driver provides a function API to manage Local Interconnect Network
 LPComp (Low Power Comparator)Provides access to low-power comparators implemented using the fixed-function, LP comparator block that is present in the CAT1A and CAT1D devices
 LVD (Low-Voltage-Detect)The LVD driver provides an API to manage the Low Voltage Detection block
 LVD-HT (Low-Voltage-Detect for HT Products)The LVD HT driver provides an API to manage the Low Voltage Detection HT block
 MCWDT (Multi-Counter Watchdog)A MCWDT has two 16-bit counters and one 32-bit counter
 MPC (Memory Protection Controller)MPC is a Memory Protection Controller which helps in configuring the memory as secure or non-secure
 MS CTL (Master Security Controller)MS CTL is the Master Security Controller which helps to protect the transactions initiated on the bus
 PDM_PCM (PDM-PCM Converter)
 PDM_PCM_v2 (PDM-PCM Converter v2)
 PPC (Peripheral Protection Controller)Peripheral Protection Controller (PPC) replaces the PPU to provide peripheral access based on protection context (PC) and ARM's TrustZone-M
 PRA (Protected Register Access)
 Profile (Energy Profiler)The energy profiler driver is an API for configuring and using the profile hardware block
 Prot (Protection Unit)The Protection Unit driver provides an API to configure the Memory Protection Units (MPU), Shared Memory Protection Units (SMPU), and Peripheral Protection Units (PPU)
 RTC (Real-Time Clock)The Real-Time Clock (RTC) driver provides an application interface for keeping track of time and date
 SAR (SAR ADC Subsystem)This driver configures and controls the SAR ADC subsystem block, which is a part of PASS hardware block
 SAR2 (Analog to Digital Converter (ADC))The SAR2 driver provides an API to configure the SAR2 ADC
 SCB (Serial Communication Block)The Serial Communications Block (SCB) supports three serial communication protocols: Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART), and Inter Integrated Circuit (I2C or IIC)
 SD Host (SD Host Controller)This driver provides the user an easy method for accessing standard Host Controller Interface (HCI) registers and provides some simple functionality on top of the HCI for reading and writing data to an SD card, eMMc card or a SDIO device
 SegLCD (Segment LCD)The Segment LCD Driver provides an API to configure and operate the MXLCD hardware block
 SmartIO (Smart I/O)The Smart I/O driver provides an API to configure and access the Smart I/O hardware present between the GPIOs (pins) and HSIOMs (pin muxes) on select device ports
 SMIF (Serial Memory Interface)The SPI-based communication interface to the external quad SPI (QSPI) high-speed memory devices
 SysAnalog (System Analog Reference Block)This driver provides an interface for configuring the Analog Reference (AREF), Low Power Oscillator (LpOsc), Deep Sleep Clock and Timer blocks and querying the INTR_CAUSE register of the Programmable Analog SubSystem (PASS) hardware block
 SysClk (System Clock)The System Clock (SysClk) driver contains the API for configuring system and peripheral clocks
 SysFault (System Fault)The SysFault driver provides an API to configure the Fault reporting structure
 SysInt (System Interrupt)The SysInt driver provides an API to configure the device peripheral interrupts
 SysLib (System Library)The system libraries provide APIs that can be called in the user application to handle the timing, logical checking or register
 SysPm (System Power Management)Use the System Power Management (SysPm) driver to change power modes and reduce system power consumption in power sensitive designs
 SysTick (Arm® System Timer)Provides vendor-specific SysTick API
 TCPWM (Timer Counter PWM)The TCPWM driver is a multifunction driver that implements Timer Counter, PWM, Quadrature Decoder, Shift Register and Motion Interface functionality using the TCPWM block
 TDM/I2S (Time Division Multiplexing/Inter-IC Sound)
 TrigMux (Trigger Multiplexer)The trigger multiplexer provides access to the multiplexer that selects a set of trigger output signals from different peripheral blocks to route them to the specific trigger input of another peripheral block
 USBFS (USB Full-Speed Device)The USBFS driver provides an API to interact with a fixed-function USB block
 WDT (Watchdog Timer)The Watchdog timer (WDT) has a 16-bit free-running up-counter