MTB CAT1 Peripheral driver library

General Description

The masks below can be used with the Cy_SD_Host_GetCid function.


#define CY_SD_HOST_SCR_CID_MDT   (0x00000FFFUL)
 The manufacturing date is composed of two hexadecimal digits (contained in cid[0]), one is 8 bits representing the year(y) and the other is 4 bits representing the month (m). More...
 The mask for LSB part of the Serial Number (contained in cid[0]). More...
 The mask for MSB part of the Serial Number (contained in cid[1]). More...
#define CY_SD_HOST_SCR_CID_PRV   (0x00FF0000UL)
 The product revision is composed of two Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) digits (contained in cid[1]), four bits each, representing an "n.m" revision number. More...
#define CY_SD_HOST_SCR_CID_PNM_LSB   (0xFF000000UL)
 The mask for LSB part (the first 8 bits) of the product name (contained in cid[1]). More...
 The mask for MSB part (the last 32 bits) of the product name (contained in cid[2]). More...
#define CY_SD_HOST_SCR_CID_OID   (0x0000FFFFUL)
 The mask for the OID (contained in cid[3]). More...
#define CY_SD_HOST_SCR_CID_MID   (0x00FF0000UL)
 The mask for the MID (contained in cid[3]). More...

Macro Definition Documentation


#define CY_SD_HOST_SCR_CID_MDT   (0x00000FFFUL)

The manufacturing date is composed of two hexadecimal digits (contained in cid[0]), one is 8 bits representing the year(y) and the other is 4 bits representing the month (m).

The "m" field [11:8] is the month code. 1 = January. The "y" field [19:12] is the year code. 0 = 2000. As an example, the binary value of the Date field for production date "April 2018" will be: 00010010 0100.



The mask for LSB part of the Serial Number (contained in cid[0]).

The Serial Number is 32 bits of binary number.



The mask for MSB part of the Serial Number (contained in cid[1]).

The Serial Number is 32 bits of binary number.


#define CY_SD_HOST_SCR_CID_PRV   (0x00FF0000UL)

The product revision is composed of two Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) digits (contained in cid[1]), four bits each, representing an "n.m" revision number.

The "n" is the most significant nibble and "m" is the least significant nibble. As an example, the PRV binary value field for product revision "6.2" will be: 0110 0010b.


#define CY_SD_HOST_SCR_CID_PNM_LSB   (0xFF000000UL)

The mask for LSB part (the first 8 bits) of the product name (contained in cid[1]).

The product name is a string, 5-character ASCII string. As an example, the PNM hex value field for product name "EB1QT" will be: 0x4542315154.



The mask for MSB part (the last 32 bits) of the product name (contained in cid[2]).

The product name is a string, 5-character ASCII string. As an example, the PNM hex value field for product name "EB1QT" will be: 0x4542315154.


#define CY_SD_HOST_SCR_CID_OID   (0x0000FFFFUL)

The mask for the OID (contained in cid[3]).

The OID is a 2-character ASCII string that identifies the card OEM and/or the card contents (when used as a distribution media either on ROM or FLASH cards). The OID number is controlled, defined, and allocated to a SD Memory Card manufacturer by the SD-3C, LLC. This procedure is established to ensure uniqueness of the CID register. As an example, the OID hex value field for the card OEM "SM" will be: 0x534D.


#define CY_SD_HOST_SCR_CID_MID   (0x00FF0000UL)

The mask for the MID (contained in cid[3]).

MID is a 8-bit binary number that identifies the card manufacturer. The MID number is controlled, defined, and allocated to a SD Memory Card manufacturer by the SD-3C, LLC. This procedure is established to ensure uniqueness of the CID register.