MTB CAT1 Peripheral driver library

General Description

Provides device startup, system configuration, and linker script files.

These files reside in mtb-template-cat1 repository at this location. During ModusToolbox™(MTB) application project creation, these files are pulled into the Board Support Package (BSP) folder of the application. Please refer ModusToolbox™ User Guide and BSP Assistant User Guide here for more details.
The system startup provides the followings features:

For the detailed description, please see category specific documentation.

API Reference

 Global Variables
 Startup CAT1A
 Provides device startup, system configuration, and linker script files.
 Startup CAT1B
 Provides device startup, system configuration, and linker script files.
 Startup CAT1C
 Provides device startup, system configuration, and linker script files.