MTB CAT1 Peripheral driver library

To start the procedure, perform Configuration Example and Initialization with included extra channel, which can be re-used after this procedure is complete:

/* Scenario: Third channel was selected to be used in the calibration
* procedure. */
cy_stc_sar2_channel_config_t pass_0_saradc_0_sar_0_channel_2_config =
.channelHwEnable = true,
.triggerSelection = CY_SAR2_TRIGGER_OFF,
.channelPriority = 0U,
.isGroupEnd = true,
.pinAddress = 0U,
.portAddress = 0U,
.extMuxEnable = false,
.extMuxSelect = 0U,
.preconditionMode = CY_SAR2_PRECONDITION_MODE_OFF,
.sampleTime = 120U,
.averageCount = 1U,
.rightShift = 0U,
.positiveReload = 0U,
.negativeReload = 0U,
.rangeDetectionLoThreshold = 0U,
.rangeDetectionHiThreshold = 4095U,

The ADC has an offset adjustment function to compensate for offset error.

It is possible to select code from +127 to -128 in a dec. for analog calibration.
The offset adjustment step is a quarter of 1LSb.
Offset = max( 0, min( 4095, floor( VIN/VREFH x 4096 + OFST/4 ) ) )

Enable reference buffer mode using Cy_SAR2_SetReferenceBufferMode function.

Following code snippet can be used:

/* Scenario: SAR2 block 0 with it's clock source is configured, channel 2 is
* not used. */
/* Calibration initial setting. */
.offset = 127ul,/* Offset Calibration start setting */
.gain = 15ul,/* Gain Calibration start setting */
* Function Name: getAdcValue
* Issues software trigger for the channel 2, waits for SAR2 block to complete
* it's calculation and returns calculated value.
* \return
* Measurement value
uint16_t getAdcValue(void)
/* Trigger ADC. */
/* Wait for group of single channel to complete. */
/* Get the result(s) */
return (Cy_SAR2_Channel_GetResult(PASS0_SAR0, 2U, NULL));
* Function Name: offset_Calibration
* Performs SAR block offset calibration
* \return
* Boolean value if calibration was successful.
bool offset_Calibration(void)
/* Start ADC conversion and get the ADC value */
int16_t result = getAdcValue();
int16_t offset_VREFH = 0U;
int16_t offset_VREFL = 0U;
uint32_t value = 0U;
pass_0_saradc_0_sar_0_channel_2_config.pinAddress = CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_VREF_L;
Cy_SAR2_SetAnalogCalibrationValue(PASS0_SAR0, &calibrationConfig);
/* Initialize channel. */
Cy_SAR2_Channel_Init(PASS0_SAR0, 2U, &pass_0_saradc_0_sar_0_channel_2_config);
if(result > 0)
/* Decrement the Value of Offset Compensation by "1" */
for(offset_VREFL = 127; offset_VREFL >= -128; offset_VREFL -= 1)
/* Set "offset_VREFL" to offset register value */
calibrationConfig.offset = offset_VREFL;
Cy_SAR2_SetAnalogCalibrationValue(PASS0_SAR0, &calibrationConfig);
/* Get ADC conversion value. */
result = getAdcValue();
/* Does the ADC conversion value equal to 0? */
if(result == 0)
/* If offset has reached lower bound. */
if(offset_VREFL == -128)
/* Report error. */
return false;
/* End of Offset Adjustment with Abnormality. */
return false;
/* Set VREFH Voltage to Input */
pass_0_saradc_0_sar_0_channel_2_config.pinAddress = CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_VREF_H;
/* Set Offset Compensation to "-128" and init channel. */
calibrationConfig.offset = -128;
Cy_SAR2_SetAnalogCalibrationValue(PASS0_SAR0, &calibrationConfig);
Cy_SAR2_Channel_Init(PASS0_SAR0, 2u, &pass_0_saradc_0_sar_0_channel_2_config);
/* Start ADC Conversion and get the A/D value. */
result = getAdcValue();
/* Is the ADC Conversion value lower than 0xFFF */
if(result < 0xFFF)
/* Increment the Value of Offset Compensation by "1". */
for(offset_VREFH = -128; offset_VREFH <= 127; offset_VREFH += 1)
/* Set "offset_VREFH" to offset register value. */
calibrationConfig.offset = offset_VREFH;
Cy_SAR2_SetAnalogCalibrationValue(PASS0_SAR0, &calibrationConfig);
/* Get ADC Conversion value. */
result = getAdcValue();
/* Does the ADC Conversion value Equal to "4095"? */
if(result == 0xFFF)
/* Does the value of offset compensation equal to "127"? */
if(offset_VREFH == 127)
/* Offset adjustment failed - report error. */
return false;
/* Offset adjustment failed - report error. */
return false;
/* Does "(floor((offset_VREFH+offset_VREFL)/2) + 2)" greater than "125" ?*/
value = (floor((offset_VREFH+offset_VREFL)/2U) + 2U);
if(value > 125U)
/* Offset adjustment failed - report error. */
return false;
/* Set the value of offset compensation to (floor((offset_VREFH+offset_VREFL)/2) + 2) */
calibrationConfig.offset = (floor((offset_VREFH+offset_VREFL)/2U) + 2U);
return true;

After that, the Gain should also be calibrated as well. The ADC has a gain adjustment function to compensate for gain error. It is possible to set code from +15 to -15 dec. The gain adjustment step is a quarter of 1LSb.
Gain = max(0, min(4095, floor((4096 - GAIN)/VREFH x (VIN - VREFH/2) + 2048)))

/* Scenario: SAR2 block 0 is left after offset calibration intact, global
* structure is still available with offset calibration results. */
* Function Name: gain_Calibration
* Performs SAR block gain calibration
* \return
* Boolean value if calibration was successful.
bool gain_Calibration(void)
int16_t gain;
int16_t result = 0U;
/* Set Gain Correction setting to "15". */
calibrationConfig.gain = 15;
/* Set VREFL Voltage to Input and init the channel. */
pass_0_saradc_0_sar_0_channel_2_config.pinAddress = CY_SAR2_PIN_ADDRESS_VREF_L;
Cy_SAR2_Channel_Init(PASS0_SAR0, 2u, &pass_0_saradc_0_sar_0_channel_2_config);
/* Apply the initial calibration settings. */
Cy_SAR2_SetAnalogCalibrationValue(PASS0_SAR0, &calibrationConfig);
/* Start ADC value Conversion */
result = getAdcValue();
if(result > 0)
for(gain = 15; gain >=-14; gain -= 1)
/* Set gain to register */
calibrationConfig.gain = gain;
Cy_SAR2_SetAnalogCalibrationValue(PASS0_SAR0, &calibrationConfig);
result = getAdcValue();
if(result == 0)
/* Set gain compensation to "gain - 1" */
calibrationConfig.gain = gain - 1;
Cy_SAR2_SetAnalogCalibrationValue(PASS0_SAR0, &calibrationConfig);
if(gain == -14)
/* Gain adjustment failed - report error. */
return false;
return true;

Once done, the calibrationConfig global structure contains calibration data for SAR2 block 0. Calibration is advised to be done as frequent as possible.