Card status in R1 response type enum.
Enumerator |
CY_SD_HOST_AKE_SEQ_ERROR_R1_RESP | Error in the sequence of the authentication process.
CY_SD_HOST_APP_CMD_R1_RESP | The card will expect ACMD, or an indication that the command has been interpreted as ACMD.
CY_SD_HOST_FX_EVENT_R1_RESP | Extension Functions may set this bit to get host to deal with events.
CY_SD_HOST_READY_FOR_DATA_R1_RESP | Corresponds to buffer empty signaling on the bus.
CY_SD_HOST_CURRENT_STATE_0_R1_RESP | The state of the card when receiving the command.
The four bits are interpreted as a binary coded number between 0 and 15. It is 0th bit.
CY_SD_HOST_CURRENT_STATE_1_R1_RESP | The state of the card when receiving the command.
The four bits are interpreted as a binary coded number between 0 and 15. It is 1st bit.
CY_SD_HOST_CURRENT_STATE_2_R1_RESP | The state of the card when receiving the command.
The four bits are interpreted as a binary coded number between 0 and 15. It is 2nd bit.
CY_SD_HOST_CURRENT_STATE_3_R1_RESP | The state of the card when receiving the command.
The four bits are interpreted as a binary coded number between 0 and 15. It is 3rd bit.
CY_SD_HOST_ERASE_RESET_R1_RESP | It indicates if an erase sequence was cleared before executing because an out of erase sequence command was received.
CY_SD_HOST_CARD_ECC_DISABLED_R1_RESP | It indicates if the command has been executed without using the internal ECC.
CY_SD_HOST_WP_ERASE_SKIP_R1_RESP | It is set when only partial address space was erased due to existing write protected blocks or the temporary or permanent write protected card was erased.
CY_SD_HOST_CSD_OVERWRITE_R1_RESP | It indicates read only section of the CSD does not match the card content or there was an attempt to reverse the copy or permanent WP bits was made.
CY_SD_HOST_ERROR_R1_RESP | A general or an unknown error occurred during the operation.
CY_SD_HOST_CC_ERROR_R1_RESP | Internal card controller error.
CY_SD_HOST_CARD_ECC_FAILED_R1_RESP | Card internal ECC was applied but failed to correct the data.
CY_SD_HOST_ILLEGAL_COMMAND_R1_RESP | Command not legal for the card.
CY_SD_HOST_COM_CRC_ERROR_R1_RESP | The CRC check of the previous command failed.
CY_SD_HOST_LOCK_UNLOCK_FAILED_R1_RESP | Set when a sequence or password error has been detected in lock/unlock card command.
CY_SD_HOST_CARD_IS_LOCKED_R1_RESP | When set, signals that the card is locked by the host.
CY_SD_HOST_WP_VIOLATION_R1_RESP | Set when the host attempts to write to a protected block or to the temporary or permanent write protected card.
CY_SD_HOST_ERASE_PARAM_R1_RESP | An invalid selection of write-blocks for erase occurred.
CY_SD_HOST_ERASE_SEQ_ERROR_R1_RESP | An error in the sequence of erase commands occurred.
CY_SD_HOST_BLOCK_LEN_ERROR_R1_RESP | The transferred block length is not allowed for this card, or the number of transferred bytes does not match the block length.
CY_SD_HOST_ADDRESS_ERROR_R1_RESP | A misaligned address which did not match the block length was used in the command.
CY_SD_HOST_OUT_OF_RANGE_R1_RESP | The command's argument was out of the allowed range for this card.