MTB CAT1 Peripheral driver library

General Description

Data Structures

struct  CTDAC_Type
 The struct type definition for the hardware register set contained in the block.
The address of a variable of this type can be used as the base hardware address for register access. A device may support more than one instance of a peripheral block.
Refer to a device-specific header file, e.g. <PDL_DIR>/COMPONENT_<ARCH>/include/<device>.h for the list of block instances available on that device.
Refer to the device TRM for the block register descriptions. More...
struct  cy_stc_ctdac_config_t
 Configuration structure to set up the entire CTDAC block to be used with Cy_CTDAC_Init. More...
struct  cy_stc_ctdac_fast_config_t
 Configuration structure to quickly set up the CTDAC to be used with Cy_CTDAC_FastInit This structure provides a selection for the CTDAC reference source and output path. More...
struct  cy_stc_ctdac_context_t
 CTDAC context structure. More...