MTB CAT1 Peripheral driver library

General Description

API Reference

 TCPWM Input Selection
 Input Modes
 Configures how TCPWM inputs behave.
 Output Trigger Modes
 Configures how TCPWM output triggers behave (TCPWM_v2 only)
 Interrupt Sources
 Interrupt Sources.
 Default registers constants
 Default constants for CNT Registers.


 Driver major version.
 Driver minor version.
#define CY_TCPWM_ID   (CY_PDL_DRV_ID(0x2DU))
 TCPWM driver identifier.
 Position of Up counting counter status.
 Position of missed read a past capture0 event status.
 Position of missed read a past capture1 event status.
 Position of active kill event status.
#define CY_TCPWM_CNT_UP_INIT_VAL   (0x0U)
 Initial value for the counter in the Up counting mode.
 Initial value for the counter in the Up/Down counting modes.