MTB CAT1 Peripheral driver library

General Description


cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Init (cy_stc_crypto_config_t const *config, cy_stc_crypto_context_t *context)
 This function initializes the Crypto context buffer and configures the Crypto driver. More...
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_DeInit (void)
 This function de-initializes the Crypto driver. More...
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Enable (void)
 This function enables (turns on) the Crypto hardware. More...
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Disable (void)
 This function disables (turns off) the Crypto hardware. More...
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Sync (bool isBlocking)
 This function waits or just checks (depending on the parameter) for the Crypto operation to complete. More...
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_GetErrorStatus (cy_stc_crypto_hw_error_t *hwErrorCause)
 This function returns a cause of a Crypto hardware error. More...
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Prng_Init (uint32_t lfsr32InitState, uint32_t lfsr31InitState, uint32_t lfsr29InitState, cy_stc_crypto_context_prng_t *cfContext)
 This function initializes parameters of the PRNG. More...
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Prng_Generate (uint32_t max, uint32_t *randomNum, cy_stc_crypto_context_prng_t *cfContext)
 This function generates 32-bit the Pseudo Random Number. More...
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Aes_Init (uint32_t *key, cy_en_crypto_aes_key_length_t keyLength, cy_stc_crypto_context_aes_t *cfContext)
 This function initializes the AES operation by setting key and key length. More...
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Aes_Ecb_Run (cy_en_crypto_dir_mode_t dirMode, uint32_t *dstBlock, uint32_t *srcBlock, cy_stc_crypto_context_aes_t *cfContext)
 This function performs AES operation on one 16-byte block (see CY_CRYPTO_AES_BLOCK_SIZE). More...
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Aes_Cbc_Run (cy_en_crypto_dir_mode_t dirMode, uint32_t srcSize, uint32_t *ivPtr, uint32_t *dst, uint32_t *src, cy_stc_crypto_context_aes_t *cfContext)
 This function performs AES operation on a plain text with Cipher Block Chaining (CBC). More...
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Aes_Cfb_Run (cy_en_crypto_dir_mode_t dirMode, uint32_t srcSize, uint32_t *ivPtr, uint32_t *dst, uint32_t *src, cy_stc_crypto_context_aes_t *cfContext)
 This function performs AES operation on a plain text with Cipher Feedback mode (CFB). More...
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Aes_Ctr_Run (cy_en_crypto_dir_mode_t dirMode, uint32_t srcSize, uint32_t *srcOffset, uint32_t nonceCounter[CY_CRYPTO_AES_BLOCK_SIZE/8u], uint32_t streamBlock[CY_CRYPTO_AES_BLOCK_SIZE/8u], uint32_t *dst, uint32_t *src, cy_stc_crypto_context_aes_t *cfContext)
 This function performs AES operation on a plain text with Cipher Block Counter mode (CTR). More...
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Aes_Cmac_Run (uint32_t *src, uint32_t srcSize, uint32_t *key, cy_en_crypto_aes_key_length_t keyLength, uint32_t *cmacPtr, cy_stc_crypto_context_aes_t *cfContext)
 This function performs the cipher-block chaining-message authentication-code. More...
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Sha_Run (uint32_t *message, uint32_t messageSize, uint32_t *digest, cy_en_crypto_sha_mode_t mode, cy_stc_crypto_context_sha_t *cfContext)
 This function performs the SHA Hash function. More...
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Hmac_Run (uint32_t *hmac, uint32_t *message, uint32_t messageSize, uint32_t *key, uint32_t keyLength, cy_en_crypto_sha_mode_t mode, cy_stc_crypto_context_sha_t *cfContext)
 This function performs HMAC calculation. More...
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Str_MemCpy (void *dst, void const *src, uint16_t size, cy_stc_crypto_context_str_t *cfContext)
 This function copies a memory block. More...
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Str_MemSet (void *dst, uint8_t data, uint16_t size, cy_stc_crypto_context_str_t *cfContext)
 This function sets the memory block. More...
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Str_MemCmp (void const *src0, void const *src1, uint16_t size, uint32_t *resultPtr, cy_stc_crypto_context_str_t *cfContext)
 This function compares memory blocks. More...
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Str_MemXor (void const *src0, void const *src1, void *dst, uint16_t size, cy_stc_crypto_context_str_t *cfContext)
 This function calculates the XOR of two memory blocks. More...
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Crc_Init (uint32_t polynomial, uint8_t dataReverse, uint8_t dataXor, uint8_t remReverse, uint32_t remXor, cy_stc_crypto_context_crc_t *cfContext)
 This function performs CRC initialization. More...
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Crc_Run (void *data, uint16_t dataSize, uint32_t *crc, uint32_t lfsrInitState, cy_stc_crypto_context_crc_t *cfContext)
 This function performs CRC calculation on a message. More...
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Trng_Generate (uint32_t GAROPol, uint32_t FIROPol, uint32_t max, uint32_t *randomNum, cy_stc_crypto_context_trng_t *cfContext)
 This function generates a 32-bit True Random Number. More...
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Des_Run (cy_en_crypto_dir_mode_t dirMode, uint32_t *key, uint32_t *dstBlock, uint32_t *srcBlock, cy_stc_crypto_context_des_t *cfContext)
 This function performs DES operation on a Single Block. More...
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Tdes_Run (cy_en_crypto_dir_mode_t dirMode, uint32_t *key, uint32_t *dstBlock, uint32_t *srcBlock, cy_stc_crypto_context_des_t *cfContext)
 This function performs the TDES operation on a single block. More...
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_GetMemBufAddress (uint32_t **membufAddress, cy_stc_crypto_context_str_t *cfContext)
 This function gets an operation memory buffer location. More...
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_GetMemBufSize (uint32_t *membufSize, cy_stc_crypto_context_str_t *cfContext)
 This function gets an operation memory buffer size. More...
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_SetMemBufAddress (uint32_t const *newMembufAddress, uint32_t newMembufSize, cy_stc_crypto_context_str_t *cfContext)
 This function sets a new operation memory buffer. More...
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Rsa_Proc (cy_stc_crypto_rsa_pub_key_t const *pubKey, uint32_t const *message, uint32_t messageSize, uint32_t *processedMessage, cy_stc_crypto_context_rsa_t *cfContext)
 This function calculates (m^e mod modulo) where m is Message (Signature), e - public exponent using a public key in the next representation, it contains: modulo, public exponent, coefficient for Barrett reduction, binary inverse of the modulo, and result of (2^moduloLength mod modulo). More...
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Rsa_CalcCoefs (cy_stc_crypto_rsa_pub_key_t const *pubKey, cy_stc_crypto_context_rsa_t *cfContext)
 This function calculates constant coefficients (which is dependent only on modulo and independent on message). More...
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Rsa_Verify (cy_en_crypto_rsa_ver_result_t *verResult, cy_en_crypto_sha_mode_t digestType, uint32_t const *digest, uint32_t const *decryptedSignature, uint32_t decryptedSignatureLength, cy_stc_crypto_context_rsa_ver_t *cfContext)
 This function does an RSA verification with checks for content, paddings, and signature format. More...
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_ECDSA_SignHash (const uint8_t *hash, uint32_t hashlen, uint8_t *sig, const cy_stc_crypto_ecc_key *key, const uint8_t *messageKey, cy_stc_crypto_context_ecc_t *cfContext)
 Sign a message digest. More...
cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_ECDSA_VerifyHash (const uint8_t *sig, const uint8_t *hash, uint32_t hashlen, uint8_t *stat, const cy_stc_crypto_ecc_key *key, cy_stc_crypto_context_ecc_t *cfContext)
 Verify an ECC signature. More...
void Cy_Crypto_InvertEndianness (void *inArrPtr, uint32_t byteSize)
 This function reverts byte-array memory block, like:
inArr[0] <—> inArr[n]
inArr[1] <—> inArr[n-1]
inArr[2] <—> inArr[n-2]
inArr[n/2] <—> inArr[n/2-1]

Function Documentation

◆ Cy_Crypto_Init()

cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Init ( cy_stc_crypto_config_t const *  config,
cy_stc_crypto_context_t context 

This function initializes the Crypto context buffer and configures the Crypto driver.

Must be called at first.

To start working with Crypto methods after Crypto_Init(), call Crypto_Enable() to turn-on the Crypto Hardware.

configThe pointer to the Crypto configuration structure.
contextThe pointer to the cy_stc_crypto_context_t instance of structure that stores the Crypto driver common context.
Function Usage
/* Scenario: Configure Server and Client as follows:
* Server:
* - IPC channel for communication: 9
* - IPC interrupt structure used for new request notifications: 1
* - Data request handler: default
* - Hardware errors handler: default
* Client:
* - IPC channel for communication: 9
* - IPC interrupt structure used for data ready notifications: 2
* - Data Complete callback: not used
#define MY_CHAN_CRYPTO (uint32_t)(9u) /* IPC data channel for the Crypto */
#define MY_INTR_CRYPTO_SRV (uint32_t)(1u) /* IPC interrupt structure for the Crypto server */
#define MY_INTR_CRYPTO_CLI (uint32_t)(2u) /* IPC interrupt structure for the Crypto client */
#define MY_INTR_CRYPTO_SRV_MUX (IRQn_Type)(2u) /* CM0+ IPC interrupt mux number the Crypto server */
#define MY_INTR_CRYPTO_CLI_MUX (IRQn_Type)(3u) /* CM0+ IPC interrupt mux number the Crypto client */
#define MY_INTR_CRYPTO_ERR_MUX (IRQn_Type)(4u) /* CM0+ ERROR interrupt mux number the Crypto server */
const cy_stc_crypto_config_t myCryptoConfig =
/* .ipcChannel */ MY_CHAN_CRYPTO,
/* .acquireNotifierChannel */ MY_INTR_CRYPTO_SRV,
/* .releaseNotifierChannel */ MY_INTR_CRYPTO_CLI,
/* .releaseNotifierConfig */ {
/* .intrSrc */ MY_INTR_CRYPTO_CLI_MUX,
/* .cm0pSrc */ cpuss_interrupts_ipc_2_IRQn, /* depends on selected releaseNotifierChannel value */
/* .intrSrc */ cpuss_interrupts_ipc_2_IRQn, /* depends on selected releaseNotifierChannel value */
/* .intrPriority */ 2u,
/* .userCompleteCallback */ NULL,
/* .userGetDataHandler */ NULL,
/* .userErrorHandler */ NULL,
/* .acquireNotifierConfig */ {
/* .intrSrc */ MY_INTR_CRYPTO_SRV_MUX, /* to use with DeepSleep mode should be in DeepSleep capable muxer's range */
/* .cm0pSrc */ cpuss_interrupts_ipc_1_IRQn, /* depends on selected acquireNotifierChannel value */
/* .intrSrc */ cpuss_interrupts_ipc_1_IRQn, /* depends on selected acquireNotifierChannel value */
/* .intrPriority */ 2u,
/* .cryptoErrorIntrConfig */ {
/* .intrSrc */ MY_INTR_CRYPTO_ERR_MUX,
/* .cm0pSrc */ cpuss_interrupt_crypto_IRQn,
/* .intrSrc */ cpuss_interrupt_crypto_IRQn,
/* .intrPriority */ 2u,
cy_stc_crypto_context_t myCryptoContext;
cy_en_crypto_status_t cryptoStatus;
cryptoStatus = Cy_Crypto_Init(&myCryptoConfig, &myCryptoContext);
/* ... check for errors... */
cryptoStatus = Cy_Crypto_Enable();
/* ... check for errors... */

◆ Cy_Crypto_DeInit()

cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_DeInit ( void  )

This function de-initializes the Crypto driver.


◆ Cy_Crypto_Enable()

cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Enable ( void  )

This function enables (turns on) the Crypto hardware.


◆ Cy_Crypto_Disable()

cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Disable ( void  )

This function disables (turns off) the Crypto hardware.


◆ Cy_Crypto_Sync()

cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Sync ( bool  isBlocking)

This function waits or just checks (depending on the parameter) for the Crypto operation to complete.

isBlockingSet whether Crypto_Sync is blocking: True - is blocking. False - is not blocking.

◆ Cy_Crypto_GetErrorStatus()

cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_GetErrorStatus ( cy_stc_crypto_hw_error_t hwErrorCause)

This function returns a cause of a Crypto hardware error.

It is independent of the Crypto previous state.


◆ Cy_Crypto_Prng_Init()

cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Prng_Init ( uint32_t  lfsr32InitState,
uint32_t  lfsr31InitState,
uint32_t  lfsr29InitState,
cy_stc_crypto_context_prng_t cfContext 

This function initializes parameters of the PRNG.

Call to initialize this encryption technique before using any associated functions. You must initialize this technique again after using any other encryption technique. Invoking this function resets the pseudo random sequence.

lfsr32InitStateA non-zero seed value for the first LFSR. User selected.
lfsr31InitStateA non-zero seed value for the second LFSR. User selected.
lfsr29InitStateA non-zero seed value for the third LFSR. User selected.
cfContextThe pointer to the cy_stc_crypto_context_prng_t structure that stores the Crypto function context. Must be 4-byte aligned.
Function Usage
/* Initialization seed values for Pseudo Random Generator */
#define LFSR32_INITSTATE (0xd8959bc9)
#define LFSR31_INITSTATE (0x2bb911f8)
#define LFSR29_INITSTATE (0x060c31b7)
#define MAX_PRNG_VALUE (255UL)
/* Generated Random Number */
uint32_t rndNum = 0;
cy_stc_crypto_context_prng_t cryptoPrngContext;
cy_en_crypto_status_t cryptoStatus;
/* Initialize Pseudo Random Generator in Crypto Driver */
cryptoStatus = Cy_Crypto_Prng_Init(
LFSR29_INITSTATE, &cryptoPrngContext);
/* ... check for errors... */
/* Generate Pseudo Random number into rndNum variable */
cryptoStatus = Cy_Crypto_Prng_Generate(MAX_PRNG_VALUE, &rndNum, &cryptoPrngContext);
/* ... check for errors... */
/* Wait crypto become available */
/* ... check for errors... */

◆ Cy_Crypto_Prng_Generate()

cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Prng_Generate ( uint32_t  max,
uint32_t *  randomNum,
cy_stc_crypto_context_prng_t cfContext 

This function generates 32-bit the Pseudo Random Number.

It depends on Cy_Crypto_Prng_Init that should be called before.

maxThe maximum value of a generated random number.
randomNumThe pointer to a variable to store the generated pseudo random number. Must be 4-byte aligned.
cfContextThe pointer to the cy_stc_crypto_context_prng_t structure that stores the Crypto function context. Must be 4-byte aligned.
Function Usage
/* Initialization seed values for Pseudo Random Generator */
#define LFSR32_INITSTATE (0xd8959bc9)
#define LFSR31_INITSTATE (0x2bb911f8)
#define LFSR29_INITSTATE (0x060c31b7)
#define MAX_PRNG_VALUE (255UL)
/* Generated Random Number */
uint32_t rndNum = 0;
cy_stc_crypto_context_prng_t cryptoPrngContext;
cy_en_crypto_status_t cryptoStatus;
/* Initialize Pseudo Random Generator in Crypto Driver */
cryptoStatus = Cy_Crypto_Prng_Init(
LFSR29_INITSTATE, &cryptoPrngContext);
/* ... check for errors... */
/* Generate Pseudo Random number into rndNum variable */
cryptoStatus = Cy_Crypto_Prng_Generate(MAX_PRNG_VALUE, &rndNum, &cryptoPrngContext);
/* ... check for errors... */
/* Wait crypto become available */
/* ... check for errors... */

◆ Cy_Crypto_Aes_Init()

cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Aes_Init ( uint32_t *  key,
cy_en_crypto_aes_key_length_t  keyLength,
cy_stc_crypto_context_aes_t cfContext 

This function initializes the AES operation by setting key and key length.

Call to initialize this encryption technique before using any associated functions. You must initialize this technique again after using any other encryption technique.

keyThe pointer to the encryption/decryption key. Must be 4-byte aligned.
cfContextThe pointer to the cy_stc_crypto_context_aes_t structure that stores all internal variables the Crypto driver requires. Must be 4-byte aligned.
Function Usage
/* All data arrays should be 4-byte aligned */
CY_ALIGN(4) uint8_t aesKey[CY_CRYPTO_AES_128_KEY_SIZE] = {
0x2Bu, 0x7Eu, 0x15u, 0x16u, 0x28u, 0xAEu, 0xD2u, 0xA6u,
0xABu, 0xF7u, 0x15u, 0x88u, 0x09u, 0xCFu, 0x4Fu, 0x3Cu
CY_ALIGN(4) uint8_t aesEcbPlainText[CY_CRYPTO_AES_BLOCK_SIZE] = {
0x6Bu, 0xC0u, 0xBCu, 0xE1u, 0x2Au, 0x45u, 0x99u, 0x91u,
0xE1u, 0x34u, 0x74u, 0x1Au, 0x7Fu, 0x9Eu, 0x19u, 0x25u
CY_ALIGN(4) uint8_t aesEcbCipherText[CY_CRYPTO_AES_BLOCK_SIZE] = {0};
cy_stc_crypto_context_aes_t cryptoAesContext;
cy_en_crypto_status_t cryptoStatus;
/* Initialize Crypto AES functionality */
cryptoStatus = Cy_Crypto_Aes_Init(
(uint32_t *)aesKey,
/* ... check for errors... */
/* Wait crypto become available */
/* ... check for errors... */
/* Encrypt one block (16Bytes) by AES128 */
cryptoStatus = Cy_Crypto_Aes_Ecb_Run(
/* ... check for errors... */
/* Wait crypto become available */
/* ... check for errors... */

◆ Cy_Crypto_Aes_Ecb_Run()

cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Aes_Ecb_Run ( cy_en_crypto_dir_mode_t  dirMode,
uint32_t *  dstBlock,
uint32_t *  srcBlock,
cy_stc_crypto_context_aes_t cfContext 

This function performs AES operation on one 16-byte block (see CY_CRYPTO_AES_BLOCK_SIZE).

The AES key must be set before by invoking Cy_Crypto_Aes_Init().

dirModeCan be CY_CRYPTO_ENCRYPT or CY_CRYPTO_DECRYPT (cy_en_crypto_dir_mode_t).
srcBlockThe pointer to a 16-byte source block. Must be 4-byte aligned.
dstBlockThe pointer to a 16-byte destination cipher block. Must be 4-byte aligned.
cfContextThe pointer to the cy_stc_crypto_context_aes_t instance of structure that stores all AES internal variables. Must be 4-byte aligned.
Function Usage
/* All data arrays should be 4-byte aligned */
CY_ALIGN(4) uint8_t aesKey[CY_CRYPTO_AES_128_KEY_SIZE] = {
0x2Bu, 0x7Eu, 0x15u, 0x16u, 0x28u, 0xAEu, 0xD2u, 0xA6u,
0xABu, 0xF7u, 0x15u, 0x88u, 0x09u, 0xCFu, 0x4Fu, 0x3Cu
CY_ALIGN(4) uint8_t aesEcbPlainText[CY_CRYPTO_AES_BLOCK_SIZE] = {
0x6Bu, 0xC0u, 0xBCu, 0xE1u, 0x2Au, 0x45u, 0x99u, 0x91u,
0xE1u, 0x34u, 0x74u, 0x1Au, 0x7Fu, 0x9Eu, 0x19u, 0x25u
CY_ALIGN(4) uint8_t aesEcbCipherText[CY_CRYPTO_AES_BLOCK_SIZE] = {0};
cy_stc_crypto_context_aes_t cryptoAesContext;
cy_en_crypto_status_t cryptoStatus;
/* Initialize Crypto AES functionality */
cryptoStatus = Cy_Crypto_Aes_Init(
(uint32_t *)aesKey,
/* ... check for errors... */
/* Wait crypto become available */
/* ... check for errors... */
/* Encrypt one block (16Bytes) by AES128 */
cryptoStatus = Cy_Crypto_Aes_Ecb_Run(
/* ... check for errors... */
/* Wait crypto become available */
/* ... check for errors... */

◆ Cy_Crypto_Aes_Cbc_Run()

cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Aes_Cbc_Run ( cy_en_crypto_dir_mode_t  dirMode,
uint32_t  srcSize,
uint32_t *  ivPtr,
uint32_t *  dst,
uint32_t *  src,
cy_stc_crypto_context_aes_t cfContext 

This function performs AES operation on a plain text with Cipher Block Chaining (CBC).

The key must be set before by invoking Cy_Crypto_Aes_Init().

dirModeCan be CY_CRYPTO_ENCRYPT or CY_CRYPTO_DECRYPT (cy_en_crypto_dir_mode_t)
srcSizeThe size of the source plain text.
ivPtrThe pointer to the initial vector. Must be 4-byte aligned.
dstThe pointer to a destination cipher text. Must be 4-byte aligned.
srcThe pointer to a source plain text. Must be 4-byte aligned.
cfContextThe pointer to the cy_stc_crypto_context_aes_t structure that stores all internal variables the Crypto driver requires. Must be 4-byte aligned.

◆ Cy_Crypto_Aes_Cfb_Run()

cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Aes_Cfb_Run ( cy_en_crypto_dir_mode_t  dirMode,
uint32_t  srcSize,
uint32_t *  ivPtr,
uint32_t *  dst,
uint32_t *  src,
cy_stc_crypto_context_aes_t cfContext 

This function performs AES operation on a plain text with Cipher Feedback mode (CFB).

The key must be set before by invoking Cy_Crypto_Aes_Init().

dirModeCan be CY_CRYPTO_ENCRYPT or CY_CRYPTO_DECRYPT (cy_en_crypto_dir_mode_t)
srcSizeThe size of the source plain text.
ivPtrThe pointer to the initial vector. Must be 4-byte aligned.
dstThe pointer to the destination cipher text. Must be 4-byte aligned.
srcThe pointer to the source plain text. Must be 4-byte aligned.
cfContextThe pointer to the cy_stc_crypto_context_aes_t structure that stores all internal variables the Crypto driver requires. Must be 4-byte aligned.

◆ Cy_Crypto_Aes_Ctr_Run()

cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Aes_Ctr_Run ( cy_en_crypto_dir_mode_t  dirMode,
uint32_t  srcSize,
uint32_t *  srcOffset,
uint32_t  nonceCounter[CY_CRYPTO_AES_BLOCK_SIZE/8u],
uint32_t  streamBlock[CY_CRYPTO_AES_BLOCK_SIZE/8u],
uint32_t *  dst,
uint32_t *  src,
cy_stc_crypto_context_aes_t cfContext 

This function performs AES operation on a plain text with Cipher Block Counter mode (CTR).

NOTE: preparation of the unique nonceCounter for each block is the user's responsibility. This function is dependent on the key being set before invoking Cy_Crypto_Aes_Init().

dirModeCan be CY_CRYPTO_ENCRYPT or CY_CRYPTO_DECRYPT (cy_en_crypto_dir_mode_t)
srcSizeThe size of a source plain text.
srcOffsetThe size of an offset within the current block stream for resuming within the current cipher stream.
nonceCounterThe 128-bit nonce and counter. Must be 4-byte aligned.
streamBlockThe saved stream-block for resuming. Is over-written by the function. Must be 4-byte aligned.
dstThe pointer to the destination cipher text. Must be 4-byte aligned.
srcThe pointer to the source plain text. Must be 4-byte aligned.
cfContextThe pointer to the cy_stc_crypto_context_aes_t structure that stores all internal variables the Crypto driver requires. Must be 4-byte aligned.

◆ Cy_Crypto_Aes_Cmac_Run()

cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Aes_Cmac_Run ( uint32_t *  src,
uint32_t  srcSize,
uint32_t *  key,
cy_en_crypto_aes_key_length_t  keyLength,
uint32_t *  cmacPtr,
cy_stc_crypto_context_aes_t cfContext 

This function performs the cipher-block chaining-message authentication-code.

There is no Init function. Provide the required parameters and the pointer to the context structure when making this function call.

srcThe pointer to the source plain text. Must be 4-byte aligned.
srcSizeThe size of a source plain text.
keyThe pointer to the encryption key. Must be 4-byte aligned.
cmacPtrThe pointer to the calculated CMAC. Must be 4-byte aligned.
cfContextThe pointer to the cy_stc_crypto_context_aes_t structure that stores all internal variables the Crypto driver requires.
Function Usage
/* All data arrays should be 4-byte aligned */
CY_ALIGN(4) uint8_t cmacKey[CY_CRYPTO_AES_256_KEY_SIZE] =
0x60u, 0x3Du, 0xEBu, 0x10u, 0x15u, 0xCAu, 0x71u, 0xBEu,
0x2Bu, 0x73u, 0xAEu, 0xF0u, 0x85u, 0x7Du, 0x77u, 0x81u,
0x1Fu, 0x35u, 0x2Cu, 0x07u, 0x3Bu, 0x61u, 0x08u, 0xD7u,
0x2Du, 0x98u, 0x10u, 0xA3u, 0x09u, 0x14u, 0xDFu, 0xF4u
CY_ALIGN(4) uint8_t cmac256PlainText[16] =
0x6Bu, 0xC1u, 0xBEu, 0xE2u, 0x2Eu, 0x40u, 0x9Fu, 0x96u,
0xE9u, 0x3Du, 0x7Eu, 0x11u, 0x73u, 0x93u, 0x17u, 0x2Au
/* Calculated CMAC */
CY_ALIGN(4) uint8_t cmac[CY_CRYPTO_AES_BLOCK_SIZE] = {0};
cy_stc_crypto_context_aes_t cryptoAesContext;
cy_en_crypto_status_t cryptoStatus;
/* CMAC from the text message using AES-256 */
cryptoStatus = Cy_Crypto_Aes_Cmac_Run(
(uint32_t *)cmac256PlainText,
(uint32_t *)cmacKey,
(uint32_t *)cmac,
/* ... check for errors... */
/* Wait crypto become available */
/* ... check for errors... */

◆ Cy_Crypto_Sha_Run()

cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Sha_Run ( uint32_t *  message,
uint32_t  messageSize,
uint32_t *  digest,
cy_en_crypto_sha_mode_t  mode,
cy_stc_crypto_context_sha_t cfContext 

This function performs the SHA Hash function.

There is no Init function. Provide the required parameters and the pointer to the context structure when making this function call. It is independent of the previous Crypto state because it already contains preparation, calculation, and finalization steps.

messageThe pointer to a message whose hash value is being computed. Must be 4-byte aligned.
messageSizeThe size of a message.
digestThe pointer to the hash digest. The hash size depends on the selected SHA mode (from 20 to 64 bytes). Must be 4-byte aligned.
cfContextthe pointer to the cy_stc_crypto_context_sha_t structure that stores all internal variables for Crypto driver.
Function Usage
/* All data arrays should be 4-byte aligned */
/* Message is: "abc" */
CY_ALIGN(4) uint8_t sha256PlainText_1[3] = "abc";
/* Calculated SHA-256 digest */
CY_ALIGN(4) uint8_t sha256Digest[CY_CRYPTO_SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE] = {0};
cy_stc_crypto_context_sha_t cryptoShaContext;
cy_en_crypto_status_t cryptoStatus;
/* Hash the message by SHA256 */
cryptoStatus = Cy_Crypto_Sha_Run(
(uint32_t *)sha256PlainText_1,
(uint32_t *)sha256Digest,
/* ... check for errors... */
/* Wait crypto become available */
/* ... check for errors... */

◆ Cy_Crypto_Hmac_Run()

cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Hmac_Run ( uint32_t *  hmac,
uint32_t *  message,
uint32_t  messageSize,
uint32_t *  key,
uint32_t  keyLength,
cy_en_crypto_sha_mode_t  mode,
cy_stc_crypto_context_sha_t cfContext 

This function performs HMAC calculation.

There is no Init function. Provide the required parameters and the pointer to the context structure when making this function call. It is independent of the previous Crypto state because it already contains preparation, calculation, and finalization steps.

hmacThe pointer to the calculated HMAC. Must be 4-byte aligned.
messageThe pointer to a message whose hash value is being computed. Must be 4-byte aligned.
messageSizeThe size of a message.
keyThe pointer to the key. Must be 4-byte aligned.
keyLengthThe length of the key.
cfContextthe pointer to the cy_stc_crypto_context_sha_t structure that stores all internal variables for the Crypto driver.
Function Usage
/* All data arrays should be 4-byte aligned */
CY_ALIGN(4) uint8_t hmac256Key[32] =
0x00u, 0x01u, 0x02u, 0x03u, 0x04u, 0x05u, 0x06u, 0x07u,
0x08u, 0x09u, 0x0Au, 0x0Bu, 0x0Cu, 0x0Du, 0x0Eu, 0x0Fu,
0x10u, 0x11u, 0x12u, 0x13u, 0x14u, 0x15u, 0x16u, 0x17u,
0x18u, 0x19u, 0x1Au, 0x1Bu, 0x1Cu, 0x1Du, 0x1Eu, 0x1Fu
CY_ALIGN(4) uint8_t hmac256PlainText[34] =
0x53u, 0x61u,
0x6Du, 0x70u, 0x6Cu, 0x65u, 0x20u, 0x6Du, 0x65u, 0x73u,
0x73u, 0x61u, 0x67u, 0x65u, 0x20u, 0x66u, 0x6Fu, 0x72u,
0x20u, 0x6Bu, 0x65u, 0x79u, 0x6Cu, 0x65u, 0x6Eu, 0x3Cu,
0x62u, 0x6Cu, 0x6Fu, 0x63u, 0x6Bu, 0x6Cu, 0x65u, 0x6Eu
/* Calculated HMAC */
CY_ALIGN(4) uint8_t hmac256[CY_CRYPTO_SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE] = {0};
cy_stc_crypto_context_sha_t cryptoShaContext;
cy_en_crypto_status_t cryptoStatus;
/* HMAC from the text message using SHA256 */
cryptoStatus = Cy_Crypto_Hmac_Run(
(uint32_t *)hmac256,
(uint32_t *)hmac256PlainText,
(uint32_t *)hmac256Key,
/* ... check for errors... */
/* Wait crypto become available */
/* ... check for errors... */

◆ Cy_Crypto_Str_MemCpy()

cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Str_MemCpy ( void *  dst,
void const *  src,
uint16_t  size,
cy_stc_crypto_context_str_t cfContext 

This function copies a memory block.

It operates on data in the user SRAM and doesn't use Crypto internal SRAM.

Memory blocks should not overlap.

There is no alignment restriction. This function is independent of the previous Crypto state.

dstThe pointer to the destination of MemCpy.
srcThe pointer to the source of MemCpy.
sizeThe size in bytes of the copy operation. Maximum size is 65535 Bytes.
cfContextThe pointer to the cy_stc_crypto_context_str_t structure that stores all internal variables for the Crypto driver.

◆ Cy_Crypto_Str_MemSet()

cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Str_MemSet ( void *  dst,
uint8_t  data,
uint16_t  size,
cy_stc_crypto_context_str_t cfContext 

This function sets the memory block.

It operates on data in the user SRAM and doesn't use Crypto internal SRAM.

There is no alignment restriction. This function is independent from the previous Crypto state.

dstThe pointer to the destination of MemSet.
dataThe value to be set.
sizeThe size in bytes of the set operation. Maximum size is 65535 Bytes.
cfContextthe pointer to the cy_stc_crypto_context_str_t structure that stores all internal variables for the Crypto driver.

◆ Cy_Crypto_Str_MemCmp()

cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Str_MemCmp ( void const *  src0,
void const *  src1,
uint16_t  size,
uint32_t *  resultPtr,
cy_stc_crypto_context_str_t cfContext 

This function compares memory blocks.

It operates on data in the user SRAM and doesn't use Crypto internal SRAM.

There is no alignment restriction. This function is independent from the previous Crypto state.

src0The pointer to the first source of MemCmp.(must be 4-byte aligned)
src1The pointer to the second source of MemCmp.
sizeThe size in bytes of the compare operation. Maximum size is 65535 Bytes.
resultPtrThe pointer to the result of compare (must be 4-byte aligned):
  • 0 - if Source 1 equal Source 2
  • 1 - if Source 1 not equal Source 2
cfContextthe pointer to the cy_stc_crypto_context_str_t structure that stores all internal variables for the Crypto driver. must be 4-byte aligned

◆ Cy_Crypto_Str_MemXor()

cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Str_MemXor ( void const *  src0,
void const *  src1,
void *  dst,
uint16_t  size,
cy_stc_crypto_context_str_t cfContext 

This function calculates the XOR of two memory blocks.

It operates on data in the user SRAM and doesn't use Crypto internal SRAM.

Memory structures should not overlap.

There is no alignment restriction. This function is independent from the previous Crypto state.

src0The pointer to the first source of MemXor.
src1The pointer to the second source of MemXor.
dstThe pointer to the destination of MemXor.
sizeThe size in bytes of the compare operation. Maximum size is 65535 Bytes.
cfContextthe pointer to the cy_stc_crypto_context_str_t structure that stores all internal variables for the Crypto driver.

◆ Cy_Crypto_Crc_Init()

cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Crc_Init ( uint32_t  polynomial,
uint8_t  dataReverse,
uint8_t  dataXor,
uint8_t  remReverse,
uint32_t  remXor,
cy_stc_crypto_context_crc_t cfContext 

This function performs CRC initialization.

Call to initialize this encryption technique before using any associated functions. You must initialize this technique again after using any other encryption technique.

Below is the table with known polynomials with different parameters and their calculated CRCs from the string "123456789":

Name Width Poly Init Data Rev Data XOR Rem Rev Rem XOR Expected CRC
CRC-3 / ROHC 3 0x3 0x7 1 0 1 0x0 0x6
CRC-4 / ITU 4 0x3 0x0 1 0 1 0x0 0x7
CRC-5 / EPC 5 0x9 0x9 0 0 0 0x0 0x0
CRC-5 / ITU 5 0x15 0x0 1 0 1 0x0 0x7
CRC-5 / USB 5 0x5 0x1F 1 0 1 0x1F 0x19
CRC-6 / CDMA2000-A 6 0x27 0x3F 0 0 0 0x0 0xD
CRC-6 / CDMA2000-B 6 0x7 0x3F 0 0 0 0x0 0x3B
CRC-6 / DARC 6 0x19 0x0 1 0 1 0x0 0x26
CRC-6 / ITU 6 0x3 0x0 1 0 1 0x0 0x6
CRC-7 7 0x9 0x0 0 0 0 0x0 0x75
CRC-7 / ROHC 7 0x4F 0x7F 1 0 1 0x0 0x53
CRC-8 8 0x7 0x0 0 0 0 0x0 0xF4
CRC-8 / CDMA2000 8 0x9B 0xFF 0 0 0 0x0 0xDA
CRC-8 / DARC 8 0x39 0x0 1 0 1 0x0 0x15
CRC-8 / DVB-S2 8 0xD5 0x0 0 0 0 0x0 0xBC
CRC-8 / EBU 8 0x1D 0xFF 1 0 1 0x0 0x97
CRC-8 / I-CODE 8 0x1D 0xFD 0 0 0 0x0 0x7E
CRC-8 / ITU 8 0x7 0x0 0 0 0 0x55 0xA1
CRC-8 / MAXIM 8 0x31 0x0 1 0 1 0x0 0xA1
CRC-8 / ROHC 8 0x7 0xFF 1 0 1 0x0 0xD0
CRC-8 / WCDMA 8 0x9B 0x0 1 0 1 0x0 0x25
CRC-10 10 0x233 0x0 0 0 0 0x0 0x199
CRC-10 / CDMA2000 10 0x3D9 0x3FF 0 0 0 0x0 0x233
CRC-11 11 0x385 0x1A 0 0 0 0x0 0x5A3
CRC-12 / 3GPP 12 0x80F 0x0 0 0 1 0x0 0xDAF
CRC-12 / CDMA2000 12 0xF13 0xFFF 0 0 0 0x0 0xD4D
CRC-12 / DECT 12 0x80F 0x0 0 0 0 0x0 0xF5B
CRC-13 / BBC 13 0x1CF5 0x0 0 0 0 0x0 0x4FA
CRC-14 / DARC 14 0x805 0x0 1 0 1 0x0 0x82D
CRC-15 15 0x4599 0x0 0 0 0 0x0 0x59E
CRC-15 / MPT1327 15 0x6815 0x0 0 0 0 0x1 0x2566
CRC-24 24 0x0864CFB 0x00B704CE 0 0 0 0x0 0x21CF02
CRC-24 / FLEXRAY-A 24 0x05D6DCB 0x00FEDCBA 0 0 0 0x0 0x7979BD
CRC-24 / FLEXRAY-B 24 0x05D6DCB 0x00ABCDEF 0 0 0 0x0 0x1F23B8
CRC-31 / PHILIPS 31 0x4C11DB7 0x7FFFFFFF 0 0 0 0x7FFFFFFF 0xCE9E46C
CRC-16 / ARC 16 0x8005 0x0000 1 0 1 0x0000 0xBB3D
CRC-16 / AUG-CCITT 16 0x1021 0x1D0F 0 0 0 0x0000 0xE5CC
CRC-16 / BUYPASS 16 0x8005 0x0000 0 0 0 0x0000 0xFEE8
CRC-16 / CCITT-0 16 0x1021 0xFFFF 0 0 0 0x0000 0x29B1
CRC-16 / CDMA2000 16 0xC867 0xFFFF 0 0 0 0x0000 0x4C06
CRC-16 / DDS-110 16 0x8005 0x800D 0 0 0 0x0000 0x9ECF
CRC-16 / DECT-R 16 0x0589 0x0000 0 0 0 0x0001 0x007E
CRC-16 / DECT-X 16 0x0589 0x0000 0 0 0 0x0000 0x007F
CRC-16 / DNP 16 0x3D65 0x0000 1 0 1 0xFFFF 0xEA82
CRC-16 / EN-13757 16 0x3D65 0x0000 0 0 0 0xFFFF 0xC2B7
CRC-16 / GENIBUS 16 0x1021 0xFFFF 0 0 0 0xFFFF 0xD64E
CRC-16 / MAXIM 16 0x8005 0x0000 1 0 1 0xFFFF 0x44C2
CRC-16 / MCRF4XX 16 0x1021 0xFFFF 1 0 1 0x0000 0x6F91
CRC-16 / RIELLO 16 0x1021 0xB2AA 1 0 1 0x0000 0x63D0
CRC-16 / T10-DIF 16 0x8BB7 0x0000 0 0 0 0x0000 0xD0DB
CRC-16 / TELEDISK 16 0xA097 0x0000 0 0 0 0x0000 0x0FB3
CRC-16 / TMS37157 16 0x1021 0x89EC 1 0 1 0x0000 0x26B1
CRC-16 / USB 16 0x8005 0xFFFF 1 0 1 0xFFFF 0xB4C8
CRC-A 16 0x1021 0xC6C6 1 0 1 0x0000 0xBF05
CRC-16 / KERMIT 16 0x1021 0x0000 1 0 1 0x0000 0x2189
CRC-16 / MODBUS 16 0x8005 0xFFFF 1 0 1 0x0000 0x4B37
CRC-16 / X-25 16 0x1021 0xFFFF 1 0 1 0xFFFF 0x906E
CRC-16 / XMODEM 16 0x1021 0x0000 0 0 0 0x0000 0x31C3
CRC-32 32 0x04C11DB7 0xFFFFFFFF 1 0 1 0xFFFFFFFF 0xCBF43926
CRC-32 / BZIP2 32 0x04C11DB7 0xFFFFFFFF 0 0 0 0xFFFFFFFF 0xFC891918
CRC-32C 32 0x1EDC6F41 0xFFFFFFFF 1 0 1 0xFFFFFFFF 0xE3069283
CRC-32D 32 0xA833982B 0xFFFFFFFF 1 0 1 0xFFFFFFFF 0x87315576
CRC-32 / MPEG-2 32 0x04C11DB7 0xFFFFFFFF 0 0 0 0x00000000 0x0376E6E7
CRC-32 / POSIX 32 0x04C11DB7 0x00000000 0 0 0 0xFFFFFFFF 0x765E7680
CRC-32Q 32 0x814141AB 0x00000000 0 0 0 0x00000000 0x3010BF7F
CRC-32 / JAMCRC 32 0x04C11DB7 0xFFFFFFFF 1 0 1 0x00000000 0x340BC6D9
CRC-32 / XFER 32 0x000000AF 0x00000000 0 0 0 0x00000000 0xBD0BE338
polynomialThe polynomial (specified using 32 bits) used in the computing CRC.
dataReverseThe order in which data bytes are processed. 0 - MSB first; 1- LSB first.
dataXorThe byte mask for XORing data
remReverseA remainder reverse: 0 means the remainder is not reversed. 1 means reversed.
remXorSpecifies a mask with which the LFSR32 register is XORed to produce a remainder.
cfContextThe pointer to the cy_stc_crypto_context_crc_t structure that stores the Crypto driver context.
The polynomial, initial seed and remainder XOR values are always provided as MSB aligned (so actual higher bit should be located in 31s bit of the parameter value).
Calculated CRC value is MSB aligned only when dataReverse is zero.
Function Usage
/* CRC parameters for some CRC algorithms:
| CRC algorithm Name | CRC | Polynom | Initial | Data | Data | Rem | Remainder | Expected |
| | len | | seed | REV | XOR | REV | XOR | CRC |
| ------------------- | --- | ---------- |----------- | ---- | ---- | --- | ---------- | ---------- |
| CRC-6 / CDMA2000-A | 6 | 0x27 | 0x3F | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0x00 | 0x0D |
| CRC-6 / CDMA2000-B | 6 | 0x07 | 0x3F | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0x00 | 0x3B |
| CRC-6 / DARC | 6 | 0x19 | 0x00 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0x00 | 0x26 |
| CRC-6 / ITU | 6 | 0x03 | 0x00 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0x00 | 0x06 |
| CRC-8 / ITU | 8 | 0x07 | 0x00 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0x55 | 0xA1 |
| CRC-8 / MAXIM | 8 | 0x31 | 0x00 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0x00 | 0xA1 |
| CRC-8 / ROHC | 8 | 0x07 | 0xFF | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0x00 | 0xD0 |
| CRC-8 / WCDMA | 8 | 0x9B | 0x00 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0x00 | 0x25 |
| CRC-16 / CCITT-0 | 16 | 0x1021 | 0xFFFF | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0x0000 | 0x29B1 |
| CRC-16 / CDMA2000 | 16 | 0xC867 | 0xFFFF | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0x0000 | 0x4C06 |
| CRC-32 | 32 | 0x04C11DB7 | 0xFFFFFFFF | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0xFFFFFFFF | 0xCBF43926 |
| CRC-32 / BZIP2 | 32 | 0x04C11DB7 | 0xFFFFFFFF | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0xFFFFFFFF | 0xFC891918 |
/* Use "CRC-16/CCITT-0" calculation */
#define CRC_BITLEN (16u)
#define CRC_POLYNOMIAL (0x1021u)
#define CRC_LFSR_SEED (0xffffu)
#define CRC_DATA_REVERSE (0u)
#define CRC_DATA_XOR (0u)
#define CRC_REM_REVERSE (0u)
#define CRC_REM_XOR (0x0000u)
CY_ALIGN(4) uint8_t message[9] = "123456789";
CY_ALIGN(4) uint32_t calculatedCrc = 0;
cy_stc_crypto_context_crc_t cryptoCrcContext;
cy_en_crypto_status_t cryptoStatus;
/* Initialization Crypto operation */
/* Note: Polynomial and Remainder XOR values are always MSB aligned. */
cryptoStatus = Cy_Crypto_Crc_Init((CRC_POLYNOMIAL << (32 - CRC_BITLEN)),
/* ... check for errors... */
/* Wait crypto become available */
/* ... check for errors... */
/* Calculate CRC */
/* Note: Initial seed value is always MSB aligned. */
cryptoStatus = Cy_Crypto_Crc_Run((void*)message,
(uint32_t)(CRC_LFSR_SEED << (32u - CRC_BITLEN)),
/* ... check for errors... */
/* Wait crypto become available */
cryptoStatus = Cy_Crypto_Sync(CY_CRYPTO_SYNC_BLOCKING);
/* ... check for errors... */
/* Note: Calculated CRC value is MSB aligned and should be shifted WHEN CRC_DATA_REVERSE is zero. */
calculatedCrc = calculatedCrc >> (32 - CRC_BITLEN);

◆ Cy_Crypto_Crc_Run()

cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Crc_Run ( void *  data,
uint16_t  dataSize,
uint32_t *  crc,
uint32_t  lfsrInitState,
cy_stc_crypto_context_crc_t cfContext 

This function performs CRC calculation on a message.

It depends on Cy_Crypto_Crc_Init(), which should be called before.

dataThe pointer to the message whose CRC is being computed.
dataSizeThe size of a message in bytes.
crcThe pointer to a computed CRC value. Must be 4-byte aligned.
lfsrInitStateThe initial state of the LFSR.
cfContextThe pointer to the cy_stc_crypto_context_crc_t structure that stores the Crypto driver context.
The polynomial, initial seed and remainder XOR values are always provided as MSB aligned (so actual higher bit should be located in 31s bit of the parameter value).
Calculated CRC value is MSB aligned only when dataReverse is zero.
Function Usage
/* CRC parameters for some CRC algorithms:
| CRC algorithm Name | CRC | Polynom | Initial | Data | Data | Rem | Remainder | Expected |
| | len | | seed | REV | XOR | REV | XOR | CRC |
| ------------------- | --- | ---------- |----------- | ---- | ---- | --- | ---------- | ---------- |
| CRC-6 / CDMA2000-A | 6 | 0x27 | 0x3F | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0x00 | 0x0D |
| CRC-6 / CDMA2000-B | 6 | 0x07 | 0x3F | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0x00 | 0x3B |
| CRC-6 / DARC | 6 | 0x19 | 0x00 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0x00 | 0x26 |
| CRC-6 / ITU | 6 | 0x03 | 0x00 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0x00 | 0x06 |
| CRC-8 / ITU | 8 | 0x07 | 0x00 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0x55 | 0xA1 |
| CRC-8 / MAXIM | 8 | 0x31 | 0x00 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0x00 | 0xA1 |
| CRC-8 / ROHC | 8 | 0x07 | 0xFF | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0x00 | 0xD0 |
| CRC-8 / WCDMA | 8 | 0x9B | 0x00 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0x00 | 0x25 |
| CRC-16 / CCITT-0 | 16 | 0x1021 | 0xFFFF | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0x0000 | 0x29B1 |
| CRC-16 / CDMA2000 | 16 | 0xC867 | 0xFFFF | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0x0000 | 0x4C06 |
| CRC-32 | 32 | 0x04C11DB7 | 0xFFFFFFFF | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0xFFFFFFFF | 0xCBF43926 |
| CRC-32 / BZIP2 | 32 | 0x04C11DB7 | 0xFFFFFFFF | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0xFFFFFFFF | 0xFC891918 |
/* Use "CRC-16/CCITT-0" calculation */
#define CRC_BITLEN (16u)
#define CRC_POLYNOMIAL (0x1021u)
#define CRC_LFSR_SEED (0xffffu)
#define CRC_DATA_REVERSE (0u)
#define CRC_DATA_XOR (0u)
#define CRC_REM_REVERSE (0u)
#define CRC_REM_XOR (0x0000u)
CY_ALIGN(4) uint8_t message[9] = "123456789";
CY_ALIGN(4) uint32_t calculatedCrc = 0;
cy_stc_crypto_context_crc_t cryptoCrcContext;
cy_en_crypto_status_t cryptoStatus;
/* Initialization Crypto operation */
/* Note: Polynomial and Remainder XOR values are always MSB aligned. */
cryptoStatus = Cy_Crypto_Crc_Init((CRC_POLYNOMIAL << (32 - CRC_BITLEN)),
/* ... check for errors... */
/* Wait crypto become available */
/* ... check for errors... */
/* Calculate CRC */
/* Note: Initial seed value is always MSB aligned. */
cryptoStatus = Cy_Crypto_Crc_Run((void*)message,
(uint32_t)(CRC_LFSR_SEED << (32u - CRC_BITLEN)),
/* ... check for errors... */
/* Wait crypto become available */
cryptoStatus = Cy_Crypto_Sync(CY_CRYPTO_SYNC_BLOCKING);
/* ... check for errors... */
/* Note: Calculated CRC value is MSB aligned and should be shifted WHEN CRC_DATA_REVERSE is zero. */
calculatedCrc = calculatedCrc >> (32 - CRC_BITLEN);

◆ Cy_Crypto_Trng_Generate()

cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Trng_Generate ( uint32_t  GAROPol,
uint32_t  FIROPol,
uint32_t  max,
uint32_t *  randomNum,
cy_stc_crypto_context_trng_t cfContext 

This function generates a 32-bit True Random Number.

GAROPolThe polynomial for the programmable Galois ring oscillator.
FIROPolThe polynomial for the programmable Fibonacci ring oscillator.
maxThe maximum length of a random number, in the range [0, 32] bits.
randomNumThe pointer to a generated true random number. Must be 4-byte aligned.
cfContextThe pointer to the cy_stc_crypto_context_trng_t structure that stores the Crypto driver context.
Function Usage
/* Initialization polynomial values for True Random Generator.
Polynomial for programmable Galois ring oscillator.
The polynomial is represented WITHOUT the high order bit (this bit is always assumed '1').
GARO 31 bit polynomial (0x04c1:1db7) = x31 + x26 + x23 + x22 + x16 + x12 + x11 + x10 + x8 + x7 + x5 + x4 + x2 + x + 1
Polynomial for programmable Fibonacci ring oscillator.
The polynomial is represented WITHOUT the high order bit (this bit is always assumed '1').
FIRO 31 bit polynomial (0x04c1:1db7) = x31 + x26 + x23 + x22 + x16 + x12 + x11 + x10 + x8 + x7 + x5 + x4 + x2 + x + 1
#define GARO31_INITSTATE (0x04c11db7)
#define FIRO31_INITSTATE (0x04c11db7)
#define MAX_TRNG_BIT_SIZE (32UL)
/* Generated Random Number */
uint32_t rndNum = 0;
cy_stc_crypto_context_trng_t cryptoTrngContext;
cy_en_crypto_status_t cryptoStatus;
/* Generate True Random number */
cryptoStatus = Cy_Crypto_Trng_Generate(
&rndNum, &cryptoTrngContext);
/* ... check for errors... */
/* Wait crypto become available */
/* ... check for errors... */

◆ Cy_Crypto_Des_Run()

cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Des_Run ( cy_en_crypto_dir_mode_t  dirMode,
uint32_t *  key,
uint32_t *  dstBlock,
uint32_t *  srcBlock,
cy_stc_crypto_context_des_t cfContext 

This function performs DES operation on a Single Block.

All addresses must be 4-Byte aligned. Ciphertext (dstBlock) may overlap with plaintext (srcBlock) There is no Init function. Provide the required parameters and the pointer to the context structure when making this function call.

dirModeCan be CY_CRYPTO_ENCRYPT or CY_CRYPTO_DECRYPT (cy_en_crypto_dir_mode_t)
keyThe pointer to the encryption/decryption key. Must be 4-byte aligned.
srcBlockThe pointer to a source block. Must be 4-byte aligned.
dstBlockThe pointer to a destination cipher block. Must be 4-byte aligned.
cfContextThe pointer to the cy_stc_crypto_context_des_t structure that stores the Crypto driver context.

◆ Cy_Crypto_Tdes_Run()

cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Tdes_Run ( cy_en_crypto_dir_mode_t  dirMode,
uint32_t *  key,
uint32_t *  dstBlock,
uint32_t *  srcBlock,
cy_stc_crypto_context_des_t cfContext 

This function performs the TDES operation on a single block.

All addresses Must be 4-byte aligned. Ciphertext (dstBlock) may overlap with plaintext (srcBlock). There is no Init function. Provide the required parameters and the pointer to the context structure when making this function call.

dirModeCan be CY_CRYPTO_ENCRYPT or CY_CRYPTO_DECRYPT (cy_en_crypto_dir_mode_t)
keyThe pointer to the encryption/decryption key. Must be 4-byte aligned.
srcBlockThe pointer to a source block. Must be 4-byte aligned.
dstBlockThe pointer to a destination cipher block. Must be 4-byte aligned.
cfContextThe pointer to the cy_stc_crypto_context_des_t structure that stores the Crypto driver context.
Function Usage
/* Note: all keys are placed into the one keys array. */
CY_ALIGN(4) uint8_t msgString[STRING_LENGTH] = "Crypto!";
CY_ALIGN(4) uint8_t encString[STRING_LENGTH];
#define KEY1 0x00, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77
#define KEY2 0x88, 0x99, 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD, 0xEE, 0xFF
#define KEY3 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08
CY_ALIGN(4) uint8_t tdesKey[] = { KEY1, KEY2, KEY3 };
cy_stc_crypto_context_des_t cryptoDesContext;
cy_en_crypto_status_t cryptoStatus;
(uint32_t *)tdesKey, /* Pointer to keys */
(uint32_t *)encString, /* Destination string */
(uint32_t *)msgString, /* Source String */
&cryptoDesContext );
/* ... check for errors... */
/* Wait crypto become available */
/* ... check for errors... */

◆ Cy_Crypto_GetMemBufAddress()

cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_GetMemBufAddress ( uint32_t **  membufAddress,
cy_stc_crypto_context_str_t cfContext 

This function gets an operation memory buffer location.

membufAddressThe pointer of the operation memory buffer.
cfContextThe pointer to the cy_stc_crypto_context_str_t structure that stores the data context.

◆ Cy_Crypto_GetMemBufSize()

cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_GetMemBufSize ( uint32_t *  membufSize,
cy_stc_crypto_context_str_t cfContext 

This function gets an operation memory buffer size.

membufSizeThe size of the memory buffer (in bytes)
cfContextThe pointer to the cy_stc_crypto_context_str_t structure that stores the data context.

◆ Cy_Crypto_SetMemBufAddress()

cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_SetMemBufAddress ( uint32_t const *  newMembufAddress,
uint32_t  newMembufSize,
cy_stc_crypto_context_str_t cfContext 

This function sets a new operation memory buffer.

newMembufAddressThe pointer to the new operation memory buffer. Must be 4-byte aligned.
newMembufSizeThe size of the new memory buffer (in bytes)
cfContextThe pointer to the cy_stc_crypto_context_str_t structure that stores the data context.
This function sets the default device specific values when vuMemoryAddr parameter is NULL and vuMemorySize parameter is zero.
New memory buffer should be allocated in a memory region that is not protected by a protection scheme for use by Crypto hardware.

◆ Cy_Crypto_Rsa_Proc()

cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Rsa_Proc ( cy_stc_crypto_rsa_pub_key_t const *  pubKey,
uint32_t const *  message,
uint32_t  messageSize,
uint32_t *  processedMessage,
cy_stc_crypto_context_rsa_t cfContext 

This function calculates (m^e mod modulo) where m is Message (Signature), e - public exponent using a public key in the next representation, it contains: modulo, public exponent, coefficient for Barrett reduction, binary inverse of the modulo, and result of (2^moduloLength mod modulo).

Not all fields in a key must be given. Modulo and public exponents are mandatory; Barrett coefficient, inverse modulo, and r-bar are optional. If they don't exist, their according pointers should be NULL. These coefficients could be calculated by Cy_Crypto_Rsa_CalcCoefs. Their presence accelerates performance by five times. Approximate performance for 1024-bit modulo is 41.6 ms; for 2048-bit modulo is 142 ms when using a 25 MHz clock for Crypto HW. These numbers just for reference. They depend on many factors (compiler, optimization level, etc.).

Returns the processed value and a success value.

Incoming message and result processed message must be in little-endian order.
The modulus and exponent values in the cy_stc_crypto_rsa_pub_key_t must also be in little-endian order.
Use Cy_Crypto_InvertEndianness function to convert to or from little-endian order.
pubKeyThe pointer to the cy_stc_crypto_rsa_pub_key_t structure that stores public key.
messageThe pointer to the message to be processed. Must be 4-byte aligned.
messageSizeThe length of the message to be processed.
processedMessageThe pointer to processed message. Must be 4-byte aligned.
cfContextThe pointer to the cy_stc_crypto_context_rsa_t structure that stores the RSA context.

◆ Cy_Crypto_Rsa_CalcCoefs()

cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Rsa_CalcCoefs ( cy_stc_crypto_rsa_pub_key_t const *  pubKey,
cy_stc_crypto_context_rsa_t cfContext 

This function calculates constant coefficients (which is dependent only on modulo and independent on message).

With this pre-calculated coefficients calculations speed-up by five times.

These coefficients are: coefficient for Barrett reduction, binary inverse of the modulo, result of (2^moduloLength mod modulo)

Calculated coefficients will be placed by addresses provided in the pubKey structure for according coefficients. Function overwrites previous values. Approximate performance for 1024-bit modulo is 33.2 ms; for 2048-bit modulo is 113 ms when using a 25 MHz clock for Crypto HW. These numbers are just for reference. They depend on many factors (compiler, optimization level, etc.).

pubKeyThe pointer to the cy_stc_crypto_rsa_pub_key_t structure that stores a public key.
cfContextThe pointer to the cy_stc_crypto_context_rsa_t structure that stores the RSA context.

◆ Cy_Crypto_Rsa_Verify()

cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_Rsa_Verify ( cy_en_crypto_rsa_ver_result_t verResult,
cy_en_crypto_sha_mode_t  digestType,
uint32_t const *  digest,
uint32_t const *  decryptedSignature,
uint32_t  decryptedSignatureLength,
cy_stc_crypto_context_rsa_ver_t cfContext 

This function does an RSA verification with checks for content, paddings, and signature format.

The SHA digest of the message and decrypted message should be calculated first. Supports only PKCS1-v1_5 format. Inside of this format supported padding using only SHA. Cases with MD2 and MD5 are not supported.

PKCS1-v1_5 described here, page 31:

Returns the verification result cy_en_crypto_rsa_ver_result_t.

verResultThe pointer to the verification result cy_en_crypto_rsa_ver_result_t.
digestTypeSHA mode used for hash calculation cy_en_crypto_sha_mode_t.
digestThe pointer to the hash of the message whose signature is to be verified. Must be 4-byte aligned.
decryptedSignatureThe pointer to the decrypted signature to be verified. Must be 4-byte aligned.
decryptedSignatureLengthThe length of the decrypted signature to be verified (in bytes)
cfContextThe pointer to the cy_stc_crypto_context_rsa_ver_t structure that stores the RSA context.

◆ Cy_Crypto_ECDSA_SignHash()

cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_ECDSA_SignHash ( const uint8_t *  hash,
uint32_t  hashlen,
uint8_t *  sig,
const cy_stc_crypto_ecc_key key,
const uint8_t *  messageKey,
cy_stc_crypto_context_ecc_t cfContext 

Sign a message digest.

hashThe message digest to sign. Provided as is in data buffer.
hashlenThe length of the digest in bytes.
sig[out] The destination for the signature, 'R' followed by 'S'.
keyKey used for signature generation. See cy_stc_crypto_ecc_key.
messageKeyMessage key.
cfContextThe pointer to the cy_stc_crypto_context_ecc_t structure that stores the ECC operation context.
status code. See cy_en_crypto_status_t.

◆ Cy_Crypto_ECDSA_VerifyHash()

cy_en_crypto_status_t Cy_Crypto_ECDSA_VerifyHash ( const uint8_t *  sig,
const uint8_t *  hash,
uint32_t  hashlen,
uint8_t *  stat,
const cy_stc_crypto_ecc_key key,
cy_stc_crypto_context_ecc_t cfContext 

Verify an ECC signature.

sigThe signature to verify, 'R' followed by 'S'.
hashThe message digest that was signed. Provided as is in data buffer.
hashlenThe length of the digest in bytes.
statResult of signature, 1==valid, 0==invalid.
keyThe corresponding public ECC key. See cy_stc_crypto_ecc_key.
cfContextThe pointer to the cy_stc_crypto_context_ecc_t structure that stores the ECC operation context.
status code. See cy_en_crypto_status_t.

◆ Cy_Crypto_InvertEndianness()

void Cy_Crypto_InvertEndianness ( void *  inArrPtr,
uint32_t  byteSize 

This function reverts byte-array memory block, like:
inArr[0] <—> inArr[n]
inArr[1] <—> inArr[n-1]
inArr[2] <—> inArr[n-2]
inArr[n/2] <—> inArr[n/2-1]

Odd or even byteSize are acceptable.

inArrPtrThe pointer to the memory whose endianness is to be inverted.
byteSizeThe length of the memory array whose endianness is to be inverted (in bytes)