MTB CAT1 Peripheral driver library

General Description


cy_en_ethif_status_t Cy_ETHIF_MdioInit (ETH_Type *base, cy_stc_ethif_mac_config_t *pstcEthIfConfig)
 Initializes the Ethernet MAC with minimal parameters which is required to enable mdio interface. More...
cy_en_ethif_status_t Cy_ETHIF_Init (ETH_Type *base, cy_stc_ethif_mac_config_t *pstcEthIfConfig, cy_stc_ethif_intr_config_t *pstcInterruptList)
 Initializes the Ethernet MAC, Cadence Driver, EthIf and PHY. More...
void Cy_ETHIF_RegisterCallbacks (ETH_Type *base, cy_stc_ethif_cb_t *cbFuncsList)
 Function loads callback functions to its local data structures. More...
void Cy_ETHIF_DecodeEvent (ETH_Type *base)
 Interrupt handler for a particular Ethernet instance. More...
cy_en_ethif_status_t Cy_ETHIF_TransmitFrame (ETH_Type *base, uint8_t *pu8TxBuffer, uint16_t u16Length, uint8_t u8QueueIndex, bool bEndBuffer)
 Function initiates transmission of frame data. More...
cy_en_ethif_status_t Cy_ETHIF_Get1588TimerValue (ETH_Type *base, cy_stc_ethif_1588_timer_val_t *stcRetTmrValue)
 Returns the current timer value from TSU register. More...
cy_en_ethif_status_t Cy_ETHIF_Set1588TimerValue (ETH_Type *base, cy_stc_ethif_1588_timer_val_t *pstcTmrValue)
 Setting the current timer value in TSU register. More...
cy_en_ethif_status_t Cy_ETHIF_TxPauseFrame (ETH_Type *base, bool bZeroTQ)
 Transmits IEEE 802.3X standard Pause Frame. More...
cy_en_ethif_status_t Cy_ETHIF_ConfigPause (ETH_Type *base, uint16_t u16PauseQuanta)
 Configures the Pause Frame transmission according to IEEE 802.3X standard. More...
cy_en_ethif_status_t Cy_ETHIF_PhyRegWrite (ETH_Type *base, uint8_t u8RegNo, uint16_t u16Data, uint8_t u8PHYAddr)
 Local function used by other APIs to write the PHY register. More...
uint32_t Cy_ETHIF_PhyRegRead (ETH_Type *base, uint8_t u8RegNo, uint8_t u8PHYAddr)
 Local function used by other APIs to read the PHY register. More...
cy_en_ethif_status_t Cy_ETHIF_SetFilterAddress (ETH_Type *base, cy_en_ethif_filter_num_t filterNo, const cy_stc_ethif_filter_config_t *config)
 Set Filter Address with specific filter number. More...
void Cy_ETHIF_SetPromiscuousMode (ETH_Type *base, bool toBeEnabled)
 Enable/Disable to capture all frames. More...
void Cy_ETHIF_SetNoBroadCast (ETH_Type *base, bool rejectBC)
 Enable/Disable receive of broadcast frames. More...
void Cy_ETHIF_DiscardNonVLANFrames (ETH_Type *base, bool enable)
 With VLAN tagged frame processing setup, this function configure MAC to receive only VLAN tagged frames and discard all. More...

Function Documentation

◆ Cy_ETHIF_MdioInit()

cy_en_ethif_status_t Cy_ETHIF_MdioInit ( ETH_Type base,
cy_stc_ethif_mac_config_t pstcEthIfConfig 

Initializes the Ethernet MAC with minimal parameters which is required to enable mdio interface.

basePointer to register area of Ethernet MAC
pstcEthIfConfigPointer to Ethernet configuration parameters
CY_ETHIF_SUCCESS Ethernet MAC has been initialized along with Cadence driver and external PHY
CY_ETHIF_BAD_PARAM If following conditions are met: pstcEth == NULL pstcEthIfConfig == NULL GEM_GXL Object could not be created.
This function Initializes the Ethernet MAC partially. This function is only required if user wants to access PHY registers before Cy_ETHIF_Init().

Load the Ethernet instance

◆ Cy_ETHIF_Init()

cy_en_ethif_status_t Cy_ETHIF_Init ( ETH_Type base,
cy_stc_ethif_mac_config_t pstcEthIfConfig,
cy_stc_ethif_intr_config_t pstcInterruptList 

Initializes the Ethernet MAC, Cadence Driver, EthIf and PHY.

basePointer to register area of Ethernet MAC
pstcEthIfConfigPointer to Ethernet configuration parameters
pstcInterruptListList of Interrupts to enable
CY_ETHIF_SUCCESS Ethernet MAC has been initialized along with Cadence driver and external PHY
CY_ETHIF_BAD_PARAM If following conditions are met: pstcEth == NULL pstcEthIfConfig == NULL pstcInterruptList == NULL GEM_GXL Object could not be created Memory assigned by Interface layer is not enough Cadence driver could not initialize Ethernet MAC
CY_ETHIF_MEMORY_NOT_ENOUGH Assigned memory for BDs or for Private data is not enough
This function Initializes the Ethernet MAC, Cadence driver, EthIf layer and external PHY with the provided parameters. Port init for the Ethernet must be done before calling Cy_ETHIF_Init function. Buffer configuration parameters shall be done in cy_ethif.h file

Load the Ethernet instance

◆ Cy_ETHIF_RegisterCallbacks()

void Cy_ETHIF_RegisterCallbacks ( ETH_Type base,
cy_stc_ethif_cb_t cbFuncsList 

Function loads callback functions to its local data structures.

The callback functions are called from ISR context.

basePointer to register area of Ethernet MAC
cbFuncsListpointer to callback function list

◆ Cy_ETHIF_DecodeEvent()

void Cy_ETHIF_DecodeEvent ( ETH_Type base)

Interrupt handler for a particular Ethernet instance.

It decodes the interrupt cause and calls the appropriate registered callback functions.

basePointer to register area of Ethernet MAC

◆ Cy_ETHIF_TransmitFrame()

cy_en_ethif_status_t Cy_ETHIF_TransmitFrame ( ETH_Type base,
uint8_t *  pu8TxBuffer,
uint16_t  u16Length,
uint8_t  u8QueueIndex,
bool  bEndBuffer 

Function initiates transmission of frame data.

basePointer to register area of Ethernet MAC
pu8TxBufferpointer to Transmit source buffer. Its caller's responsibility to make sure this buffer is not overwritten until transmit is not completed. Cy_ETHIF_RegisterCallbacks for Tx completion callback.
u16LengthLength of data to transmit from source buffer, Length should include source and destination buffer address. CRC bytes shall not be included in the length
u8QueueIndexQueue to be used to transmit the frame
bEndBufferTrue - Last buffer of the frame to be transmitted. False - Other Buffers to be provided after function call IP will not start transmitting until it gets EndBuffer True.
CY_ETHIF_SUCCESS Frame transmission started
CY_ETHIF_BAD_PARAM Parameter passed contains invalid values
CY_ETHIF_BUFFER_NOT_AVAILABLE Buffer not available to load the source data

◆ Cy_ETHIF_Get1588TimerValue()

cy_en_ethif_status_t Cy_ETHIF_Get1588TimerValue ( ETH_Type base,
cy_stc_ethif_1588_timer_val_t stcRetTmrValue 

Returns the current timer value from TSU register.

basePointer to register area of Ethernet MAC
stcRetTmrValue[out] pointer to data structure to return the values
CY_ETHIF_SUCCESS Timer value is successfully retrieved
CY_ETHIF_BAD_PARAM Parameter passed contains invalid values

◆ Cy_ETHIF_Set1588TimerValue()

cy_en_ethif_status_t Cy_ETHIF_Set1588TimerValue ( ETH_Type base,
cy_stc_ethif_1588_timer_val_t pstcTmrValue 

Setting the current timer value in TSU register.

basePointer to register area of Ethernet MAC
pstcTmrValuepointer to data structure to configure register with
CY_ETHIF_SUCCESS Timer value is set
CY_ETHIF_BAD_PARAM Parameter passed contains invalid values

◆ Cy_ETHIF_TxPauseFrame()

cy_en_ethif_status_t Cy_ETHIF_TxPauseFrame ( ETH_Type base,
bool  bZeroTQ 

Transmits IEEE 802.3X standard Pause Frame.

basePointer to register area of Ethernet MAC
bZeroTQTrue - Zero Time Quanta bZeroTQ False - Transmit pause frame with set time quanta
CY_ETHIF_SUCCESS for success
CY_ETHIF_BAD_PARAM for wrong input parameters
If interrupt enabled, interrupt will be triggered at the end of the transmission

◆ Cy_ETHIF_ConfigPause()

cy_en_ethif_status_t Cy_ETHIF_ConfigPause ( ETH_Type base,
uint16_t  u16PauseQuanta 

Configures the Pause Frame transmission according to IEEE 802.3X standard.

basePointer to register area of Ethernet MAC
u16PauseQuantaTime Quanta
CY_ETHIF_SUCCESS for success
CY_ETHIF_BAD_PARAM for wrong input parameters

◆ Cy_ETHIF_PhyRegWrite()

cy_en_ethif_status_t Cy_ETHIF_PhyRegWrite ( ETH_Type base,
uint8_t  u8RegNo,
uint16_t  u16Data,
uint8_t  u8PHYAddr 

Local function used by other APIs to write the PHY register.

basePointer to register area of Ethernet MAC
u8RegNoRegister to write
u16Datadata to write
CY_ETHIF_SUCCESS PHY write is successful
CY_ETHIF_BAD_PARAM Parameter passed contains invalid values
u8PHYAddr must match with PHY. PHY data-sheet and hardware schematic shall be checked

◆ Cy_ETHIF_PhyRegRead()

uint32_t Cy_ETHIF_PhyRegRead ( ETH_Type base,
uint8_t  u8RegNo,
uint8_t  u8PHYAddr 

Local function used by other APIs to read the PHY register.

basePointer to register area of Ethernet MAC
u8RegNoRegister to read
read data from the register
CY_ETH_PHY_ADDR must match with PHY. PHY data-sheet and hardware schematic shall be checked

◆ Cy_ETHIF_SetFilterAddress()

cy_en_ethif_status_t Cy_ETHIF_SetFilterAddress ( ETH_Type base,
cy_en_ethif_filter_num_t  filterNo,
const cy_stc_ethif_filter_config_t config 

Set Filter Address with specific filter number.

basePointer to register area of Ethernet MAC
filterNoFilter number config Filter configuration for Ethernet MAC
CY_ETHIF_SUCCESS Filter is set
CY_ETHIF_BAD_PARAM Parameter passed contains invalid values
Maximum 4 filters can be set

◆ Cy_ETHIF_SetPromiscuousMode()

void Cy_ETHIF_SetPromiscuousMode ( ETH_Type base,
bool  toBeEnabled 

Enable/Disable to capture all frames.

basePointer to register area of Ethernet MAC
toBeEnabledif =1 enables copy all frames mode, if =0 then this is disabled

◆ Cy_ETHIF_SetNoBroadCast()

void Cy_ETHIF_SetNoBroadCast ( ETH_Type base,
bool  rejectBC 

Enable/Disable receive of broadcast frames.

basePointer to register area of Ethernet MAC
rejectBCif =0 broadcasts are accepted, if =1 they are rejected.

◆ Cy_ETHIF_DiscardNonVLANFrames()

void Cy_ETHIF_DiscardNonVLANFrames ( ETH_Type base,
bool  enable 

With VLAN tagged frame processing setup, this function configure MAC to receive only VLAN tagged frames and discard all.

basePointer to Ethernet Instance
enableif =1 reject non-VLAN-tagged frames, if =0 then accept