MTB CAT1 Peripheral driver library

General Description

API Reference

 Status codes
 Function status type codes.
 Assert Classes and Levels
 Defines for the Assert Classes and Levels.
 Reset cause
 Define RESET_CAUSE mask values.
 Unique ID
 Unique ID fields positions.


#define CY_CPU_CORTEX_M0P   (__CORTEX_M == 0U)
 The macro for ARM CORTEX CM0P. More...
#define CY_CPU_CORTEX_M4   (__CORTEX_M == 4U)
 The macro for ARM CORTEX CM4. More...
#define CY_CPU_CORTEX_M7   (__CORTEX_M == 7U)
 The macro for ARM CORTEX CM7. More...
#define CY_CPU_CORTEX_M55   (__CORTEX_M == 55U)
 The macro for ARM CORTEX CM55. More...
#define CY_CPU_CORTEX_M33   (__CORTEX_M == 33U)
 The macro for ARM CORTEX CM33. More...
 The macro to enable the Fault Handler.
 The macro defines if the Fault Handler is enabled. More...
 This macro is to be enabled and set appropriately for the CPU's which has branch prediction enabled, so the delay can work accurately. More...
 The driver major version.
 The driver minor version.
#define CY_SECTION_RAMFUNC_BEGIN   CY_SECTION(".cy_ramfunc")
 Define start of the function placed to the SRAM area by the linker.
 Define end of the function placed to the SRAM area by the linker.
#define CY_SECTION_SRAM1_CODE_BEGIN   CY_SECTION(".cy_sram1_code")
 Define start of the function placed to the SRAM1 area by the linker.
 Define end of the function placed to the SRAM1 area by the linker.
#define CY_SECTION_SRAM1_DATANS_BEGIN   CY_SECTION(".cy_sram1_data_ns")
 Define start of the function placed to the SRAM1 area by the linker.
 Define end of the function placed to the SRAM1 area by the linker.
#define CY_SECTION_SRAM0_DATANS_BEGIN   CY_SECTION(".cy_sram0_data_ns")
 Define start of the function placed to the SRAM1 area by the linker.
 Define end of the function placed to the SRAM1 area by the linker.
 Define start of the code block to be copied to SRAM by the linker during init.
 Define end of the code block to be copied to SRAM by the linker during init.
#define CY_SECTION_SHAREDMEM   CY_SECTION(".cy_sharedmem")
 Define variable to be placed to the shared SRAM area by the linker. More...
#define CY_SECTION_SHAREDMEM_SEC   CY_SECTION(".cy_sharedmem_sec")
 Define variable to be placed to the secured shared SRAM area by the linker.
 Define start of code to be placed to the SOCMEMSRAM area by the linker.
 Define end of code placed to the SOCMEMSRAM area by the linker. More...
 Define end of code placed to the SOCMEMSRAM area by the linker. More...
#define CY_SECTION_SRAM0DATA_BEGIN   CY_SECTION(".cy_sram0_data")
 Define end of shared data to be placed to the SOCMEMSRAM area by the linker. More...
 Define end of the function placed to the ITCM area by the linker.
#define CY_MAX_FILE_NAME_SIZE   (24U)
 The max size of the file name which stores the ASSERT location.
#define CY_R0_Pos   (0U)
 The position of the R0 content in a fault structure.
#define CY_R1_Pos   (1U)
 The position of the R1 content in a fault structure.
#define CY_R2_Pos   (2U)
 The position of the R2 content in a fault structure.
#define CY_R3_Pos   (3U)
 The position of the R3 content in a fault structure.
#define CY_R12_Pos   (4U)
 The position of the R12 content in a fault structure.
#define CY_LR_Pos   (5U)
 The position of the LR content in a fault structure.
#define CY_PC_Pos   (6U)
 The position of the PC content in a fault structure.
#define CY_PSR_Pos   (7U)
 The position of the PSR content in a fault structure.
#define CY_UNUSED_PARAM(a)   (void)(a)
 Suppresses the unused parameter warning. More...
#define CY_ARRAY_SIZE(x)   (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0]))
 Returns the size of Array. More...
#define CY_IPC_DATA_FOR_CM4_SOFT_RESET   (0x1B000002UL)
 Bit[31:24] Opcode = 0x1B (SoftReset) Bit[7:1] Type = 1 (Only CM4 reset) More...


typedef void(* cy_israddress) (void)
 Type of ISR callbacks.
typedef char char_t
 Specific-length typedef for the basic numerical types of char.
typedef float float32_t
 Specific-length typedef for the basic numerical types of float.
typedef double float64_t
 Specific-length typedef for the basic numerical types of double.


char_t cy_assertFileName [CY_MAX_FILE_NAME_SIZE+1]
 The assert buffer.
uint32_t cy_assertLine
 The assert line value.
cy_stc_fault_frame_t cy_faultFrame
 Fault frame structure.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define CY_CPU_CORTEX_M0P   (__CORTEX_M == 0U)

The macro for ARM CORTEX CM0P.

CM0+ core CPU Code


#define CY_CPU_CORTEX_M4   (__CORTEX_M == 4U)

The macro for ARM CORTEX CM4.

CM4 core CPU Code


#define CY_CPU_CORTEX_M7   (__CORTEX_M == 7U)

The macro for ARM CORTEX CM7.

CM7 core CPU Code


#define CY_CPU_CORTEX_M55   (__CORTEX_M == 55U)

The macro for ARM CORTEX CM55.

CM55 core CPU Code


#define CY_CPU_CORTEX_M33   (__CORTEX_M == 33U)

The macro for ARM CORTEX CM33.

CM33 core CPU Code



The macro defines if the Fault Handler is enabled.

Enabled by default.



This macro is to be enabled and set appropriately for the CPU's which has branch prediction enabled, so the delay can work accurately.



#define CY_SECTION_SHAREDMEM   CY_SECTION(".cy_sharedmem")

Define variable to be placed to the shared SRAM area by the linker.

This memory region is un-cached for CM55 core



Define end of code placed to the SOCMEMSRAM area by the linker.

Define start of data to be placed to the SOCMEMSRAM area by the linker



Define end of code placed to the SOCMEMSRAM area by the linker.

Define start of shared data to be placed to the SOCMEMSRAM area by the linker. This memory region is un-cached for CM55 core


#define CY_SECTION_SRAM0DATA_BEGIN   CY_SECTION(".cy_sram0_data")

Define end of shared data to be placed to the SOCMEMSRAM area by the linker.

Define start of function placed to the bootstrap area by the linker Define end of function placed to the bootstrap area by the linker Placed initialized global variable to the bootstrap data area by the linker Placed un-init global variable to the bootstrap bss area by the linker Define start of the data placed in the SRAM0 area by the linker


#define CY_UNUSED_PARAM (   a)    (void)(a)

Suppresses the unused parameter warning.

This macro is available for devices having M33SYSCPUSS IP.


#define CY_ARRAY_SIZE (   x)    (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0]))

Returns the size of Array.

xArray Name
This macro is available for devices having M33SYSCPUSS IP.


#define CY_IPC_DATA_FOR_CM4_SOFT_RESET   (0x1B000002UL)

Bit[31:24] Opcode = 0x1B (SoftReset) Bit[7:1] Type = 1 (Only CM4 reset)

This macro is available for devices having M4CPUSS IP.