MTB CAT1 Peripheral driver library

General Description


cy_en_ms_ctl_status_t Cy_Ms_Ctl_ConfigBusMaster (en_ms_ctl_master_t busMaster, bool privileged, bool nonSecure, uint32_t pcMask)
 Configures the referenced bus master by setting the privilege , non-secure and PC mask settings. More...
cy_en_ms_ctl_status_t Cy_Ms_Ctl_ConfigMscAcgResp (en_ms_ctl_master_sc_acg_t busMaster, cy_en_ms_ctl_cfg_gate_resp_t gateResp, cy_en_ms_ctl_sec_resp_t secResp)
 Response configuration for ACG and MSC for the referenced bus master. More...
cy_en_ms_ctl_status_t Cy_Ms_Ctl_SetActivePC (en_ms_ctl_master_t busMaster, uint32_t pc)
 Set active protection context (PC)for the referenced bus master. More...
uint32_t Cy_Ms_Ctl_GetActivePC (en_ms_ctl_master_t busMaster)
 Reads the active protection context (PC) for the referenced bus master. More...
cy_en_ms_ctl_status_t Cy_Ms_Ctl_SetSavedPC (en_ms_ctl_master_t busMaster, uint32_t savedPc)
 Set saved protection context (PC) for the referenced bus master. More...
uint32_t Cy_Ms_Ctl_GetSavedPC (en_ms_ctl_master_t busMaster)
 Reads the saved protection context (PC) for the referenced bus master. More...
cy_en_ms_ctl_status_t Cy_Ms_Ctl_SetPcHandler (uint32_t pc, cy_israddress handler)
 Sets the handler address for the given PC. More...
cy_israddress Cy_Ms_Ctl_GetPcHandler (uint32_t pc)
 Reads the handler address for the given PC. More...

Function Documentation

◆ Cy_Ms_Ctl_ConfigBusMaster()

cy_en_ms_ctl_status_t Cy_Ms_Ctl_ConfigBusMaster ( en_ms_ctl_master_t  busMaster,
bool  privileged,
bool  nonSecure,
uint32_t  pcMask 

Configures the referenced bus master by setting the privilege , non-secure and PC mask settings.

busMasterBus master being initialized
privilegedprivileged setting
nonSecureBus master security setting
Initialization status

◆ Cy_Ms_Ctl_ConfigMscAcgResp()

cy_en_ms_ctl_status_t Cy_Ms_Ctl_ConfigMscAcgResp ( en_ms_ctl_master_sc_acg_t  busMaster,
cy_en_ms_ctl_cfg_gate_resp_t  gateResp,
cy_en_ms_ctl_sec_resp_t  secResp 

Response configuration for ACG and MSC for the referenced bus master.

busMasterBus master for which response is being initialized
gateRespResponse type when the ACG is blocking the incoming transfers:
secRespBust master privileged setting
Initialization status

◆ Cy_Ms_Ctl_SetActivePC()

cy_en_ms_ctl_status_t Cy_Ms_Ctl_SetActivePC ( en_ms_ctl_master_t  busMaster,
uint32_t  pc 

Set active protection context (PC)for the referenced bus master.

busMasterBus master being initialized
pcPC value
Initialization status

◆ Cy_Ms_Ctl_GetActivePC()

uint32_t Cy_Ms_Ctl_GetActivePC ( en_ms_ctl_master_t  busMaster)

Reads the active protection context (PC) for the referenced bus master.

busMasterBus master for which the PC value is being read
PC value

◆ Cy_Ms_Ctl_SetSavedPC()

cy_en_ms_ctl_status_t Cy_Ms_Ctl_SetSavedPC ( en_ms_ctl_master_t  busMaster,
uint32_t  savedPc 

Set saved protection context (PC) for the referenced bus master.

busMasterBus master being initialized
savedPcPC value
Initialization status

◆ Cy_Ms_Ctl_GetSavedPC()

uint32_t Cy_Ms_Ctl_GetSavedPC ( en_ms_ctl_master_t  busMaster)

Reads the saved protection context (PC) for the referenced bus master.

busMasterBus master for which the saved PC value is being read
PC value

◆ Cy_Ms_Ctl_SetPcHandler()

cy_en_ms_ctl_status_t Cy_Ms_Ctl_SetPcHandler ( uint32_t  pc,
cy_israddress  handler 

Sets the handler address for the given PC.

This is used to detect entry to Cypress "trusted" code through an exception/interrupt

pcProtection context for which the handler is being set
handlerAddress of the protection context handler
Initialization status

◆ Cy_Ms_Ctl_GetPcHandler()

cy_israddress Cy_Ms_Ctl_GetPcHandler ( uint32_t  pc)

Reads the handler address for the given PC.

pcProtection context for which the handler is being read
Address of the protection context handler