►BLE ECO (BLE ECO Clock) | This driver provides an API to manage the BLE ECO clock block |
Functions | |
Enumerated Types | |
Macros | |
►CAN FD (CAN with Flexible Data-Rate) | The CAN FD driver provides an easy method to access the CAN FD IP block registers and provides simple functionality for sending and receiving data between devices in the CAN FD network |
►Macros | This section describes the CAN FD Macros |
RX Interrupt masks | This section contains interrupt bit masks to be used with: |
TX Interrupt masks | This section contains interrupt bit masks to use with: |
Error Interrupt masks | This section contains interrupt bit masks to be used with: |
Interrupt line selection masks | Interrupt line selection masks |
Protocol Status Register (PSR) masks | Masks and bit positions of the Protocol Status Register (PSR) fields |
Functions | |
Data Structures | |
Enumerated Types | |
►Crypto (Cryptography) | The Crypto driver provides a public API to perform cryptographic and hash operations, as well as generate both true and pseudo random numbers |
►Client-Server Model | Use the client-server API to isolate the Crypto hardware from non-secure application access |
Macros | |
►Functions | |
Client Functions | |
Server Functions | |
►Data Structures | |
Common Data Structures | The Crypto initialization configuration |
Client Data Structures | |
Server Data Structures | |
►Direct Crypto Core Access | Use the low-level API for direct access to the Crypto hardware |
►Control and Status | |
Functions | |
►Symmetric Key Algorithms (AES, DES, TDES) | |
Functions | |
►Asymmetric Key Algorithms (RSA, ECP, ECDSA) | |
Functions | |
Enumerated Types | |
►Hash Operations (SHA) | |
Functions | |
►Message Authentication Code (CMAC, HMAC) | |
Functions | |
►Cyclic Redundancy Code (CRC) | |
Functions | |
►Random Number Generation (TRNG, PRNG) | |
Functions | |
►Vector Unit (VU) | |
Functions | |
►Memory Streaming Functions | |
Functions | |
Common Data Structures | |
Common Enumerated Types | |
►CSD (CapSense Sigma Delta) | The CSD HW block enables multiple sensing capabilities on PSoC devices, including self-cap and mutual-cap capacitive touch sensing solutions, a 10-bit ADC, IDAC, and Comparator |
►Macros | |
Registers Constants | |
Functions | |
Data Structures | |
Enumerated Types | |
►CTB (Continuous Time Block) | This driver provides API functions to configure and use the analog CTB |
Macros | |
►Functions | |
Initialization Functions | This set of functions are for initializing, enabling, and disabling the CTB |
Basic Configuration Functions | This set of functions are for configuring basic usage of the CTB |
Comparator Functions | This set of functions are specific to the comparator mode |
Sample and Hold Functions | This function enables sample and hold of the CTDAC output |
Interrupt Functions | This set of functions is related to the comparator interrupts |
Switch Control Functions | This set of functions is for controlling routing switches |
Offset and Slope Trim Functions | These are advanced functions for trimming the offset and slope of the opamps |
Reference Current Mode Functions | This set of functions impacts all opamps on the chip |
Global Variables | |
Data Structures | |
Enumerated Types | |
►CTDAC (Continuous Time Digital to Analog Converter) | The CTDAC driver provides APIs to configure the 12-bit Continuous-Time DAC |
Macros | |
►Functions | |
Initialization Functions | This set of functions are for initializing, enabling, and disabling the CTDAC |
Basic Configuration Functions | This set of functions are for configuring basic usage of the CTDAC |
Switch Control Functions | This set of functions is for controlling the two CTDAC analog switches, CVD, and CO6 |
Interrupt Functions | This set of functions is related to the CTDAC interrupt |
Low Power Callback | This driver supports one SysPm callback for Deep Sleep transition |
Global Variables | |
Data Structures | |
Enumerated Types | |
►DMA (Direct Memory Access) | Configures a DMA channel and its descriptor(s) |
Macros | |
►Functions | |
Block Functions | |
Channel Functions | |
Descriptor Functions | |
Data Structures | |
Enumerated Types | |
►DMAC (Direct Memory Access Controller) | Configures the DMA Controller block, channels and descriptors |
►Macros | |
Interrupt Masks | |
Interrupt Masks | |
►Functions | |
Block Functions | |
Channel Functions | |
Descriptor Functions | |
Data Structures | |
Enumerated Types | |
►eFuse (Electronic Fuses) | Electronic Fuses (eFuses) are non-volatile memory where each bit is one-time programmable (OTP) |
Macros | |
Functions | |
Data Structures | |
Enumerated Types | |
►Flash (Flash System Routine) | Internal flash memory programming |
►Macros | |
Flash general parameters | Provides general information about flash |
Flash configuration | Specifies the parameter values passed to SROM API |
Functions | |
Enumerated Types | |
►GPIO (General Purpose Input Output) | The GPIO driver provides an API to configure and access device Input/Output pins |
►Macros | |
Pin drive mode | Constants to be used for setting the drive mode of the pin |
Voltage trip mode | Constants to be used for setting the voltage trip type on the pin |
Slew Rate Mode | Constants to be used for setting the slew rate of the pin |
Pin drive strength | Constants to be used for setting the drive strength of the pin |
Interrupt trigger type | Constants to be used for setting the interrupt trigger type on the pin |
SIO output buffer mode | Constants to be used for setting the SIO output buffer mode on the pin |
SIO input buffer mode | Constants to be used for setting the SIO input buffer mode on the pin |
SIO input buffer trip-point | Constants to be used for setting the SIO input buffer trip-point of the pin |
SIO reference voltage for input buffer trip-point | Constants to be used for setting the reference voltage of SIO input buffer trip-point |
Regulated output voltage level (Voh) and input buffer trip-point of an SIO pair | Constants to be used for setting the Voh and input buffer trip-point of an SIO pair |
►Functions | |
Initialization Functions | |
GPIO Functions | |
SIO Functions | |
Port Interrupt Functions | |
Data Structures | |
Enumerated Types | |
►I2S (Inter-IC Sound) | The I2S driver provides a function API to manage Inter-IC Sound |
►Macros | |
Interrupt Masks | |
Current State | |
►Functions | |
Low Power Callback | The driver supports SysPm callback for Deep Sleep transition |
Data Structures | |
Enumerated Types | |
►IPC (Inter Process Communication) | The inter-processor communication (IPC) driver provides a safe and reliable method to transfer data between CPUs |
►IPC driver layer (IPC_DRV) | The functions of this layer are used in the higher IPC levels (Semaphores and Pipes) |
Macros | Macro definitions are used in the driver |
Functions | Functions are used in the driver |
Data Structures | Data structures are used in the driver |
Enumerated Types | Enumerations are used in the driver |
►IPC semaphores layer (IPC_SEMA) | The semaphores layer functions made use of a single IPC channel to allow multiple semaphores that can be used by system or user function calls |
Macros | Macro definitions are used in the driver |
Functions | Functions are used in the driver |
Enumerated Types | Enumerations are used in the driver |
►IPC pipes layer (IPC_PIPE) | The Pipe functions provide a method to transfer one or more words of data between CPUs or tasks |
Macros | Macro definitions are used in the driver |
Functions | Functions are used in the driver |
Data Structures | Data structures are used in the driver |
Enumerated Types | Enumerations are used in the driver |
►LPComp (Low Power Comparator) | Provides access to the low-power comparators implemented using the fixed-function LP comparator block that is present in PSoC 6 |
Macros | |
►Functions | |
Low Power Callback | The driver supports SysPm callback for Deep Sleep and Hibernate transition |
Data Structures | |
Enumerated Types | |
►LVD (Low-Voltage-Detect) | The LVD driver provides an API to manage the Low Voltage Detection block |
Macros | |
►Functions | |
Low Power Callback | The driver supports SysPm callback for Deep Sleep transition |
Enumerated Types | |
►MCWDT (Multi-Counter Watchdog) | A MCWDT has two 16-bit counters and one 32-bit counter |
Macros | |
Functions | |
Data Structures | |
Enumerated Types | |
►PDM_PCM (PDM-PCM Converter) | The pulse-density modulation to pulse-code modulation (PDM-PCM) driver provides an API to manage PDM-PCM conversion |
►Macros | |
Interrupt Masks | |
►Functions | |
Low Power Callback | The driver supports SysPm callback for Deep Sleep transition |
Data Structures | |
Enumerated Types | |
►PRA (Protected Register Access) | |
Macros | |
Functions | |
Enumerated Types | |
Data Structures | |
►Profile (Energy Profiler) | The energy profiler driver is an API for configuring and using the profile hardware block |
Macros | |
►Functions | |
Interrupt Functions | |
General Functions | |
Counter Functions | |
Calculation Functions | |
Data Structures | |
Enumerated Types | |
►Prot (Protection Unit) | The Protection Unit driver provides an API to configure the Memory Protection Units (MPU), Shared Memory Protection Units (SMPU), and Peripheral Protection Units (PPU) |
Macros | |
►Functions | |
Bus Master and PC Functions | |
MPU Functions | |
SMPU Functions | |
PPU Programmable (PROG) v2 Functions | |
PPU Fixed (FIXED) v2 Functions | |
PPU Programmable (PROG) v1 Functions | |
PPU Group (GR) v1 Functions | |
PPU Slave (SL) v1 Functions | |
PPU Region (RG) v1 Functions | |
Data Structures | |
Enumerated Types | |
►RTC (Real-Time Clock) | The Real-Time Clock (RTC) driver provides an application interface for keeping track of time and date |
►Macros | |
Day of the week definitions | Definitions of days in the week |
Week of month definitions | Week of Month setting constants definitions for Daylight Saving Time feature |
Month definitions | Constants definition for Months |
Number of days in month definitions | Definition of days in current month |
RTC Interrupt sources | Definitions for RTC interrupt sources |
RTC Status definitions | Definitions for indicating the RTC BUSY bit |
►Functions | |
General | |
Alarm | |
DST functions | |
Low-Level | |
Interrupt | |
Low Power Callbacks | |
Data Structures | |
Enumerated Types | |
►SAR (SAR ADC Subsystem) | This driver configures and controls the SAR ADC subsystem block |
Macros | |
►Functions | |
Initialization and Basic Functions | This set of functions is for initialization and basic usage |
Low Power Callback | This set of functions is for Deep Sleep entry and exit |
Run-time Configuration Functions | This set of functions allows changes to the SAR configuration after initialization |
Counts Conversion Functions | This set of functions performs counts to *volts conversions |
Interrupt Functions | This set of functions are related to SAR interrupts |
SARMUX Switch Control Functions | This set of functions is for controlling/querying the SARMUX switches |
Useful Configuration Query Functions | This set of functions is for useful configuration query |
Global Variables | |
Data Structures | |
►Enumerated Types | |
Control Register Enums | This set of enumerations aids in configuring the SAR CTRL register |
Sample Control Register Enums | This set of enumerations are used in configuring the SAR SAMPLE_CTRL register |
Sample Time Register Enums | This set of enumerations aids in configuring the SAR SAMPLE_TIME* registers |
Range Interrupt Register Enums | This set of enumerations aids in configuring the SAR RANGE* registers |
Channel Configuration Register Enums | This set of enumerations aids in configuring the SAR CHAN_CONFIG register |
Interrupt Mask Register Enums | This set of enumerations aids in configuring the SAR INTR_MASK register |
SARMUX Switch Control Register Enums | This set of enumerations aids in configuring the uint32_t muxSwitch and uint32_t muxSwitchSqCtrl registers |
►SCB (Serial Communication Block) | The Serial Communications Block (SCB) supports three serial communication protocols: Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART), and Inter Integrated Circuit (I2C or IIC) |
►Common | Common API for the Serial Communication Block |
►Macros | |
SCB Interrupt Causes | |
TX Interrupt Statuses | |
RX Interrupt Statuses | |
Slave Interrupt Statuses | |
Master Interrupt Statuses | |
I2C Interrupt Statuses | |
SPI Interrupt Statuses | |
Functions | |
Data Structures | |
►EZI2C (SCB) | Driver API for EZI2C Slave Peripheral |
►Macros | |
EZI2C Activity Status | Macros to check current EZI2C activity slave status returned by Cy_SCB_EZI2C_GetActivity function |
►Functions | |
General | |
Slave | |
Low Power Callbacks | |
Data Structures | |
Enumerated Types | |
►I2C (SCB) | Driver API for I2C Bus Peripheral |
►Macros | |
I2C Slave Status | Macros to check current I2C slave status returned by Cy_SCB_I2C_SlaveGetStatus function |
I2C Master Status | Macros to check current I2C master status returned by Cy_SCB_I2C_MasterGetStatus function |
I2C Callback Events | Macros to check I2C events passed by cy_cb_scb_i2c_handle_events_t callback |
I2C Address Callback Events | Macros to check I2C address events passed by cy_cb_scb_i2c_handle_addr_t callback |
►Functions | |
General | |
Slave | |
Master High-Level | |
Master Low-Level | |
Interrupt | |
Low Power Callbacks | |
Data Structures | |
Enumerated Types | |
►SPI (SCB) | Driver API for SPI Peripheral |
►Macros | |
SPI TX FIFO Statuses | Macros to check SPI TX FIFO status returned by Cy_SCB_SPI_GetTxFifoStatus function or assign mask for Cy_SCB_SPI_ClearTxFifoStatus function |
SPI RX FIFO Statuses | Macros to check SPI RX FIFO status returned by Cy_SCB_SPI_GetRxFifoStatus function or assign mask for Cy_SCB_SPI_ClearRxFifoStatus function |
SPI Master and Slave Statuses | Macros to check SPI Mater and Slave status returned by Cy_SCB_SPI_GetSlaveMasterStatus function or assign mask for Cy_SCB_SPI_ClearSlaveMasterStatus function |
SPI Transfer Status | Macros to check current SPI transfer status returned by Cy_SCB_SPI_GetTransferStatus function |
SPI Callback Events | Macros to check SPI events passed by cy_cb_scb_spi_handle_events_t callback |
►Functions | |
General | |
High-Level | |
Low-Level | |
Interrupt | |
Low Power Callbacks | |
Data Structures | |
Enumerated Types | |
►UART (SCB) | Driver API for UART |
►Macros | |
UART IRDA Low Power Oversample factors | |
UART RX FIFO status. | Macros to check UART RX FIFO status returned by Cy_SCB_UART_GetRxFifoStatus function or assign mask for Cy_SCB_UART_ClearRxFifoStatus function |
UART TX FIFO Statuses | Macros to check UART TX FIFO status returned by Cy_SCB_UART_GetTxFifoStatus function or assign mask for Cy_SCB_UART_ClearTxFifoStatus function |
UART Receive Statuses | Macros to check current UART receive status returned by Cy_SCB_UART_GetReceiveStatus function |
UART Transmit Status | Macros to check current UART transmit status returned by Cy_SCB_UART_GetTransmitStatus function |
UART Callback Events | Macros to check UART events passed by cy_cb_scb_uart_handle_events_t callback |
►Functions | |
General | |
High-Level | |
Low-Level | |
Interrupt | |
Low Power Callbacks | |
Data Structures | |
Enumerated Types | |
►SD Host (SD Host Controller) | This driver provides the user an easy method for accessing standard Host Controller Interface (HCI) registers and provides some simple functionality on top of the HCI for reading and writing data to an SD card, eMMc card or a SDIO device |
►Macros | |
General Purpose Macros | |
Card States | The masks below can be used to check the CURRENT_STATE bitfield of the Cy_SD_Host_GetCardStatus function return value |
Card Status (CMD13) Bits | The masks below can be used with the Cy_SD_Host_GetCardStatus function |
SCR Register Masks | The masks below can be used with the Cy_SD_Host_GetScr function |
CID Register Masks | The masks below can be used with the Cy_SD_Host_GetCid function |
CSD Register Masks | The masks below are for CSD Register Version 2.0 and can be used with the Cy_SD_Host_GetCsd function |
SD Host Events | The constants below can be used with Cy_SD_Host_GetNormalInterruptStatus, Cy_SD_Host_ClearNormalInterruptStatus, Cy_SD_Host_GetErrorInterruptStatus and Cy_SD_Host_ClearErrorInterruptStatus functions |
SD Host Present Status | The constants below can be used with the Cy_SD_Host_GetPresentState function |
►Functions | |
High-Level | |
Low-Level | |
Interrupt | |
Data Structures | |
Enumerated Types | |
►SegLCD (Segment LCD) | The Segment LCD Driver provides an API to configure and operate the MXLCD hardware block |
Macros | |
►Functions | |
Block Configuration Functions | |
Frame/Pixel Management Functions | |
Display/Character Management Functions | |
Data Structures | |
Global Data | |
Enumerated Types | |
►SmartIO (Smart I/O) | The Smart I/O driver provides an API to configure and access the Smart I/O hardware present between the GPIOs (pins) and HSIOMs (pin muxes) on select device ports |
►Macros | |
Smart I/O channel selection | Constants for selecting the Smart I/O channels |
►Functions | |
Initialization Functions | |
General Functions | |
LUT Functions | |
Data Unit Functions | |
Data Structures | |
Enumerated Types | |
►SMIF (Serial Memory Interface) | The SPI-based communication interface to the external quad SPI (QSPI) high-speed memory devices |
►Macros | |
Status Macros | |
Command Macros | |
External Memory Flags | |
SFDP Macros | |
Interrupt Macros | |
►Functions | |
►Low Level Functions | Basic flow for read/write commands using Cy_SMIF_TransmitCommand, Cy_SMIF_TransmitData, Cy_SMIF_ReceiveData and Cy_SMIF_SendDummyCycles |
Low Power Callback | The driver supports SysPm callback for Deep Sleep and Hibernate transition |
Memory Slot Functions | |
Low Power Callback | The driver supports SysPm callback for Deep Sleep and Hibernate transition |
►Data Structures | |
SMIF Memory Description Structures | General hierarchy of memory structures are: |
Enumerated Types | |
►Startup (System Configuration Files) | Provides device startup, system configuration, and linker script files |
►Macro | |
System | |
Cortex-M4 Status | |
User Settings | |
►Functions | |
System | |
Cortex-M4 Control | |
Global Variables | |
►SysAnalog (System Analog Reference Block) | This driver provides an interface for configuring the Analog Reference (AREF) block and querying the INTR_CAUSE register of the PASS |
Macros | |
Functions | |
Global Variables | |
Data Structures | |
Enumerated Types | |
►SysClk (System Clock) | The System Clock (SysClk) driver contains the API for configuring system and peripheral clocks |
►Macros | |
ECO status | Constants used for expressing ECO status |
►General Enumerated Types | |
Function return values | |
►External Clock Source (EXTCLK) | The External Clock Source (EXTCLK) is a clock source routed into PSoC through a GPIO pin |
Functions | |
►External Crystal Oscillator (ECO) | The External Crystal Oscillator (ECO) is a clock source that consists of an oscillator circuit that drives an external crystal through its dedicated ECO pins |
Functions | |
►Clock Path Source | Clock paths are a series of multiplexers that allow a source clock to drive multiple clocking resources down the chain |
Functions | |
Enumerated Types | |
►Frequency Locked Loop (FLL) | The FLL is a clock generation circuit that can be used to produce a higher frequency clock from a reference clock |
Functions | |
Data Structures | |
Enumerated Types | |
►Phase Locked Loop (PLL) | The PLL is a clock generation circuit that can be used to produce a higher frequency clock from a reference clock |
Functions | |
Data Structures | |
►Internal Low-Speed Oscillator (ILO) | The ILO operates with no external components and outputs a stable clock at 32.768 kHz nominal |
Functions | |
►Precision Internal Low-Speed Oscillator (PILO) | PILO provides a higher accuracy 32.768 kHz clock than the ILO |
Functions | |
►Clock Measurement | These functions measure the frequency of a specified clock relative to a reference clock |
Functions | |
Enumerated Types | |
Data Structures | |
►Clock Trim (ILO, PILO) | These functions perform a single trim operation on the ILO or PILO |
Functions | |
►Low Power Callback | Entering and exiting low power modes require compatible clock configurations to be set before entering low power and restored upon wake-up and exit |
Functions | |
►Watch Crystal Oscillator (WCO) | The WCO is a highly accurate 32.768 kHz clock source capable of operating in all power modes (excluding the Off mode) |
Functions | |
Enumerated Types | |
►High-Frequency Clocks | Multiple high frequency clocks (CLK_HF) are available in the device |
Functions | |
Enumerated Types | |
►Fast Clock | The fast clock drives the "fast" processor (e.g |
Functions | |
►Peripheral Clock | The peripheral clock is a divided clock of CLK_HF0 (HF Clocks) |
Functions | |
►Peripherals Clock Dividers | There are multiple peripheral clock dividers that, in effect, create multiple separate peripheral clocks |
Functions | |
Enumerated Types | |
►Slow Clock | The slow clock is the source clock for the "slow" processor (e.g |
Functions | |
►Alternative High-Frequency Clock | In the BLE-enabled PSoC6 devices, the BLE ECO (BLE ECO Clock) clock is connected to the system Alternative High-Frequency Clock input |
Functions | |
►Low-Frequency Clock | The low-frequency clock is the source clock for the MCWDT (Multi-Counter Watchdog) and can be the source clock for Backup Domain Clock, which drives the RTC (Real-Time Clock) |
Functions | |
Enumerated Types | |
►Timer Clock | The timer clock can be a source for the alternative clock driving the SysTick (ARM System Timer) |
Functions | |
Enumerated Types | |
►Pump Clock | The pump clock is a clock source used to provide analog precision in low voltage applications |
Functions | |
Enumerated Types | |
►Backup Domain Clock | The backup domain clock drives the RTC (Real-Time Clock) |
Functions | |
Enumerated Types | |
Medium Frequency Domain Clock | The Medium Frequency Domain Clock is present only in SRSS_ver1_3 |
►SysInt (System Interrupt) | The SysInt driver provides an API to configure the device peripheral interrupts |
Macros | |
Global variables | |
Functions | |
Data Structures | |
Enumerated Types | |
►SysLib (System Library) | The system libraries provide APIs that can be called in the user application to handle the timing, logical checking or register |
►Macros | |
Status codes | Function status type codes |
Assert Classes and Levels | Defines for the Assert Classes and Levels |
Reset cause | Define RESET_CAUSE mask values |
Unique ID | Unique ID fields positions |
Functions | |
Data Structures | |
Enumerated Types | |
►SysPm (System Power Management) | Use the System Power Management (SysPm) driver to change power modes and reduce system power consumption in power sensitive designs |
►Macros | |
The Power Mode Status Defines | Defines for the CPU and system power modes status |
Defines to skip the callbacks modes | Defines for the SysPm callbacks modes that can be skipped during execution |
►Functions | |
General | |
Power Modes | |
Power Status | |
I/Os Freeze | |
►Core Voltage Regulation | |
LDO | |
Buck | |
PMIC | |
Backup Domain | |
Low Power Callbacks | |
Data Structures | |
Enumerated Types | |
►SysTick (ARM System Timer) | Provides vendor-specific SysTick API |
Macros | |
Functions | |
Data Structures | |
►TCPWM (Timer Counter PWM) | The TCPWM driver is a multifunction driver that implements Timer Counter, PWM, and Quadrature Decoder functionality using the TCPWM block |
►Common | Common API for the Timer Counter PWM Block |
►Macros | |
TCPWM Input Selection | Selects which input to use |
Input Modes | Configures how TCPWM inputs behave |
Interrupt Sources | Interrupt Sources |
Default registers constants | Default constants for CNT Registers |
Functions | |
Data Structures | |
Enumerated Types | |
►Timer/Counter (TCPWM) | Driver API for Timer/Counter |
►Macros | |
Counter Run Modes | Run modes for the counter timer |
Counter Direction | The counter directions |
Counter CLK Prescalers | The clock prescaler values |
Counter Compare Capture | A compare or capture mode |
Counter Status | The counter status |
Functions | |
Data Structures | |
►PWM (TCPWM) | Driver API for PWM |
►Macros | |
PWM run modes | Run modes for the pwm timer |
PWM modes | Sets the PWM modes |
PWM Alignment | Sets the alignment of the PWM |
PWM kill modes | Sets the kill mode for the PWM |
PWM CLK Prescaler values | Clock prescaler values |
PWM output invert | Output invert modes |
PWM Status | The counter status |
Functions | |
Data Structures | |
►Quadrature Decoder (TCPWM) | Driver API for Quadrature Decoder |
►Macros | |
QuadDec Resolution | The quadrature decoder resolution |
QuadDec Status | The counter status |
Functions | |
Data Structures | |
►TrigMux (Trigger Multiplexer) | The trigger multiplexer provides access to the multiplexer that selects a set of trigger output signals from different peripheral blocks to route them to the specific trigger input of another peripheral block |
Macros | |
Functions | |
►Enumerated Types | |
►Reduction Trigger Mutiplexers | |
Reduction Trigger Mutiplexer Inputs | |
Reduction Trigger Mutiplexer Outputs | |
►Distribution Trigger Mutiplexers | |
Distribution Trigger Mutiplexer Inputs | |
Distribution Trigger Mutiplexer Outputs | |
Trigger Mutiplexer Inputs | |
Trigger Mutiplexer Outputs | |
One-To-One Trigger Lines | |
►USBFS (USB Full-Speed Device) | The USBFS driver provides an API to interact with a fixed-function USB block |
►Macros | |
Interrupt Level | |
Interrupt Cause | |
Transfer Errors | |
►Functions | |
Initialization Functions | The Initialization functions provide an API to begin the USBFS driver operation (configure and enable) and to stop operation (disable and de-initialize) |
Interrupt Functions | The Functions Interrupt functions provide an API to register callbacks for interrupt events provided by the USB block, interrupt handler, and configuration functions |
Endpoint 0 Service Functions | The Endpoint 0 Service functions provide an API to establish communication with the USB Host using control endpoint 0 |
Data Endpoint Configuration Functions | The Data Endpoint Configuration Functions provide an API to allocate and release hardware resources and override the memcpy function for the data endpoints |
Data Endpoint Transfer Functions | The Data Endpoint Transfer functions provide an API to establish communication with the USB Host using data endpoint |
Low Power Functions | The Low-power functions provide an API to implement Low-power callback at the application level |
LPM (Link Power Management) Functions | The LPM functions provide an API to use the LPM feature available in the USB block |
Data Structures | |
Enumerated Types | |
►WDT (Watchdog Timer) | The Watchdog timer (WDT) has a 16-bit free-running up-counter |
Macros | |
Functions | |