PSoC 6 Peripheral Driver Library
Data Structures

General Description

Data Structures

 The struct type definition for the hardware register set contained in the block.
The address of a variable of this type can be used as the base hardware address for register access. A device may support more than one instance of a peripheral block.
Refer to a device-specific header file, e.g. <PDL_DIR>/devices/include/cy8c637bzi_bld74.h for the list of block instances available on that device.
Refer to the device TRM for the block register descriptions. More...
 The struct type definition for the hardware register set contained in the block.
The address of a variable of this type can be used as the base hardware address for register access. A device may support more than one instance of a peripheral block.
Refer to a device-specific header file, e.g. <PDL_DIR>/devices/include/cy8c637bzi_bld74.h for the list of block instances available on that device.
Refer to the device TRM for the block register descriptions. More...
struct  PERI_PPU_PR_Type
 The struct type definition for the hardware register set contained in the block.
The address of a variable of this type can be used as the base hardware address for register access. A device may support more than one instance of a peripheral block.
Refer to a device-specific header file, e.g. <PDL_DIR>/devices/include/cy8c637bzi_bld74.h for the list of block instances available on that device.
Refer to the device TRM for the block register descriptions. More...
struct  PERI_PPU_GR_Type
 The struct type definition for the hardware register set contained in the block.
The address of a variable of this type can be used as the base hardware address for register access. A device may support more than one instance of a peripheral block.
Refer to a device-specific header file, e.g. <PDL_DIR>/devices/include/cy8c637bzi_bld74.h for the list of block instances available on that device.
Refer to the device TRM for the block register descriptions. More...
struct  PERI_GR_PPU_SL_Type
 The struct type definition for the hardware register set contained in the block.
The address of a variable of this type can be used as the base hardware address for register access. A device may support more than one instance of a peripheral block.
Refer to a device-specific header file, e.g. <PDL_DIR>/devices/include/cy8c637bzi_bld74.h for the list of block instances available on that device.
Refer to the device TRM for the block register descriptions. More...
struct  PERI_GR_PPU_RG_Type
 The struct type definition for the hardware register set contained in the block.
The address of a variable of this type can be used as the base hardware address for register access. A device may support more than one instance of a peripheral block.
Refer to a device-specific header file, e.g. <PDL_DIR>/devices/include/cy8c637bzi_bld74.h for the list of block instances available on that device.
Refer to the device TRM for the block register descriptions. More...
struct  cy_stc_mpu_cfg_t
 Configuration structure for MPU Struct initialization. More...
struct  cy_stc_smpu_cfg_t
 Configuration structure for SMPU struct initialization. More...
struct  cy_stc_ppu_prog_cfg_t
 Configuration structure for Programmable (PROG) PPU (PPU_PR) struct initialization. More...
struct  cy_stc_ppu_gr_cfg_t
 Configuration structure for Fixed Group (GR) PPU (PPU_GR) struct initialization. More...
struct  cy_stc_ppu_sl_cfg_t
 Configuration structure for Fixed Slave (SL) PPU (PPU_SL) struct initialization. More...
struct  cy_stc_ppu_rg_cfg_t
 Configuration structure for Fixed Region (RG) PPU (PPU_RG) struct initialization. More...