PSoC 6 Peripheral Driver Library
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General Description


cy_en_rtc_status_t Cy_RTC_Init (cy_stc_rtc_config_t const *config)
 Initializes the RTC driver. More...
cy_en_rtc_status_t Cy_RTC_SetDateAndTime (cy_stc_rtc_config_t const *dateTime)
 Sets the time and date values into the RTC_TIME and RTC_DATE registers. More...
void Cy_RTC_GetDateAndTime (cy_stc_rtc_config_t *dateTime)
 Gets the current RTC time and date. More...
cy_en_rtc_status_t Cy_RTC_SetDateAndTimeDirect (uint32_t sec, uint32_t min, uint32_t hour, uint32_t date, uint32_t month, uint32_t year)
 Sets the time and date values into the RTC_TIME and RTC_DATE registers using direct time parameters. More...
cy_en_rtc_status_t Cy_RTC_SetHoursFormat (cy_en_rtc_hours_format_t hoursFormat)
 Sets the 12/24-hour mode. More...
void Cy_RTC_SelectFrequencyPrescaler (cy_en_rtc_clock_freq_t clkSel)
 Selects the RTC pre-scaler value and changes its clock frequency. More...

Function Documentation

◆ Cy_RTC_Init()

cy_en_rtc_status_t Cy_RTC_Init ( cy_stc_rtc_config_t const *  config)

Initializes the RTC driver.

*configThe pointer to the RTC configuration structure, see cy_stc_rtc_config_t.
Checking result. If the pointer is NULL, returns an error. See cy_en_rtc_status_t.

◆ Cy_RTC_SetDateAndTime()

cy_en_rtc_status_t Cy_RTC_SetDateAndTime ( cy_stc_rtc_config_t const *  dateTime)

Sets the time and date values into the RTC_TIME and RTC_DATE registers.

dateTimeThe pointer to the RTC configuration structure, see cy_stc_rtc_config_t.
A validation check result of date and month. Returns an error, if the date range is invalid. See cy_en_rtc_status_t.

◆ Cy_RTC_GetDateAndTime()

void Cy_RTC_GetDateAndTime ( cy_stc_rtc_config_t dateTime)

Gets the current RTC time and date.

The AHB RTC Time and Date register values are stored into the *dateTime structure.

dateTimeThe RTC time and date structure. See Data Structures.

◆ Cy_RTC_SetDateAndTimeDirect()

cy_en_rtc_status_t Cy_RTC_SetDateAndTimeDirect ( uint32_t  sec,
uint32_t  min,
uint32_t  hour,
uint32_t  date,
uint32_t  month,
uint32_t  year 

Sets the time and date values into the RTC_TIME and RTC_DATE registers using direct time parameters.

secThe second valid range is [0-59].
minThe minute valid range is [0-59].
hourThe hour valid range is [0-23]. This parameter should be presented in the 24-hour format.

The function reads the current 12/24-hour mode, then converts the hour value properly as the mode.

dateThe date valid range is [1-31], if the month of February is selected as the Month parameter, then the valid range is [0-29].
monthThe month valid range is [1-12].
yearThe year valid range is [0-99].
A validation check result of date and month. Returns an error, if the date range is invalid or the RTC time and date set was cancelled: the RTC Write bit was not set, the RTC was synchronizing. See cy_en_rtc_status_t.

◆ Cy_RTC_SetHoursFormat()

cy_en_rtc_status_t Cy_RTC_SetHoursFormat ( cy_en_rtc_hours_format_t  hoursFormat)

Sets the 12/24-hour mode.

hoursFormatThe current hour format, see cy_en_rtc_hours_format_t.
A validation check result of RTC register update. See cy_en_rtc_status_t.

◆ Cy_RTC_SelectFrequencyPrescaler()

void Cy_RTC_SelectFrequencyPrescaler ( cy_en_rtc_clock_freq_t  clkSel)

Selects the RTC pre-scaler value and changes its clock frequency.

If the external 32.768 kHz WCO is absent on the board, the RTC can be driven by a 32.768kHz square clock source or an external 50-Hz or 60-Hz sine-wave clock source, for example the wall AC frequency.

clkSelclock frequency, see cy_en_rtc_clock_freq_t.

In addition to generating the 32.768 kHz clock from external crystals, the WCO can be sourced by an external clock source (50 Hz or 60Hz), even the wall AC frequency as a timebase. The API helps select between the RTC sources:

  • A 32.768 kHz digital clock source.
  • An external 50-Hz or 60-Hz sine-wave clock source.

If you want to use an external 50-Hz or 60-Hz sine-wave clock source to drive the RTC, the next procedure is required:

  1. Disable the WCO
  2. Bypass the WCO using the Cy_SysClk_WcoBypass() function.
  3. Configure both wco_out and wco_in pins. Note that only one of the wco pins should be driven and the other wco pin should be floating, which depends on the source that drives the RTC (*1).
  4. Call Cy_RTC_SelectFrequencyPrescaler(CY_RTC_FREQ_60_HZ), if you want to drive the WCO, for example, with a 60 Hz source.
  5. Enable the WCO.

If you want to use the WCO after using an external 50-Hz or 60-Hz sine-wave clock source:

  1. Disable the WCO.
  2. Switch-off the WCO bypass using the Cy_SysClk_WcoBypass() function.
  3. Drive off the wco pin with an external signal source.
  4. Call Cy_RTC_SelectFrequencyPrescaler(CY_RTC_FREQ_WCO_32768_HZ).
  5. Enable the WCO.

(1) - Refer to the device TRM to know how to configure the wco pins properly and which wco pin should be driven/floating.

There is a limitation to the external clock source frequencies. Only two frequencies are allowed - 50 Hz or 60 Hz. Note that this limitation is related to the RTC pre-scaling feature presented in this function. This limitation is not related to WCO external clock sources which can drive the WCO in Bypass mode.