PSoC 6 Peripheral Driver Library

General Description

Macros to check current SPI transfer status returned by Cy_SCB_SPI_GetTransferStatus function.

Each SPI transfer status is encoded in a separate bit, therefore multiple bits may be set to indicate the current status.


 Transfer operation started by Cy_SCB_SPI_Transfer is in progress.
 All data elements specified by Cy_SCB_SPI_Transfer for transmission have been loaded into the TX FIFO.
 The slave was deselected at the wrong time. More...
 RX FIFO was full and there was an attempt to write to it. More...
 Applicable only for the slave mode. More...

Macro Definition Documentation



The slave was deselected at the wrong time.



RX FIFO was full and there was an attempt to write to it.

This additional data was dropped.



Applicable only for the slave mode.

The master tried to read more data elements than available in the TX FIFO.