PSoC 6 Peripheral Driver Library

General Description

Basic flow for read/write commands using Cy_SMIF_TransmitCommand, Cy_SMIF_TransmitData, Cy_SMIF_ReceiveData and Cy_SMIF_SendDummyCycles.


The sequence of the PDL functions required in a read or write transaction is: Cy_SMIF_TransmitCommand() -> Cy_SMIF_SendDummyCycles() -> Cy_SMIF_ReceiveData() / Cy_SMIF_TransmitData() -> Cy_SMIF_BusyCheck(). The address is sent as part of the Cy_SMIF_TransmitCommand() function. No separate function call is required.

API Reference

 Low Power Callback
 The driver supports SysPm callback for Deep Sleep and Hibernate transition.


cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_Init (SMIF_Type *base, cy_stc_smif_config_t const *config, uint32_t timeout, cy_stc_smif_context_t *context)
 This function initializes the SMIF block as a communication block. More...
void Cy_SMIF_DeInit (SMIF_Type *base)
 This function de-initializes the SMIF block to default values. More...
void Cy_SMIF_SetDataSelect (SMIF_Type *base, cy_en_smif_slave_select_t slaveSelect, cy_en_smif_data_select_t dataSelect)
 This function configures the data select option for a specific slave. More...
void Cy_SMIF_SetMode (SMIF_Type *base, cy_en_smif_mode_t mode)
 Sets the mode of operation for the SMIF. More...
cy_en_smif_mode_t Cy_SMIF_GetMode (SMIF_Type const *base)
 Reads the mode of operation for the SMIF. More...
cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_TransmitCommand (SMIF_Type *base, uint8_t cmd, cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t cmdTxfrWidth, uint8_t const cmdParam[], uint32_t paramSize, cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t paramTxfrWidth, cy_en_smif_slave_select_t slaveSelect, uint32_t completeTxfr, cy_stc_smif_context_t const *context)
 This function transmits a command byte followed by a parameter which is typically an address field. More...
cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_TransmitData (SMIF_Type *base, uint8_t const *txBuffer, uint32_t size, cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t transferWidth, cy_smif_event_cb_t TxCompleteCb, cy_stc_smif_context_t *context)
 This function is used to transmit data using the SMIF interface. More...
cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_TransmitDataBlocking (SMIF_Type *base, uint8_t const *txBuffer, uint32_t size, cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t transferWidth, cy_stc_smif_context_t const *context)
 This function implements the transmit data phase in the memory command. More...
cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_ReceiveData (SMIF_Type *base, uint8_t *rxBuffer, uint32_t size, cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t transferWidth, cy_smif_event_cb_t RxCompleteCb, cy_stc_smif_context_t *context)
 This function implements the receive data phase in the memory command. More...
cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_ReceiveDataBlocking (SMIF_Type *base, uint8_t *rxBuffer, uint32_t size, cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t transferWidth, cy_stc_smif_context_t const *context)
 This function implements the receive data phase in the memory command. More...
cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_SendDummyCycles (SMIF_Type *base, uint32_t cycles)
 This function sends dummy-clock cycles. More...
uint32_t Cy_SMIF_GetTransferStatus (SMIF_Type const *base, cy_stc_smif_context_t const *context)
 This function provides the status of the transfer. More...
void Cy_SMIF_Enable (SMIF_Type *base, cy_stc_smif_context_t *context)
 Enables the operation of the SMIF block. More...
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SMIF_Disable (SMIF_Type *base)
 Disables the operation of the SMIF block. More...
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SMIF_SetInterruptMask (SMIF_Type *base, uint32_t interrupt)
 This function is used to set an interrupt mask for the SMIF Interrupt. More...
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SMIF_GetInterruptMask (SMIF_Type const *base)
 This function is used to read an interrupt mask for the SMIF Interrupt. More...
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SMIF_GetInterruptStatusMasked (SMIF_Type const *base)
 This function is used to read an active masked interrupt. More...
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SMIF_GetInterruptStatus (SMIF_Type const *base)
 This function is used to read an active interrupt. More...
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SMIF_SetInterrupt (SMIF_Type *base, uint32_t interrupt)
 This function is used to set an interrupt source. More...
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SMIF_ClearInterrupt (SMIF_Type *base, uint32_t interrupt)
 This function is used to clear an interrupt source. More...
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SMIF_SetTxFifoTriggerLevel (SMIF_Type *base, uint32_t level)
 This function is used to set a trigger level for the TX FIFO. More...
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SMIF_SetRxFifoTriggerLevel (SMIF_Type *base, uint32_t level)
 This function is used to set a trigger level for the RX FIFO. More...
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SMIF_GetCmdFifoStatus (SMIF_Type const *base)
 This function is used to read the status of the CMD FIFO. More...
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SMIF_GetTxFifoStatus (SMIF_Type const *base)
 This function is used to read the status of the TX FIFO. More...
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SMIF_GetRxFifoStatus (SMIF_Type const *base)
 This function is used to read the status of the RX FIFO. More...
cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_Encrypt (SMIF_Type *base, uint32_t address, uint8_t data[], uint32_t size, cy_stc_smif_context_t const *context)
 Uses the Encryption engine to create an encrypted result when the input, key and data arrays are provided. More...
__STATIC_INLINE bool Cy_SMIF_BusyCheck (SMIF_Type const *base)
 This function provides the status of the IP block (False - not busy, True - busy). More...
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SMIF_Interrupt (SMIF_Type *base, cy_stc_smif_context_t *context)
 The Interrupt Service Routine for the SMIF. More...
cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_CacheEnable (SMIF_Type *base, cy_en_smif_cache_t cacheType)
 This function is used to enable the fast cache, the slow cache or both. More...
cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_CacheDisable (SMIF_Type *base, cy_en_smif_cache_t cacheType)
 This function is used to disable the fast cache, the slow cache or both. More...
cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_CachePrefetchingEnable (SMIF_Type *base, cy_en_smif_cache_t cacheType)
 This function is used to enable pre-fetching for the fast cache, the slow cache or both. More...
cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_CachePrefetchingDisable (SMIF_Type *base, cy_en_smif_cache_t cacheType)
 This function is used to disable pre-fetching for the fast cache, the slow cache or both. More...
cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_CacheInvalidate (SMIF_Type *base, cy_en_smif_cache_t cacheType)
 This function is used to invalidate/clear the fast cache, the slow cache or both. More...

Function Documentation

◆ Cy_SMIF_Init()

cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_Init ( SMIF_Type base,
cy_stc_smif_config_t const *  config,
uint32_t  timeout,
cy_stc_smif_context_t context 

This function initializes the SMIF block as a communication block.

The user must ensure that the SMIF interrupt is disabled while this function is called. Enabling the interrupts can lead to triggering in the middle of the initialization operation, which can lead to erroneous initialization.

As parameters, this function takes the SMIF register base address and a context structure along with the configuration needed for the SMIF block, stored in a config

baseHolds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
configPasses a configuration structure that configures the SMIF block for operation.
timeoutA timeout in microseconds for blocking APIs in use.
contextPasses a configuration structure that contains the transfer parameters of the SMIF block.
Make sure that the interrupts are initialized and disabled.

◆ Cy_SMIF_DeInit()

void Cy_SMIF_DeInit ( SMIF_Type base)

This function de-initializes the SMIF block to default values.

baseHolds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
The SMIF must be disabled before calling the function. Call Cy_SMIF_Disable

◆ Cy_SMIF_SetDataSelect()

void Cy_SMIF_SetDataSelect ( SMIF_Type base,
cy_en_smif_slave_select_t  slaveSelect,
cy_en_smif_data_select_t  dataSelect 

This function configures the data select option for a specific slave.

The selection provides pre-set combinations for connecting the SMIF data lines to the GPIOs.

baseHolds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
slaveSelectThe slave device ID. This number is either CY_SMIF_SLAVE_SELECT_0 or CY_SMIF_SLAVE_SELECT_1 or CY_SMIF_SLAVE_SELECT_2 or CY_SMIF_SLAVE_SELECT_3 (cy_en_smif_slave_select_t). It defines the slave select line to be used during the transmission.
dataSelectThis parameter selects the data select option. cy_en_smif_data_select_t

◆ Cy_SMIF_SetMode()

void Cy_SMIF_SetMode ( SMIF_Type base,
cy_en_smif_mode_t  mode 

Sets the mode of operation for the SMIF.

The mode of operation can be the XIP mode where the slave devices are mapped as memories and are directly accessed from the PSoC register map. In the MMIO mode, the SMIF block acts as a simple SPI engine.

Interrupt and triggers and not working in XIP mode, see TRM for details
baseHolds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
modeThe mode of the SMIF operation.

◆ Cy_SMIF_GetMode()

cy_en_smif_mode_t Cy_SMIF_GetMode ( SMIF_Type const *  base)

Reads the mode of operation for the SMIF.

The mode of operation can be the XIP mode where the slave devices are mapped as memories and are directly accessed from the PSoC register map. In the MMIO mode, the SMIF block acts as a simple SPI engine.

baseHolds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
The mode of SMIF operation (see cy_en_smif_mode_t).

◆ Cy_SMIF_TransmitCommand()

cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_TransmitCommand ( SMIF_Type base,
uint8_t  cmd,
cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t  cmdTxfrWidth,
uint8_t const  cmdParam[],
uint32_t  paramSize,
cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t  paramTxfrWidth,
cy_en_smif_slave_select_t  slaveSelect,
uint32_t  completeTxfr,
cy_stc_smif_context_t const *  context 

This function transmits a command byte followed by a parameter which is typically an address field.

The transfer is implemented using the TX FIFO. This function also asserts the slave select line. A command to a memory device generally starts with a command byte transmission. This function sets up the slave lines for the rest of the command structure. The Cy_SMIF_TransmitCommand is called before Cy_SMIF_TransmitData or Cy_SMIF_ReceiveData is called. When enabled, the completeTxfr parameter in the function will de-assert the slave select line at the end of the function execution.

This function blocks until all the command and associated parameters have been transmitted over the SMIF block or timeout expire.
baseHolds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
cmdThe command byte to be transmitted.
cmdTxfrWidthThe width of command byte transfer cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t.
cmdParamThis is the pointer to an array that has bytes to be transmitted after the command byte. Typically, this field has the address bytes associated with the memory command.
paramSizeThe size of the cmdParam array.
paramTxfrWidthThe width of parameter transfer cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t.
slaveSelectDenotes the number of the slave device to which the transfer is made. (0, 1, 2 or 4 - the bit defines which slave to enable) Two-bit enable is possible only for the double quad SPI mode.
completeTxfrSpecifies if the slave select line must be de-asserted after transferring the last byte in the parameter array. Typically, this field is set to 0 when this function succeed through Cy_SMIF_TransmitData or Cy_SMIF_ReceiveData.
contextPasses a configuration structure that contains the transfer parameters of the SMIF block.
A status of the command transmit.
Check Rules for PSoC6 QSPI/SMIF Block Usage for any usage restriction

◆ Cy_SMIF_TransmitData()

cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_TransmitData ( SMIF_Type base,
uint8_t const *  txBuffer,
uint32_t  size,
cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t  transferWidth,
cy_smif_event_cb_t  TxCompleteCb,
cy_stc_smif_context_t context 

This function is used to transmit data using the SMIF interface.

This function uses the TX Data FIFO to implement the transmit functionality. The function sets up an interrupt to trigger the TX Data FIFO and uses that interrupt to fill the TX Data FIFO until all the data is transmitted. At the end of the transmission, the TxCompleteCb is executed.

This function is to be preceded by Cy_SMIF_TransmitCommand where the slave select is selected. The slave is de-asserted at the end of a transmit. The function triggers the transfer and the transfer itself utilizes the interrupt for FIFO operations in the background. Thus, frequent interrupts will be executed after this function is triggered. Since this API is non-blocking and sets up the interrupt to act on the data FIFO, ensure there will be no another instance of the function called before the current instance has completed execution.
baseHolds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
txBufferThe pointer to the data to be transferred. If this pointer is a NULL, then the function does not enable the interrupt. This use case is typically used when the FIFO is handled outside the interrupt and is managed in either a polling-based code or a DMA. The user would handle the FIFO management in a DMA or a polling-based code.
If the user provides a NULL pointer in this function and does not handle the FIFO transaction, this could either stall or timeout the operation. The transfer statuses returned by Cy_SMIF_GetTransferStatus are no longer valid.
sizeThe size of txBuffer. Must be > 0 and not greater than 65536.
transferWidthThe width of transfer cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t.
TxCompleteCbThe callback executed at the end of a transmission. NULL interpreted as no callback.
contextPasses a configuration structure that contains the transfer parameters of the SMIF block.
A status of a transmission.

◆ Cy_SMIF_TransmitDataBlocking()

cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_TransmitDataBlocking ( SMIF_Type base,
uint8_t const *  txBuffer,
uint32_t  size,
cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t  transferWidth,
cy_stc_smif_context_t const *  context 

This function implements the transmit data phase in the memory command.

The data is transmitted using the Tx Data FIFO and the TX_COUNT command. This function blocks until completion. The function does not use the interrupts and will use CPU to monitor the FIFO status and move data accordingly. The function returns only on completion.

Since this API is blocking, ensure that other transfers finished and it will not be called during non-blocking transfer.
baseHolds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
txBufferThe pointer to the data to be transferred. If this pointer is a NULL, then the function does not fill TX_FIFO. The user would handle the FIFO management in a DMA or a polling-based code.
If the user provides a NULL pointer in this function and does not handle the FIFO transaction, this could either stall or timeout the operation. The transfer statuses returned by Cy_SMIF_GetTransferStatus are no longer valid.
sizeThe size of txBuffer. Must be > 0 and not greater than 65536.
transferWidthThe width of transfer cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t.
contextPasses a configuration structure that contains the transfer parameters of the SMIF block.
A status of a transmission.

◆ Cy_SMIF_ReceiveData()

cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_ReceiveData ( SMIF_Type base,
uint8_t *  rxBuffer,
uint32_t  size,
cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t  transferWidth,
cy_smif_event_cb_t  RxCompleteCb,
cy_stc_smif_context_t context 

This function implements the receive data phase in the memory command.

The data is received into the RX Data FIFO using the RX_COUNT command. This function sets up the interrupt to trigger on the RX Data FIFO level, and the data is fetched from the RX Data FIFO to the rxBuffer as it gets filled. This function does not block until completion. The completion will trigger the call back function.

This function is to be preceded by Cy_SMIF_TransmitCommand. The slave select is de-asserted at the end of the receive. The function triggers the transfer and the transfer itself utilizes the interrupt for FIFO operations in the background. Thus, frequent interrupts will be executed after this function is triggered. This API is non-blocking and sets up the interrupt to act on the data FIFO, ensure there will be no another instance of the function called before the current instance has completed execution.
baseHolds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
rxBufferThe pointer to the variable where the receive data is stored. If this pointer is a NULL, then the function does not enable the interrupt. This use case is typically used when the FIFO is handled outside the interrupt and is managed in either a polling-based code or a DMA. The user would handle the FIFO management in a DMA or a polling-based code.
If the user provides a NULL pointer in this function and does not handle the FIFO transaction, this could either stall or timeout the operation. The transfer statuses returned by Cy_SMIF_GetTransferStatus are no longer valid.
sizeThe size of data to be received. Must be > 0 and not greater than 65536.
transferWidthThe width of transfer cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t.
RxCompleteCbThe callback executed at the end of a reception. NULL interpreted as no callback.
contextPasses a configuration structure that contains the transfer parameters of the SMIF block.
A status of a reception.
Check Rules for PSoC6 QSPI/SMIF Block Usage for any usage restriction

◆ Cy_SMIF_ReceiveDataBlocking()

cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_ReceiveDataBlocking ( SMIF_Type base,
uint8_t *  rxBuffer,
uint32_t  size,
cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t  transferWidth,
cy_stc_smif_context_t const *  context 

This function implements the receive data phase in the memory command.

The data is received into the RX Data FIFO using the RX_COUNT command. This function blocks until completion. The function does not use the interrupts and will use CPU to monitor the FIFO status and move data accordingly. The function returns only on completion.

This function is to be preceded by Cy_SMIF_TransmitCommand. The slave select is de-asserted at the end of the receive. Ensure there is no another transfers.
baseHolds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
rxBufferThe pointer to the variable where the receive data is stored. If this pointer is a NULL, then the function does not enable the interrupt. This use case is typically used when the FIFO is handled outside the interrupt and is managed in either a polling-based code or a DMA. The user would handle the FIFO management in a DMA or a polling-based code.
If the user provides a NULL pointer in this function and does not handle the FIFO transaction, this could either stall or timeout the operation. The transfer statuses returned by Cy_SMIF_GetTransferStatus are no longer valid.
sizeThe size of data to be received. Must be > 0 and not greater than 65536.
transferWidthThe width of transfer cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t.
contextPasses a configuration structure that contains the transfer parameters of the SMIF block.
A status of a reception.
Check Rules for PSoC6 QSPI/SMIF Block Usage for any usage restriction

◆ Cy_SMIF_SendDummyCycles()

cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_SendDummyCycles ( SMIF_Type base,
uint32_t  cycles 

This function sends dummy-clock cycles.

The data lines are tri-stated during the dummy cycles.

This function is to be preceded by Cy_SMIF_TransmitCommand.
baseHolds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
cyclesThe number of dummy cycles. Must be > 0 and not greater than 65536.
A status of dummy cycles sending.

◆ Cy_SMIF_GetTransferStatus()

uint32_t Cy_SMIF_GetTransferStatus ( SMIF_Type const *  base,
cy_stc_smif_context_t const *  context 

This function provides the status of the transfer.

This function is used to poll for the status of the TransmitData or receiveData function. When this function is called to determine the status of ongoing Cy_SMIF_ReceiveData() or Cy_SMIF_TransmitData(), the returned status is only valid if the functions passed a non-NULL buffer to transmit or receive respectively. If the pointer passed to Cy_SMIF_ReceiveData() or Cy_SMIF_TransmitData() is a NULL, then the code/DMA outside this driver will take care of the transfer and the Cy_GetTxfrStatus() will return an erroneous result.

baseHolds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
contextPasses a configuration structure that contains the transfer parameters of the SMIF block.
Returns the transfer status. cy_en_smif_txfr_status_t

◆ Cy_SMIF_Enable()

void Cy_SMIF_Enable ( SMIF_Type base,
cy_stc_smif_context_t context 

Enables the operation of the SMIF block.

This function only enables the SMIF IP. The interrupts associated with the SMIF will need to be separately enabled using the interrupt driver.
baseHolds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
contextPasses a configuration structure that contains the transfer parameters of the SMIF block.

◆ Cy_SMIF_Disable()

__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SMIF_Disable ( SMIF_Type base)

Disables the operation of the SMIF block.

The SMIF block can be disabled only when it is not in the active state. Use the Cy_SMIF_BusyCheck() API to check it before calling this API.

baseHolds the base address of the SMIF block registers.

◆ Cy_SMIF_SetInterruptMask()

__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SMIF_SetInterruptMask ( SMIF_Type base,
uint32_t  interrupt 

This function is used to set an interrupt mask for the SMIF Interrupt.

baseHolds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
interruptThis is the mask for different source options that can be masked. See Interrupt Macros for possible values.

◆ Cy_SMIF_GetInterruptMask()

__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SMIF_GetInterruptMask ( SMIF_Type const *  base)

This function is used to read an interrupt mask for the SMIF Interrupt.

baseHolds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
Returns the mask set for the SMIF interrupt.

◆ Cy_SMIF_GetInterruptStatusMasked()

__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SMIF_GetInterruptStatusMasked ( SMIF_Type const *  base)

This function is used to read an active masked interrupt.

This function can be used in the interrupt service-routine to find which source triggered the interrupt.

baseHolds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
Returns a word with bits set at positions corresponding to the interrupts triggered in the system.

◆ Cy_SMIF_GetInterruptStatus()

__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SMIF_GetInterruptStatus ( SMIF_Type const *  base)

This function is used to read an active interrupt.

This status is the unmasked result, so will also show interrupts that will not generate active interrupts.

baseHolds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
Returns a word with bits set at positions corresponding to the interrupts triggered in the system.

◆ Cy_SMIF_SetInterrupt()

__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SMIF_SetInterrupt ( SMIF_Type base,
uint32_t  interrupt 

This function is used to set an interrupt source.

This function can be used to activate interrupts through the software.

Interrupt sources set using this interrupt will generate interrupts only if they are not masked.
baseHolds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
interruptAn encoded integer with a bit set corresponding to the interrupt to be triggered. See Interrupt Macros for possible values.

◆ Cy_SMIF_ClearInterrupt()

__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SMIF_ClearInterrupt ( SMIF_Type base,
uint32_t  interrupt 

This function is used to clear an interrupt source.

This function can be used in the user code to clear all pending interrupts.

baseHolds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
interruptAn encoded integer with a bit set corresponding to the interrupt that must be cleared. See Interrupt Macros for possible values.

◆ Cy_SMIF_SetTxFifoTriggerLevel()

__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SMIF_SetTxFifoTriggerLevel ( SMIF_Type base,
uint32_t  level 

This function is used to set a trigger level for the TX FIFO.

This value must be an integer between 0 and 7. For the normal mode only. The triggering is active when TX_DATA_FIFO_STATUS <= level.

baseHolds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
levelThe trigger level to set (0-8).

◆ Cy_SMIF_SetRxFifoTriggerLevel()

__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SMIF_SetRxFifoTriggerLevel ( SMIF_Type base,
uint32_t  level 

This function is used to set a trigger level for the RX FIFO.

This value must be an integer between 0 and 7. For the normal mode only. The triggering is active when RX_DATA_FIFOSTATUS > level.

baseHolds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
levelThe trigger level to set(0-8).

◆ Cy_SMIF_GetCmdFifoStatus()

__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SMIF_GetCmdFifoStatus ( SMIF_Type const *  base)

This function is used to read the status of the CMD FIFO.

baseHolds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
Returns the number of the entries in the CMD FIFO.

◆ Cy_SMIF_GetTxFifoStatus()

__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SMIF_GetTxFifoStatus ( SMIF_Type const *  base)

This function is used to read the status of the TX FIFO.

baseHolds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
Returns the number of the entries in the TX FIFO.

◆ Cy_SMIF_GetRxFifoStatus()

__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_SMIF_GetRxFifoStatus ( SMIF_Type const *  base)

This function is used to read the status of the RX FIFO.

baseHolds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
Returns the number of the entries in the RX FIFO.

◆ Cy_SMIF_Encrypt()

cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_Encrypt ( SMIF_Type base,
uint32_t  address,
uint8_t  data[],
uint32_t  size,
cy_stc_smif_context_t const *  context 

Uses the Encryption engine to create an encrypted result when the input, key and data arrays are provided.

The AES-128 encryption of the address with the key, fetching the result and XOR with the data array are all done in the function. The operational scheme is the following: data = XOR(AES128(address, key), data) Decryption is done using the input data-array identically to the encryption. In the XIP mode, encryption and decryption are done without calling this function. The operational scheme in the XIP mode is the same. The address parameter in the XIP mode equals the actual address in the PSoC memory map. The SMIF encryption engine is designed for code storage. For data storage, the encryption key can be changed. For sensitive data, the Crypto block is used.

The API does not have access to the encryption key. The key must be placed in the register before calling this API. The crypto routine that can access the key storage area is recommended. This crypto routine is typically a protection context 0 function.
This is a blocking API. The API waits for encryption completion. Will exit if a timeout is set (not equal to 0) and expired.
baseHolds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
addressThe address that gets encrypted is a masked 16-byte block address. The 32-bit address with the last 4 bits masked is placed as the last 4 bytes in the 128-bit input. The rest of the higher bit for the 128 bits are padded zeros. PA[127:0]: PA[3:0] = 0 PA[7:4] = ADDR[7:4]. PA[15:8] = ADDR[15:8]. PA[23:16] = ADDR[23:16]. PA[31:24] = ADDR[31:24]. The other twelve of the sixteen plain text address bytes of PA[127:0] are "0": PA[127:32] = "0".
dataThis is the location where the input data-array is passed while the function is called. This array gets populated with the result after encryption is completed.
sizeProvides a size of the array.
contextPasses a configuration structure that contains the transfer parameters of the SMIF block.
A status of the command transmit.
Function Usage
/* Scenario: Encrypt data in the txBuffer[] before writing data into the memory at the address=0x2000. */
cy_stc_smif_context_t SMIF_context; /* This is a shared context structure.
* It must be global
#define MEMTEST_AES_KEY_SIZE (16U) /* The AES key length */
#define PACKET_SIZE (32U) /* The memory Read/Write packet */
/* Data to encrypt */
uint8_t txBuffer[PACKET_SIZE] = {1U, 2U, 3U, 4U, 5U, 6U, 7U, 8U,
9U, 10U, 11U, 12U, 13U, 14U, 15U, 16U,
17U, 18U, 19U, 20U, 21U, 22U, 23U, 24U,
25U, 26U, 27U, 28U, 29U, 30U, 31U, 32U};
uint32_t address = 0x2000UL; /* The address to write data to */
/* The AES key.
* Writing of the AES key should be from secure area of the code
uint8_t key[MEMTEST_AES_KEY_SIZE] = {0x54U, 0x68U, 0x61U, 0x74U, 0x73U, 0x20U, 0x6DU, 0x79U,
0x20U, 0x4BU, 0x75U, 0x6EU, 0x67U, 0x20U, 0x46U, 0x75U};
/* Fill the key field in secure area of the code. */
/* Encrypt data in txBuffer */
if (CY_SMIF_SUCCESS != Cy_SMIF_Encrypt(SMIF, address, txBuffer, sizeof(txBuffer), &SMIF_context))
/* Insert error handling */
/* The second call of Cy_SMIF_Encrypt() decrypts data in txBuffer */
if (CY_SMIF_SUCCESS != Cy_SMIF_Encrypt(SMIF, address, txBuffer, sizeof(txBuffer), &SMIF_context))
/* Insert error handling */

◆ Cy_SMIF_BusyCheck()

__STATIC_INLINE bool Cy_SMIF_BusyCheck ( SMIF_Type const *  base)

This function provides the status of the IP block (False - not busy, True - busy).

baseHolds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
Returns an IP block status.

◆ Cy_SMIF_Interrupt()

__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_SMIF_Interrupt ( SMIF_Type base,
cy_stc_smif_context_t context 

The Interrupt Service Routine for the SMIF.

The interrupt code will be responsible for the FIFO operations on FIFO interrupts during ongoing transfers. The user must place a call to this interrupt function in the interrupt routine corresponding to the interrupt attached to the SMIF. If the user does not do this, will break: the functionality of all the API functions in the SMIF driver that use SMIF interrupts to affect transfers.

baseHolds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
contextPasses a configuration structure that contains the transfer parameters of the SMIF block.
Global Variables
  • context->txBufferAddress - The pointer to the data to be transferred.
  • context->txBufferSize - The size of txBuffer.
  • context->txBufferCounter - The number of data entries left to be transferred.

All the Global variables described above are used when the Software Buffer is used.

◆ Cy_SMIF_CacheEnable()

cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_CacheEnable ( SMIF_Type base,
cy_en_smif_cache_t  cacheType 

This function is used to enable the fast cache, the slow cache or both.

baseHolds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
cacheTypeHolds the type of the cache to be modified. cy_en_smif_cache_t
A status of function completion.

◆ Cy_SMIF_CacheDisable()

cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_CacheDisable ( SMIF_Type base,
cy_en_smif_cache_t  cacheType 

This function is used to disable the fast cache, the slow cache or both.

baseHolds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
cacheTypeHolds the type of the cache to be modified. cy_en_smif_cache_t
A status of function completion.

◆ Cy_SMIF_CachePrefetchingEnable()

cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_CachePrefetchingEnable ( SMIF_Type base,
cy_en_smif_cache_t  cacheType 

This function is used to enable pre-fetching for the fast cache, the slow cache or both.

baseHolds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
cacheTypeHolds the type of the cache to be modified. cy_en_smif_cache_t
A status of function completion.

◆ Cy_SMIF_CachePrefetchingDisable()

cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_CachePrefetchingDisable ( SMIF_Type base,
cy_en_smif_cache_t  cacheType 

This function is used to disable pre-fetching for the fast cache, the slow cache or both.

baseHolds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
cacheTypeHolds the type of the cache to be modified. cy_en_smif_cache_t
A status of function completion.

◆ Cy_SMIF_CacheInvalidate()

cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_CacheInvalidate ( SMIF_Type base,
cy_en_smif_cache_t  cacheType 

This function is used to invalidate/clear the fast cache, the slow cache or both.

baseHolds the base address of the SMIF block registers.
cacheTypeHolds the type of the cache to be modified. cy_en_smif_cache_t
A status of function completion.