PSoC 6 Peripheral Driver Library

General Description

API Reference

 Initialization and Basic Functions
 This set of functions is for initialization and basic usage.
 Low Power Callback
 This set of functions is for Deep Sleep entry and exit.
 Run-time Configuration Functions
 This set of functions allows changes to the SAR configuration after initialization.
 Counts Conversion Functions
 This set of functions performs counts to *volts conversions.
 Interrupt Functions
 This set of functions are related to SAR interrupts.
 SARMUX Switch Control Functions
 This set of functions is for controlling/querying the SARMUX switches.
 Useful Configuration Query Functions
 This set of functions is for useful configuration query.


#define Cy_SAR_Sleep   Cy_SAR_DeepSleep
 This macro is for backward compatibility macro for driver v1.10 and before, the preferred API is Cy_SAR_DeepSleep.