▼HAL General Types/Macros | This section documents the basic types and macros that are used by multiple HAL drivers |
Result Type | Defines a type and related utilities for function result handling |
▶General Types | This section documents the basic types that are used by multiple HAL drivers |
Overrideable Macros | These macros can be defined to a custom value globally to modify the behavior of the HAL |
Implementation Specific Types | The following types are used by the HAL, but are defined by the implementation |
HAL Driver Availability | This section documents the macros that can be used to check if a specific driver is available for the current device |
▼HAL Drivers | This section documents the drivers which form the stable API of the ModusToolbox™ HAL |
▶ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) | High level interface for interacting with the analog to digital converter (ADC) |
▶Clock | Interface for getting and changing clock configuration |
▶COMP (Analog Comparator) | High level interface for interacting with an analog Comparator |
▶CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) | High level interface for interacting with the CRC, which provides hardware accelerated CRC computations |
▶DMA (Direct Memory Access) | High level interface for interacting with the direct memory access (DMA) |
▶EZI2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) | High level interface for interacting with the Cypress EZ Inter-Integrated Circuit (EZI2C) |
▶Flash (Flash System Routine) | High level interface to the internal flash memory |
▶System Power Management | Interface for changing power states and restricting when they are allowed |
▶GPIO (General Purpose Input Output) | High level interface for configuring and interacting with general purpose input/outputs (GPIO) |
▶HWMGR (Hardware Manager) | High level interface to the Hardware Manager |
▶I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) | High level interface for interacting with the I2C resource |
▶I2S (Inter-IC Sound) | High level interface for interacting with the Inter-IC Sound (I2S) |
▶Interconnect (Internal Digital Routing) | High level interface to the Infineon digital routing |
▶LPTimer (Low-Power Timer) | High level interface for interacting with the low-power timer (LPTimer) |
▶Opamp (Operational Amplifier) | High level interface for interacting with the Operational Amplifier (Opamp) |
▶PWM (Pulse Width Modulator) | High level interface for interacting with the pulse width modulator (PWM) hardware resource |
▶Quadrature Decoder | High level interface for interacting with the Quadrature Decoder hardware resource |
▶SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) | High level interface for interacting with the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) |
System | High level interface for interacting with reset and delays |
▶TDM (Time Division Multiplexed) | High level interface for interacting with the Time Division Multiplexed controller (TDM) |
▶Timer (Timer/Counter) | High level interface for interacting with the Timer/Counter hardware resource |
▶TRNG (True Random Number Generator) | High level interface to the True Random Number Generator (TRNG) |
▶UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter) | High level interface for interacting with the Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter (UART) |
▶WDT (Watchdog Timer) | High level interface to the Watchdog Timer (WDT) |
▼CAT2 (PMG/PSoC™ 4) Implementation Specific | This section provides details about the PMG/PSoC™ 4 implementation of the Cypress HAL |
Clocks | Implementation specific interface for using the Clock driver |
▶DMA (Direct Memory Access) | DW (DataWire) is one of two DMA hardware implementations for CAT1 (PSoC™ 6) |
GPIO | |
PMG/PSoC™ 4 Specific Hardware Types | Aliases for types which are part of the public HAL interface but whose representations need to vary per HAL implementation |
Interconnect (Internal Digital Routing) | The interconnect system connects the various hardware peripherals using trigger signals |
▶Pins | Definitions for the pinout for each supported device |
Timer (Timer/Counter) | |
▶Triggers | Trigger connections for supported device families |
WDT (Watchdog Timer) | The CAT2 (PMG/PSoC™ 4) WDT is only capable of supporting certain timeout ranges below its maximum timeout |
ADC (Analog Digital Converter) | |
COMP (Analog Comparator) | On CAT1 & CAT2, the comparator driver can use either of two underlying hardware blocks: |
I2S (Inter-IC Sound) | The CAT2 (PSoC™ 4) I2S only supports TX in master mode |
LPTimer (Low-Power Timer) | The maximum number of ticks that can set to an LPTimer is 0xFFF0FFFF |
Opamp (Operational Amplifier) | |
PWM (Pulse Width Modulator) | |
QuadDec (Quadrature Decoder) | Group_hal_impl_quaddec |
SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) | |
TDM (Time Division Multiplexing) | The CAT2 (PSoC™ 4) TDM only supports TX in master mode |