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WDT (Watchdog Timer)

General Description

High level interface to the Watchdog Timer (WDT).

The WDT can be used for recovering from a CPU or firmware failure. The WDT is initialized with a timeout interval. Once the WDT is started, cyhal_wdt_kick must be called at least once within each timeout interval to reset the count. In case the firmware fails to do so, it is considered to be a CPU crash or firmware failure and the device will be reset.


WDT resets the device if the WDT is not "kicked" using cyhal_wdt_kick within the configured timeout interval.

Quick Start

cyhal_wdt_init() is used to initialize the WDT by providing the WDT object (obj) and the timeout (timeout_ms) value in milliseconds. The timeout parameter can have a minimum value of 1ms. The maximum value of the timeout parameter can be obtained using the cyhal_wdt_get_max_timeout_ms().

Code Snippet

Snippet 1: Initialize the WDT and kick periodically

The following snippet initializes the WDT and illustrates how to reset the WDT within the timeout interval.

#define LED_ON 0u
#define LED_OFF 1u
cyhal_wdt_t wdt_obj;
uint32_t timeout_ms = 2000; // Minimum value of timeout_ms is 1ms
// Initializing WDT
rslt = cyhal_wdt_init(&wdt_obj, timeout_ms);
// Initialize the pin connected to an LED on the board
// Device power-on reset or XRES event - blink LED once
// Device has restarted due to Watchdog timeout - blink a second time
// Initialize WDT
rslt = cyhal_wdt_init(&wdt_obj, timeout_ms);
while (loop)
// This delay emulates an application task executed between subsequent WDT kicks. Increasing
// this delay to beyond the programmed WDT timeout will cause a device reset.
// Reset the WDT and avoid a device reset

API Reference

 WDT HAL Results
 WDT specific return codes.


cy_rslt_t cyhal_wdt_init (cyhal_wdt_t *obj, uint32_t timeout_ms)
 Initialize and start the WDT. More...
void cyhal_wdt_free (cyhal_wdt_t *obj)
 Free the WDT. More...
void cyhal_wdt_kick (cyhal_wdt_t *obj)
 Resets the WDT. More...
void cyhal_wdt_start (cyhal_wdt_t *obj)
 Start (enable) the WDT. More...
void cyhal_wdt_stop (cyhal_wdt_t *obj)
 Stop (disable) the WDT. More...
uint32_t cyhal_wdt_get_timeout_ms (cyhal_wdt_t *obj)
 Get the WDT timeout. More...
uint32_t cyhal_wdt_get_max_timeout_ms (void)
 Gets the maximum WDT timeout in milliseconds. More...
bool cyhal_wdt_is_enabled (cyhal_wdt_t *obj)
 Check if WDT is enabled. More...

Function Documentation

◆ cyhal_wdt_init()

cy_rslt_t cyhal_wdt_init ( cyhal_wdt_t obj,
uint32_t  timeout_ms 

Initialize and start the WDT.

The specified timeout must be at least 1ms and at most the WDT's maximum timeout (see cyhal_wdt_get_max_timeout_ms()).
[out]objPointer to a WDT object. The caller must allocate the memory for this object but the init function will initialize its contents.
[in,out]timeout_msThe time in milliseconds before the WDT times out (1ms - max) (see cyhal_wdt_get_max_timeout_ms())
The status of the init request

Returns CY_RSLT_SUCCESS if the operation was successfull.

◆ cyhal_wdt_free()

void cyhal_wdt_free ( cyhal_wdt_t obj)

Free the WDT.

Powers down the WDT. Releases object (obj). After calling this function no other WDT functions should be called except cyhal_wdt_init().

[in,out]objThe WDT object

◆ cyhal_wdt_kick()

void cyhal_wdt_kick ( cyhal_wdt_t obj)

Resets the WDT.

This function must be called periodically to prevent the WDT from timing out and resetting the device.

See Snippet 1: Initialize the WDT and kick periodically

[in,out]objThe WDT object

◆ cyhal_wdt_start()

void cyhal_wdt_start ( cyhal_wdt_t obj)

Start (enable) the WDT.

[in,out]objThe WDT object
The status of the start request

◆ cyhal_wdt_stop()

void cyhal_wdt_stop ( cyhal_wdt_t obj)

Stop (disable) the WDT.

[in,out]objThe WDT object
The status of the stop request

◆ cyhal_wdt_get_timeout_ms()

uint32_t cyhal_wdt_get_timeout_ms ( cyhal_wdt_t obj)

Get the WDT timeout.

Gets the configured time, in milliseconds, before the WDT times out.

[in]objThe WDT object
The time in milliseconds before the WDT times out

◆ cyhal_wdt_get_max_timeout_ms()

uint32_t cyhal_wdt_get_max_timeout_ms ( void  )

Gets the maximum WDT timeout in milliseconds.

The maximum timeout for the WDT

◆ cyhal_wdt_is_enabled()

bool cyhal_wdt_is_enabled ( cyhal_wdt_t obj)

Check if WDT is enabled.

This will return true after cyhal_wdt_start is called. It will return false before the WDT is started, or after cyhal_wdt_stop is called.

[in]objThe WDT object
The status of WDT is_enabled request