CAPSENSE™ Middleware Library 6.10.0

General Description

The CAPSENSE™ structures.

Data Structures

struct  cy_stc_capsense_adaptive_filter_config_t
 Declares Adaptive Filter configuration parameters. More...
struct  cy_stc_capsense_advanced_centroid_config_t
 Declares Advanced Centroid configuration parameters. More...
struct  cy_stc_capsense_position_t
 Declares position structure that keep information of a single touch. More...
struct  cy_stc_capsense_touch_t
 Declares touch structure used to store positions of Touchpad, Matrix buttons, Slider and Liquid Level widgets. More...
struct  cy_stc_capsense_auto_tune_config_t
 Declares HW smart sensing algorithm data structure for fourth-generation CAPSENSE™. More...
struct  cy_stc_capsense_hw_smartsense_config_t
 Declares HW smart sensing algorithm data structure for fifth-generation CAPSENSE™ and fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™. More...
struct  cy_stc_capsense_smartsense_csd_noise_envelope_t
 Declares Noise envelope data structure when smart sensing algorithm is enabled. More...
struct  cy_stc_capsense_smartsense_update_thresholds_t
 Declares Update Thresholds structure. More...
struct  cy_stc_capsense_ballistic_config_t
 Declares Ballistics Multiplier Configuration data structure. More...
struct  cy_stc_capsense_ballistic_context_t
 Declares Ballistics Multiplier Configuration data structure. More...
struct  cy_stc_capsense_ballistic_delta_t
 Declares Ballistic Displacement structure. More...
struct  cy_stc_capsense_sensor_context_t
 Sensor context structure. More...
struct  cy_stc_capsense_csx_touch_history_t
 CSX Touchpad touch tracking history. More...
struct  cy_stc_capsense_csx_touch_buffer_t
 Internal CSX Touchpad buffer structure for CSX for Touchpads' processing. More...
struct  cy_stc_capsense_widget_context_t
 Widget context structure. More...
struct  cy_stc_capsense_pin_config_t
 Legacy mode pin configuration structure. More...
struct  cy_stc_capsense_electrode_config_t
 Electrode objects configuration structure. More...
struct  cy_stc_capsense_advanced_touchpad_config_t
 Configuration structure of advanced touchpad. More...
struct  cy_stc_capsense_mp_table_t
 Multi-phase table for de-convolution structure. More...
struct  cy_stc_capsense_widget_config_t
 Widget configuration structure. More...
struct  cy_stc_capsense_idac_gain_table_t
 Declares the IDAC gain table. More...
struct  cy_stc_capsense_scan_slot_t
 Declares the scan order of widget and sensor. More...
struct  cy_stc_capsense_channel_config_t
 Declares MSC channel (HW block) configuration. More...
struct  cy_stc_capsense_common_config_t
 Common configuration structure. More...
struct  cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t
 Declares BIST Context Data Structure. More...
struct  cy_stc_capsense_bist_custom_parameters_t
 Declares the BIST structure with custom scan parameters. More...
struct  cy_stc_capsense_active_scan_sns_t
 Declares active sensor details. More...
struct  cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t
 Declares internal Context Data Structure. More...
struct  cy_stc_capsense_widget_crc_data_t
 Declares the structure that is intended to store the cy_stc_capsense_widget_context_t data structure fields, the CRC checking should be applied for. More...
struct  cy_stc_capsense_common_context_t
 Declares top-level Context Data Structure. More...
struct  cy_stc_capsense_context_t
 Declares top-level CAPSENSE™ context data structure. More...


typedef uint32_t cy_capsense_status_t
 Unified return status of CAPSENSE™ operation: More...
typedef uint32_t cy_capsense_mw_state_t
 Unified return state of CAPSENSE™ Middleware: More...
typedef void(* cy_capsense_callback_t) (cy_stc_capsense_active_scan_sns_t *ptrActiveScan)
 Provides the typedef for the callback function that is intended to be called when the cy_en_capsense_callback_event_t events occurs.
typedef void(* cy_capsense_ds_init_callback_t) (void *context)
 Provides the typedef for the callback function that is called by the Cy_CapSense_Enable() function to change the CAPSENSE™ configuration from the default configuration to the user's specific use cases. More...
typedef void(* cy_capsense_tuner_send_callback_t) (void *context)
 Provides the typedef for the callback function that is called by the Cy_CapSense_RunTuner() function to establish communication with the CAPSENSE™ Tuner tool to monitor CAPSENSE™ operation. More...
typedef void(* cy_capsense_tuner_receive_callback_t) (uint8_t **commandPacket, uint8_t **tunerPacket, void *context)
 Provides the typedef for the callback function that is called by the Cy_CapSense_RunTuner() function to establish communication with the CAPSENSE™ Tuner tool to support life-time tuning. More...
typedef uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_lp_historic_context_t
 Declares historic rawcount low power sensors.

Typedef Documentation

◆ cy_capsense_status_t

typedef uint32_t cy_capsense_status_t

Unified return status of CAPSENSE™ operation:


◆ cy_capsense_mw_state_t

typedef uint32_t cy_capsense_mw_state_t

Unified return state of CAPSENSE™ Middleware:

  • CY_CAPSENSE_MW_STATE_BIST_MASK - The BIST is in progress. The next scan frame cannot be started.
  • CY_CAPSENSE_MW_STATE_CALIBRATION_MASK - The auto-calibration is in progress. The next scan frame cannot be started.
  • CY_CAPSENSE_MW_STATE_SMARTSENSE_MASK - The smart sensing algorithm is in progress. The next scan frame cannot be started.
  • CY_CAPSENSE_MW_STATE_INITIALIZATION_MASK - Middleware initialization is in progress and a next scan frame can be initiated.
  • CY_CAPSENSE_MW_STATE_SCAN_SLOT_MASK[x] - The set [x] number of the result means that the previously initiated scan for the [x] slot is completed or in progress. In CS-DMA mode, this field is set only for the first scanned slot.

◆ cy_capsense_ds_init_callback_t

typedef void(* cy_capsense_ds_init_callback_t) (void *context)

Provides the typedef for the callback function that is called by the Cy_CapSense_Enable() function to change the CAPSENSE™ configuration from the default configuration to the user's specific use cases.

Refer to Callbacks section.

This field is available for the fifth-generation CAPSENSE™ and fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ cy_capsense_tuner_send_callback_t

typedef void(* cy_capsense_tuner_send_callback_t) (void *context)

Provides the typedef for the callback function that is called by the Cy_CapSense_RunTuner() function to establish communication with the CAPSENSE™ Tuner tool to monitor CAPSENSE™ operation.

For the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™ the callback is called only once for each new scan. For the previous CAPSENSE™ generations the callback is called once per scan cycle or periodically if device is in suspended mode. Refer to Callbacks section.

◆ cy_capsense_tuner_receive_callback_t

typedef void(* cy_capsense_tuner_receive_callback_t) (uint8_t **commandPacket, uint8_t **tunerPacket, void *context)

Provides the typedef for the callback function that is called by the Cy_CapSense_RunTuner() function to establish communication with the CAPSENSE™ Tuner tool to support life-time tuning.

Refer to Callbacks section.