CAPSENSE™ Middleware Library 6.10.0
cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t Struct Reference


Declares internal Context Data Structure.

Data Fields

cy_capsense_callback_t ptrSSCallback
 Pointer to a user's Start Sample callback function. More...
cy_capsense_callback_t ptrEOSCallback
 Pointer to a user's End Of Scan callback function. More...
cy_capsense_tuner_send_callback_t ptrTunerSendCallback
 Pointer to a user's tuner callback function. More...
cy_capsense_tuner_receive_callback_t ptrTunerReceiveCallback
 Pointer to a user's tuner callback function. More...
void(* ptrISRCallback )(void *context)
 Pointer to the scan interrupt handler.
uint32_t csdRegConfig
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation. More...
uint32_t csdRegSwHsPSelScan
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation. More...
uint32_t csdRegSwHsPSelCmodInit
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation. More...
uint32_t csdRegSwHsPSelCtankInit
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation. More...
uint32_t csdRegSwBypSel
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation. More...
uint32_t csdRegSwResScan
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation. More...
uint32_t csdRegSwResInit
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation. More...
uint32_t csdRegSwDsiSel
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation. More...
uint32_t csdRegAmuxbufInit
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation. More...
uint32_t csdRegSwAmuxbufSel
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation. More...
uint32_t csdRegSwShieldSelScan
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation. More...
uint32_t csdRegHscmpInit
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation. More...
uint32_t csdRegHscmpScan
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation. More...
uint32_t csdIdacAConfig
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation. More...
uint32_t csdIdacBConfig
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation. More...
uint32_t csdRegSwCmpPSel
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation. More...
uint32_t csdRegSwCmpNSel
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation. More...
uint32_t csdRegIoSel
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation. More...
uint32_t csdRegRefgen
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation. More...
uint32_t csdRegSwRefGenSel
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation. More...
uint32_t csxRegConfigInit
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation. More...
uint32_t csxRegConfigScan
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation. More...
uint32_t csxRegSwResInit
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation. More...
uint32_t csxRegSwResPrech
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation. More...
uint32_t csxRegSwResScan
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation. More...
uint32_t csxRegAMuxBuf
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation. More...
uint32_t csxRegRefgen
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation. More...
uint32_t csxRegRefgenSel
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation. More...
uint32_t csxRegSwCmpNSel
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation. More...
uint32_t csxRegSwRefGenSel
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation. More...
uint16_t csdVrefVoltageMv
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation. More...
uint8_t csdCmodConnection
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation. More...
uint8_t csdCshConnection
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation. More...
uint8_t csdVrefGain
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation. More...
cy_capsense_ds_init_callback_t ptrEODsInitCallback
 Pointer to a user's End Of Data Structure Initialization callback function. More...
uint32_t snsCtlReg [1]
 Keeps value of non-retention SNS_CTL register for LFT mode.
uint32_t activeWakeupTimer
 The wakeup timer value for the ACTIVE scan mode in microseconds. More...
uint32_t activeWakeupTimerCycles
 The wakeup timer value for the ACTIVE scan mode in ILO cycles. More...
uint32_t wotScanInterval
 Scan refresh interval (us) while in Wake-on-Touch mode. More...
uint32_t wotScanIntervalCycles
 The scan refresh interval value for the Wake-on-Touch scan mode in ILO cycles. More...
uint32_t iloCompensationFactor
 The ILO compensation factor value, calculated as actual ILO frequency (Hz) * 2^14 / 1000000. More...
uint16_t numCoarseInitChargeCycles
 Configure duration of Cmod initialization, phase 1. More...
uint16_t numCoarseInitSettleCycles
 Configure duration of Cmod initialization, phase 2. More...
uint16_t currentSlotIndex
 Current slot ID. More...
uint16_t endSlotIndex
 The last slot ID for the current frame. More...
uint16_t numValidSlots
 Number of valid slots. More...
uint16_t firstValidSlot
 The first valid slots ID. More...
uint16_t lfsrPoly
 LFSR Polynomial. More...
uint16_t numFineInitWaitCycles
 Number of ProDummy Wait Cycles. More...
uint16_t numEpiCycles
 Number of clk_mod cycles to be run during EPILOGUE. More...
uint16_t numProWaitKrefDelayPrs
 Number of Kref/4 ProDummy Wait Cycles if PRS is enabled. More...
uint16_t numProWaitKrefDelay
 Number of Kref/4 ProDummy Wait Cycles if PRS is disabled. More...
uint16_t numEpiKrefDelayPrs
 Number of Kref/4 cycles to be run during EPILOGUE if PRS is enabled. More...
uint16_t numEpiKrefDelay
 Number of Kref/4 cycles to be run during EPILOGUE if PRS is disabled. More...
uint16_t numSlots
 The number of slots in the current frame. More...
uint16_t startSlotIndex
 The start slot ID for the current scan. More...
uint16_t wotTimeout
 The number of frames to be scanned in Wake-on-Touch mode when there is no touch. More...
uint8_t intrIsxInactSnsConn
 Internal inactive electrode connection for ISX scan: More...
uint8_t numFineInitCycles
 Number of ProDummy SubConversions. More...
uint8_t lfsrScale
 LFSR Scale value. More...
uint8_t cdacDitherSeed
 Dither CDAC Seed. More...
uint8_t cdacDitherPoly
 Dither CDAC Polynomial. More...
uint8_t modClk
 The modulator clock divider. More...
uint8_t scanSingleSlot
 Request of scanning just one slot with keeping HW configuration after scan: More...
uint8_t numProOffsetCycles
 Maximum number of clk_mod cycles for the PRO_OFFSET state. More...
uint8_t proOffsetCdacComp
 Compensation CAPDAC size during PRO_OFFSET. More...
uint8_t hwConfigState
 Contains the current hw state, it is configured or not and if yes then to what operation. More...
uint8_t slotAutoCalibrMode
 The slot auto-calibration mode: More...
uint8_t intrCsdRawTarget
 Internal auto-calibration target in percentage for CSD widgets. More...
uint8_t intrCsxRawTarget
 Internal auto-calibration target in percentage for CSX widgets. More...
uint8_t intrIsxRawTarget
 Internal auto-calibration target in percentage for ISX widgets. More...
uint8_t numSenseMethod
 The number of sense methods, used in the project. More...
uint8_t mapSenseMethod [CY_CAPSENSE_REG_MODE_NUMBER]
 The map array of sense methods, used in the project. More...
uint8_t csdCdacDitherEn
 Enabled CDAC dithering for CSD sensing method. More...
uint8_t csxCdacDitherEn
 Enabled CDAC dithering for CSX sensing method. More...
uint8_t isxCdacDitherEn
 Enabled CDAC dithering for ISX sensing method. More...
uint8_t bslnCoefSlow
 Baseline IIR filter coefficient (slow) for Low power widget. More...
uint8_t bslnCoefFast
 Baseline IIR filter coefficient (fast) for Low power widget. More...
uint8_t bslnUpdateDelay
 Specifies the value from which timer is decremented from on consecutive scans where the baseline update IIR produces a zero. More...
uint8_t iirCoeffLp
 Rawcount IIR filter coefficient for Low power widget. More...
uint8_t firstActSubFrame
 The flag for a first Active sub-frame. More...
uint8_t numFunc
 The number of pin functions, used in the project. More...
 The map array of CTRLMUX pin functions, used in the project. More...
uint8_t operatingMode
 The internal fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™ HW block operating mode. More...
uint8_t mrssStateAfterScan
 Defines the MRSS state after scan frame is complete. More...
uint8_t repeatScanEn
 Defines if repeating the previous scan is allowed for the RepeatScan() function usage.
uint8_t intrCsdInactSnsConn
 Internal inactive electrode connection for CSD scan: More...
uint8_t intrCsxInactSnsConn
 Internal inactive electrode connection for CSX scan: More...
uint8_t hwIirInit
 Flag to reset/initialize HW IIR filter for active widgets during calibration, first scan, etc. More...

Field Documentation

◆ ptrSSCallback

cy_capsense_callback_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::ptrSSCallback

Pointer to a user's Start Sample callback function.

Refer to Callbacks section

◆ ptrEOSCallback

cy_capsense_callback_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::ptrEOSCallback

Pointer to a user's End Of Scan callback function.

Refer to Callbacks section

◆ ptrTunerSendCallback

cy_capsense_tuner_send_callback_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::ptrTunerSendCallback

Pointer to a user's tuner callback function.

Refer to Callbacks section

◆ ptrTunerReceiveCallback

cy_capsense_tuner_receive_callback_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::ptrTunerReceiveCallback

Pointer to a user's tuner callback function.

Refer to Callbacks section

◆ csdRegConfig

uint32_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::csdRegConfig

Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ csdRegSwHsPSelScan

uint32_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::csdRegSwHsPSelScan

Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ csdRegSwHsPSelCmodInit

uint32_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::csdRegSwHsPSelCmodInit

Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ csdRegSwHsPSelCtankInit

uint32_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::csdRegSwHsPSelCtankInit

Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ csdRegSwBypSel

uint32_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::csdRegSwBypSel

Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ csdRegSwResScan

uint32_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::csdRegSwResScan

Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ csdRegSwResInit

uint32_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::csdRegSwResInit

Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ csdRegSwDsiSel

uint32_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::csdRegSwDsiSel

Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ csdRegAmuxbufInit

uint32_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::csdRegAmuxbufInit

Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ csdRegSwAmuxbufSel

uint32_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::csdRegSwAmuxbufSel

Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ csdRegSwShieldSelScan

uint32_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::csdRegSwShieldSelScan

Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ csdRegHscmpInit

uint32_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::csdRegHscmpInit

Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ csdRegHscmpScan

uint32_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::csdRegHscmpScan

Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ csdIdacAConfig

uint32_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::csdIdacAConfig

Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ csdIdacBConfig

uint32_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::csdIdacBConfig

Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ csdRegSwCmpPSel

uint32_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::csdRegSwCmpPSel

Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ csdRegSwCmpNSel

uint32_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::csdRegSwCmpNSel

Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ csdRegIoSel

uint32_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::csdRegIoSel

Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ csdRegRefgen

uint32_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::csdRegRefgen

Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ csdRegSwRefGenSel

uint32_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::csdRegSwRefGenSel

Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ csxRegConfigInit

uint32_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::csxRegConfigInit

Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ csxRegConfigScan

uint32_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::csxRegConfigScan

Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ csxRegSwResInit

uint32_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::csxRegSwResInit

Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ csxRegSwResPrech

uint32_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::csxRegSwResPrech

Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ csxRegSwResScan

uint32_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::csxRegSwResScan

Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ csxRegAMuxBuf

uint32_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::csxRegAMuxBuf

Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ csxRegRefgen

uint32_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::csxRegRefgen

Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ csxRegRefgenSel

uint32_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::csxRegRefgenSel

Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ csxRegSwCmpNSel

uint32_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::csxRegSwCmpNSel

Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ csxRegSwRefGenSel

uint32_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::csxRegSwRefGenSel

Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ csdVrefVoltageMv

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::csdVrefVoltageMv

Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ csdCmodConnection

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::csdCmodConnection

Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ csdCshConnection

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::csdCshConnection

Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ csdVrefGain

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::csdVrefGain

Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ ptrEODsInitCallback

cy_capsense_ds_init_callback_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::ptrEODsInitCallback

Pointer to a user's End Of Data Structure Initialization callback function.

Refer to Callbacks section

This field is available for the fifth-generation CAPSENSE™ and fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ activeWakeupTimer

uint32_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::activeWakeupTimer

The wakeup timer value for the ACTIVE scan mode in microseconds.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ activeWakeupTimerCycles

uint32_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::activeWakeupTimerCycles

The wakeup timer value for the ACTIVE scan mode in ILO cycles.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ wotScanInterval

uint32_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::wotScanInterval

Scan refresh interval (us) while in Wake-on-Touch mode.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ wotScanIntervalCycles

uint32_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::wotScanIntervalCycles

The scan refresh interval value for the Wake-on-Touch scan mode in ILO cycles.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ iloCompensationFactor

uint32_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::iloCompensationFactor

The ILO compensation factor value, calculated as actual ILO frequency (Hz) * 2^14 / 1000000.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ numCoarseInitChargeCycles

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::numCoarseInitChargeCycles

Configure duration of Cmod initialization, phase 1.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation and for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ numCoarseInitSettleCycles

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::numCoarseInitSettleCycles

Configure duration of Cmod initialization, phase 2.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation and for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ currentSlotIndex

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::currentSlotIndex

Current slot ID.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation and for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ endSlotIndex

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::endSlotIndex

The last slot ID for the current frame.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation and for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ numValidSlots

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::numValidSlots

Number of valid slots.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation and for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ firstValidSlot

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::firstValidSlot

The first valid slots ID.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation and for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ lfsrPoly

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::lfsrPoly

LFSR Polynomial.

This field is available for the fifth-generation CAPSENSE™ and fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ numFineInitWaitCycles

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::numFineInitWaitCycles

Number of ProDummy Wait Cycles.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ numEpiCycles

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::numEpiCycles

Number of clk_mod cycles to be run during EPILOGUE.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ numProWaitKrefDelayPrs

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::numProWaitKrefDelayPrs

Number of Kref/4 ProDummy Wait Cycles if PRS is enabled.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ numProWaitKrefDelay

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::numProWaitKrefDelay

Number of Kref/4 ProDummy Wait Cycles if PRS is disabled.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ numEpiKrefDelayPrs

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::numEpiKrefDelayPrs

Number of Kref/4 cycles to be run during EPILOGUE if PRS is enabled.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ numEpiKrefDelay

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::numEpiKrefDelay

Number of Kref/4 cycles to be run during EPILOGUE if PRS is disabled.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ numSlots

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::numSlots

The number of slots in the current frame.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ startSlotIndex

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::startSlotIndex

The start slot ID for the current scan.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ wotTimeout

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::wotTimeout

The number of frames to be scanned in Wake-on-Touch mode when there is no touch.

The maximum value is limited to the 14 bits, the applicable range is [1..16383].

This field is available only for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ intrIsxInactSnsConn

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::intrIsxInactSnsConn

Internal inactive electrode connection for ISX scan:


◆ numFineInitCycles

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::numFineInitCycles

Number of ProDummy SubConversions.

This field is available for the fifth-generation CAPSENSE™ and fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ lfsrScale

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::lfsrScale

LFSR Scale value.

This field is available for the fifth-generation CAPSENSE™ and fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ cdacDitherSeed

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::cdacDitherSeed

Dither CDAC Seed.

This field is available for the fifth-generation CAPSENSE™ and fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ cdacDitherPoly

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::cdacDitherPoly

Dither CDAC Polynomial.

This field is available for the fifth-generation CAPSENSE™ and fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ modClk

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::modClk

The modulator clock divider.

This field is available for the fifth-generation CAPSENSE™ and fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ scanSingleSlot

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::scanSingleSlot

Request of scanning just one slot with keeping HW configuration after scan:

  • CY_CAPSENSE_SCAN_SNGL_SLOT - Single slot scanning
  • CY_CAPSENSE_SCAN_MULTIPLE_SLOT - Multiple slot scanning
    This field is available only for the fifth-generation and for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ numProOffsetCycles

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::numProOffsetCycles

Maximum number of clk_mod cycles for the PRO_OFFSET state.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation and for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ proOffsetCdacComp

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::proOffsetCdacComp

Compensation CAPDAC size during PRO_OFFSET.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation and for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ hwConfigState

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::hwConfigState

Contains the current hw state, it is configured or not and if yes then to what operation.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation and for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ slotAutoCalibrMode

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::slotAutoCalibrMode

The slot auto-calibration mode:

    This field is available only for the fifth-generation and for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ intrCsdRawTarget

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::intrCsdRawTarget

Internal auto-calibration target in percentage for CSD widgets.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation and for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ intrCsxRawTarget

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::intrCsxRawTarget

Internal auto-calibration target in percentage for CSX widgets.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation and for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ intrIsxRawTarget

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::intrIsxRawTarget

Internal auto-calibration target in percentage for ISX widgets.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation and for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™

◆ numSenseMethod

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::numSenseMethod

The number of sense methods, used in the project.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ mapSenseMethod

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::mapSenseMethod[CY_CAPSENSE_REG_MODE_NUMBER]

The map array of sense methods, used in the project.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ csdCdacDitherEn

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::csdCdacDitherEn

Enabled CDAC dithering for CSD sensing method.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ csxCdacDitherEn

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::csxCdacDitherEn

Enabled CDAC dithering for CSX sensing method.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ isxCdacDitherEn

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::isxCdacDitherEn

Enabled CDAC dithering for ISX sensing method.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ bslnCoefSlow

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::bslnCoefSlow

Baseline IIR filter coefficient (slow) for Low power widget.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ bslnCoefFast

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::bslnCoefFast

Baseline IIR filter coefficient (fast) for Low power widget.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ bslnUpdateDelay

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::bslnUpdateDelay

Specifies the value from which timer is decremented from on consecutive scans where the baseline update IIR produces a zero.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ iirCoeffLp

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::iirCoeffLp

Rawcount IIR filter coefficient for Low power widget.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ firstActSubFrame

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::firstActSubFrame

The flag for a first Active sub-frame.

It is used for Active Low Refresh-rate scans

This field is available only for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ numFunc

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::numFunc

The number of pin functions, used in the project.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ mapPinState

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::mapPinState[CY_CAPSENSE_CTRLMUX_PIN_STATE_NUMBER]

The map array of CTRLMUX pin functions, used in the project.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ operatingMode

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::operatingMode

The internal fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™ HW block operating mode.

    This field is available only for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ mrssStateAfterScan

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::mrssStateAfterScan

Defines the MRSS state after scan frame is complete.

By default MRSS is left enabled

◆ intrCsdInactSnsConn

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::intrCsdInactSnsConn

Internal inactive electrode connection for CSD scan:


◆ intrCsxInactSnsConn

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::intrCsxInactSnsConn

Internal inactive electrode connection for CSX scan:


◆ hwIirInit

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t::hwIirInit

Flag to reset/initialize HW IIR filter for active widgets during calibration, first scan, etc.