CAPSENSE™ Middleware Library 6.10.0
cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t Struct Reference


Declares BIST Context Data Structure.

Data Fields

cy_en_capsense_bist_hw_config_t hwConfig
 A HW configuration for BIST operations.
cy_en_capsense_bist_io_state_t currentISC
 The current state of sensors when not being measured during the sensor capacitance measurement.
cy_en_capsense_bist_io_state_t shieldCapISC
 The configured inactive electrode connection for BIST shield electrode capacitance measurement. More...
cy_en_capsense_bist_io_state_t eltdCapCsdISC
 The configured inactive electrode connection for BIST CSD sensor or electrode capacitance measurement: The states are the same as of the previous parameter.
cy_en_capsense_bist_io_state_t eltdCapCsxISC
 The configured inactive electrode connection for BIST CSX sensor or electrode capacitance measurement: More...
cy_en_capsense_bist_io_state_t intrEltdCapShieldISC
 The internal inactive electrode connection used during the BIST shield electrode capacitance measurement: More...
cy_en_capsense_bist_io_state_t intrEltdCapCsdISC
 The internal inactive electrode connection used during the BIST CSD sensor or electrode capacitance measurement: More...
cy_en_capsense_bist_io_state_t intrEltdCapCsxISC
 The internal inactive electrode connection used during the BIST CSX sensor or electrode capacitance measurement: More...
uint32_t testResultMask
 The bit mask of test results (PASS/FAIL)
uint32_t shieldCap
 The shield capacitance measurement result in femtofarads. More...
uint32_t * ptrChShieldCap
 The pointer to the channel shield capacitance measurement result array. More...
uint16_t vddaVoltage
 The result of VDDA measurement in millivolts. More...
uint32_t eltdCapSnsClkFreqHz
 The value of the SnsClk frequency is Hz.
uint16_t * ptrWdgtCrc
 The pointer to the widget CRC array.
uint16_t wdgtCrcCalc
 A calculated by test CRC for a widget context structure.
uint16_t eltdCapModClk
 The ModClk divider for electrode capacitance measurement scans.
uint16_t eltdCapSnsClk
 The SnsClk divider for electrode capacitance measurement scans.
uint16_t curBistWdId
 The current widget ID for BIST operations. More...
uint8_t eltdCapSenseGroup
 The sensor group for capacitance measurement: More...
uint8_t crcWdgtId
 The first CRC failed widget ID.
uint8_t snsIntgShortSettlingTime
 The sensor and shield short check time in microseconds.
uint8_t shortedWdId
 The first shorted to GND/VDDA/ELTD widget ID.
uint8_t shortedSnsId
 The first shorted to GND/VDDA/ELTD sensor ID.
uint32_t regSwHsPSelScan
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.
uint32_t regSwHsPSelCmodInit
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.
uint32_t regSwHsPSelCtankInit
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.
uint32_t regSwDsiSel
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.
uint32_t regSwShieldSelScan
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.
uint32_t regSwResInit
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.
uint32_t regSwResScan
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.
uint32_t regSwBypSel
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.
uint32_t regSwAmuxbufSel
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.
uint32_t regAmbuf
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.
uint32_t regHscmpScan
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.
uint32_t regSwRefgenSel
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.
uint32_t regConfig
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.
uint32_t regIoSel
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.
uint32_t regAmbufShield
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.
uint32_t regHscmpScanShield
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.
uint32_t regSwShieldSelScanShield
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.
uint32_t regSwHsPSelScanShield
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.
uint32_t regSwBypSelShield
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.
uint32_t regSwAmuxbufSelShield
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.
uint32_t regConfigShield
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.
uint32_t regIoSelShield
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.
uint32_t extCapIdacPa
 The IDAC value in pA for external capacitor capacity measurements. More...
uint16_t extCapModClk
 The ModClk divider for external capacitor capacity measurements. More...
uint16_t extCapSnsClk
 The SnsClk divider for external capacitor capacity measurements. More...
uint16_t extCapWDT
 The SW watchdog timeout used to prevent a hang in case of short. More...
uint16_t extCapVrefMv
 The Vref value in mV for external capacitor capacity measurements. More...
uint16_t cModCap
 The Cmod capacitance measurement result in picofarads. More...
uint16_t cIntACap
 The CintA capacitance measurement result in picofarads. More...
uint16_t cIntBCap
 The CIntB capacitance measurement result in picofarads. More...
uint16_t cShieldCap
 The Cshield capacitance measurement result in picofarads. More...
uint16_t capacitorSettlingTime
 The maximum possible external capacitor charge/discharge time in microseconds. More...
uint16_t vddaModClk
 The ModClk divider for VDDA measurements. More...
uint16_t vddaVrefMv
 The Vref value in mV for VDDA measurements. More...
uint16_t eltdCapVrefMv
 The Vref value in mV for electrode capacitance measurement scans. More...
uint16_t eltdCapResolution
 The resolution for electrode capacitance measurement scans. More...
uint8_t vddaIdacDefault
 The IDAC default code for Vdda measurements. More...
uint8_t vddaAzCycles
 The auto-zero time in Sns cycles for Vdda measurements. More...
uint8_t vddaAcqCycles
 The acquisition time in Sns cycles - 1 for Vdda measurements. More...
uint8_t fineInitTime
 Number of dummy SnsClk periods at fine initialization for BIST scans. More...
uint8_t eltdCapVrefGain
 The Vref gain for electrode capacitance measurement scans. More...
uint8_t vddaVrefGain
 The Vref gain for VDDA measurements. More...
uint8_t extCapVrefGain
 The Vref gain for external capacitor capacitance measurements. More...
const cy_stc_capsense_electrode_config_tcurPtrEltdCfg
 The pointer to the current electrode configuration for BIST operations. More...
uint32_t eltdInactiveDm
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.
en_hsiom_sel_t eltdInactiveHsiom
 Internal pre-calculated data for faster operation.
uint16_t curBistSlotId
 The current slot ID for BIST operations. More...
uint16_t eltdCapSubConvNum
 The sub-conversion number for electrode capacitance measurement scans. More...
uint16_t eltdCapNumEpiCycles
 Number of clk_mod cycles to be run during EPILOGUE. More...
uint16_t eltdCapNumCoarseInitChargeCycles
 Configure duration of Cmod initialization, phase 1. More...
uint16_t eltdCapNumCoarseInitSettleCycles
 Configure duration of Cmod initialization, phase 2. More...
uint16_t eltdCapNumFineInitWaitCycles
 Number of ProDummy Wait Cycles. More...
uint16_t extCapDischargeTime
 The discharging time in us needed to discharge the external capacitor before the measurement. More...
uint16_t extCapSubConvNum
 The sub-conversion number for Cmod measurement. More...
uint16_t cMod01Cap
 The MSC0 Cmod1 capacitance measurement result in picofarads. More...
uint16_t cMod02Cap
 The MSC0 Cmod2 capacitance measurement result in picofarads. More...
uint16_t cMod03Cap
 The MSC0 Cmod3 capacitance measurement result in picofarads. More...
uint16_t cMod04Cap
 The MSC0 Cmod4 capacitance measurement result in picofarads. More...
uint16_t cMod11Cap
 The MSC1 Cmod1 capacitance measurement result in picofarads. More...
uint16_t cMod12Cap
 The MSC1 Cmod2 capacitance measurement result in picofarads. More...
uint16_t cMod13Cap
 The MSC1 Cmod3 capacitance measurement result in picofarads. More...
uint16_t cMod14Cap
 The MSC1 Cmod4 capacitance measurement result in picofarads. More...
uint8_t eltdCapNumFineInitCycles
 Number of ProDummy SubConversions. More...
uint8_t eltdCapRefCdac
 The reference CDAC code for electrode capacitance measurement scans. More...
uint8_t curBistChId
 The current MSCv3 channel ID for BIST operations. More...
uint8_t skipChannelMask
 The skip channel mask for BIST operations. More...
uint8_t eltdCapScanMode
 The scan mode for sensor (electrode) capacitance measurement. More...

Field Documentation

◆ shieldCapISC

cy_en_capsense_bist_io_state_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::shieldCapISC

The configured inactive electrode connection for BIST shield electrode capacitance measurement.


◆ eltdCapCsxISC

cy_en_capsense_bist_io_state_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::eltdCapCsxISC

The configured inactive electrode connection for BIST CSX sensor or electrode capacitance measurement:


◆ intrEltdCapShieldISC

cy_en_capsense_bist_io_state_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::intrEltdCapShieldISC

The internal inactive electrode connection used during the BIST shield electrode capacitance measurement:


◆ intrEltdCapCsdISC

cy_en_capsense_bist_io_state_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::intrEltdCapCsdISC

The internal inactive electrode connection used during the BIST CSD sensor or electrode capacitance measurement:


◆ intrEltdCapCsxISC

cy_en_capsense_bist_io_state_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::intrEltdCapCsxISC

The internal inactive electrode connection used during the BIST CSX sensor or electrode capacitance measurement:


◆ shieldCap

uint32_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::shieldCap

The shield capacitance measurement result in femtofarads.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ ptrChShieldCap

uint32_t* cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::ptrChShieldCap

The pointer to the channel shield capacitance measurement result array.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ vddaVoltage

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::vddaVoltage

The result of VDDA measurement in millivolts.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ curBistWdId

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::curBistWdId

The current widget ID for BIST operations.

This field is available only for the fifth- generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ eltdCapSenseGroup

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::eltdCapSenseGroup

The sensor group for capacitance measurement:


◆ extCapIdacPa

uint32_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::extCapIdacPa

The IDAC value in pA for external capacitor capacity measurements.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ extCapModClk

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::extCapModClk

The ModClk divider for external capacitor capacity measurements.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ extCapSnsClk

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::extCapSnsClk

The SnsClk divider for external capacitor capacity measurements.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ extCapWDT

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::extCapWDT

The SW watchdog timeout used to prevent a hang in case of short.

The SW watchdog timeout used to prevent a hang in case of short the external capacitor.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.
This field is available only for the fifth- generation CAPSENSE™ and fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ extCapVrefMv

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::extCapVrefMv

The Vref value in mV for external capacitor capacity measurements.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ cModCap

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::cModCap

The Cmod capacitance measurement result in picofarads.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ cIntACap

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::cIntACap

The CintA capacitance measurement result in picofarads.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ cIntBCap

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::cIntBCap

The CIntB capacitance measurement result in picofarads.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ cShieldCap

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::cShieldCap

The Cshield capacitance measurement result in picofarads.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ capacitorSettlingTime

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::capacitorSettlingTime

The maximum possible external capacitor charge/discharge time in microseconds.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ vddaModClk

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::vddaModClk

The ModClk divider for VDDA measurements.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ vddaVrefMv

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::vddaVrefMv

The Vref value in mV for VDDA measurements.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ eltdCapVrefMv

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::eltdCapVrefMv

The Vref value in mV for electrode capacitance measurement scans.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ eltdCapResolution

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::eltdCapResolution

The resolution for electrode capacitance measurement scans.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ vddaIdacDefault

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::vddaIdacDefault

The IDAC default code for Vdda measurements.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ vddaAzCycles

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::vddaAzCycles

The auto-zero time in Sns cycles for Vdda measurements.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ vddaAcqCycles

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::vddaAcqCycles

The acquisition time in Sns cycles - 1 for Vdda measurements.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ fineInitTime

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::fineInitTime

Number of dummy SnsClk periods at fine initialization for BIST scans.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ eltdCapVrefGain

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::eltdCapVrefGain

The Vref gain for electrode capacitance measurement scans.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ vddaVrefGain

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::vddaVrefGain

The Vref gain for VDDA measurements.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ extCapVrefGain

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::extCapVrefGain

The Vref gain for external capacitor capacitance measurements.

This field is available only for the fourth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ curPtrEltdCfg

const cy_stc_capsense_electrode_config_t* cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::curPtrEltdCfg

The pointer to the current electrode configuration for BIST operations.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ curBistSlotId

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::curBistSlotId

The current slot ID for BIST operations.

This field is available only for the fifth- generation CAPSENSE™ and fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ eltdCapSubConvNum

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::eltdCapSubConvNum

The sub-conversion number for electrode capacitance measurement scans.

This field is available only for the fifth- generation CAPSENSE™ and fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ eltdCapNumEpiCycles

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::eltdCapNumEpiCycles

Number of clk_mod cycles to be run during EPILOGUE.

This field is available only for the fifth- generation CAPSENSE™ and fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ eltdCapNumCoarseInitChargeCycles

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::eltdCapNumCoarseInitChargeCycles

Configure duration of Cmod initialization, phase 1.

This field is available only for the fifth- generation CAPSENSE™ and fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ eltdCapNumCoarseInitSettleCycles

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::eltdCapNumCoarseInitSettleCycles

Configure duration of Cmod initialization, phase 2.

This field is available only for the fifth- generation CAPSENSE™ and fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ eltdCapNumFineInitWaitCycles

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::eltdCapNumFineInitWaitCycles

Number of ProDummy Wait Cycles.

This field is available only for the fifth- generation CAPSENSE™ and fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ extCapDischargeTime

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::extCapDischargeTime

The discharging time in us needed to discharge the external capacitor before the measurement.

This field is available only for the fifth- generation CAPSENSE™ and fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ extCapSubConvNum

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::extCapSubConvNum

The sub-conversion number for Cmod measurement.

This field is available only for the fifth- generation CAPSENSE™ and fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ cMod01Cap

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::cMod01Cap

The MSC0 Cmod1 capacitance measurement result in picofarads.

This field is available only for the fifth- generation CAPSENSE™ and fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ cMod02Cap

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::cMod02Cap

The MSC0 Cmod2 capacitance measurement result in picofarads.

This field is available only for the fifth- generation CAPSENSE™ and fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ cMod03Cap

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::cMod03Cap

The MSC0 Cmod3 capacitance measurement result in picofarads.

This field is available only for the fifth- generation CAPSENSE™ and fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ cMod04Cap

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::cMod04Cap

The MSC0 Cmod4 capacitance measurement result in picofarads.

This field is available only for the fifth- generation CAPSENSE™ and fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE™.

◆ cMod11Cap

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::cMod11Cap

The MSC1 Cmod1 capacitance measurement result in picofarads.

This field is available only for the fifth- generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ cMod12Cap

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::cMod12Cap

The MSC1 Cmod2 capacitance measurement result in picofarads.

This field is available only for the fifth- generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ cMod13Cap

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::cMod13Cap

The MSC1 Cmod3 capacitance measurement result in picofarads.

This field is available only for the fifth- generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ cMod14Cap

uint16_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::cMod14Cap

The MSC1 Cmod4 capacitance measurement result in picofarads.

This field is available only for the fifth- generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ eltdCapNumFineInitCycles

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::eltdCapNumFineInitCycles

Number of ProDummy SubConversions.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ eltdCapRefCdac

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::eltdCapRefCdac

The reference CDAC code for electrode capacitance measurement scans.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ curBistChId

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::curBistChId

The current MSCv3 channel ID for BIST operations.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ skipChannelMask

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::skipChannelMask

The skip channel mask for BIST operations.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation CAPSENSE™.

◆ eltdCapScanMode

uint8_t cy_stc_capsense_bist_context_t::eltdCapScanMode

The scan mode for sensor (electrode) capacitance measurement.

  • 0u - scan by slots (CY_CAPSENSE_BIST_CAP_SLOT_SCAN)
  • 1u - scan by electrodes (CY_CAPSENSE_BIST_CAP_ELTD_SCAN)
    This field is available only for the fifth-generation CAPSENSE™.