The System Clock (SysClk) driver contains the API for configuring system and peripheral clocks. More...
Modules | |
Macros | |
General Enumerated Types | |
Internal Main Oscillator (IMO) | |
The Internal Main Oscillator (IMO) is a primary clock source for the CPU core and most of the peripherals. | |
External Clock Source (EXTCLK) | |
The External Clock Source (EXTCLK) is a clock source routed into PSOC through a GPIO pin. | |
External PLL Reference Clock Source (EXTREF) | |
The External PLL Reference Clock Source (EXTREF) is a clock source routed into PSOC through a GPIO pin. | |
External Crystal Oscillator (ECO) | |
The External Crystal Oscillator (ECO) is a clock source that consists of an oscillator circuit that drives an external crystal through its dedicated ECO pins. | |
Phase Locked Loop (PLL) | |
The PLL is a clock generation circuit that can be used to produce a higher frequency clock from a reference clock. | |
Internal Low-Speed Oscillator (ILO) | |
The ILO operates with no external components and outputs a clock signal at roughly 40 kHz. | |
Precision Internal Low-speed Oscillator (PILO) | |
The Precision Internal Low-speed Oscillator (PILO operates with no external components and outputs a clock signal at nominal 32768 Hz with 5% accuracy when not tracking HPOSC and 1% accuracy when tracking HPOSC. | |
High-Precision Oscillator (HPOSC) | |
The high-precision internal oscillator (HPOSC) operates with no external components and outputs a clock signal at roughly 2 MHz. | |
Low-Frequency Clock | |
The low-frequency clock is the source clock for the WDT (Watchdog Timer), and other peripherals which depends on certain chip. | |
Clock Calibration | |
Clock calibration allows measuring the number of clock cycles (counter 2) that occur within a time window. | |
Clock Trim (IMO, PILO) | |
These functions perform a single trim operation on the IMO or PILO. | |
Watch Crystal Oscillator (WCO) | |
The WCO is a highly accurate 32.768 kHz clock source capable of operating in all power modes. | |
High-Frequency Clock | |
The high frequency clock HFCLK is a source for the system clock for CPU and the peripheral clock dividers. | |
Peripherals Clock Dividers | |
There are multiple peripheral clock dividers that, in effect, create multiple separate peripheral clocks: | |
System Clock | |
The system clock is the source clock for CPU core (Cortex-M0+ in PSOC 4). | |
Pump Clock | |
The pump clock is a clock source used to provide analog precision in low voltage applications. | |
Clock Supervision Block (CSV) | |
The clock supervision block uses a reference clock (IMO clock) to check that a monitored clock (clk_exco) is within an allowed frequency window. | |
Programmable Delay Block (PGM_DELAY) | |
The PGM_DELAY block is a 16-bit down counter clocked by IMO clock and being triggered by the CSV. | |
Interrupts | |
This API is to manage a few interrupt sources. | |
Low Power Callback | |
Entering and exiting low power modes require compatible clock configurations to be set before entering low power and restored upon wakeup and exit. | |
The System Clock (SysClk) driver contains the API for configuring system and peripheral clocks.
The functions and other declarations used in this driver are in cy_sysclk.h. You can include cy_pdl.h to get access to all functions and declarations in the PDL.
Firmware uses the API to configure, enable, calibrate or disable a clock.
The clock system includes a variety of resources that can vary per device, including:
Consult the Technical Reference Manual for your device for details of the clock system.
The availability of clock functions depend on the availability of the chip resources that support those functions. Consult the device TRM before attempting to use these functions.
Usually the default clock configuration is IMO (24 MHz) -> ClkHf (24 MHz) -> SysClk (24 MHz)
The example of ECO -> HFCLK clock initialization:
The example of ECO -> PLL -> HFCLK clock initialization (taking into account the previous code snippet):
Low power modes may limit the maximum clock frequency. Refer to the SysPm driver and the TRM for details.
Interrupts calibration:
Calibration clock sources example:
Refer to the technical reference manual (TRM) and the device datasheet.
Version | Changes | Reason for Change |
3.30 | Added the Cy_SysClk_ImoTempTrim() function. | Feature enhancement. |
3.20 | Added support for PSOC4 HVMS/PA platform. Updated APIs to incorporate PSOC4 HVMS/PA platform configuration. Added PILO and HPOSC APIs support. See Precision Internal Low-speed Oscillator (PILO) and High-Precision Oscillator (HPOSC). Added LFCLK APIs support. See Low-Frequency Clock. Added Clock Calibration and Clock Trim support. See Clock Calibration and Clock Trim (IMO, PILO). | Added support for PSOC4 HVMS/PA platform. |
3.10.1 | Added note for the Cy_SysClk_IloStopMeasurement. | Documentation enhancement. |
3.10 | The documentation of the ILO compensation algorithm is more detailed. | Documentation enhancement. |
Cy_SysClk_IloCompensate() API function implementation is updated. | Corner case bug fixing. | |
3.0 | Removed the legacy deprecated interfaces. | PDL major revision. |
2.20 | The implementation of the Cy_SysClk_ClkHfSetSource function is updated. | Memory consumption optimization. |
Update the paths to the code snippets. | PDL structure update. | |
Minor documentation updates. Code snippets were updated. | Documentation enhancement. | |
2.10 | Added the Cy_SysClk_PeriphSetFrequency API function | API improvement |
Added API for the Clock Supervision Block (CSV), Programmable Delay Block (PGM_DELAY) and Interrupts features | New features support for PSOC 4500S and 4100S Max devices | |
Minor documentation updates. Code snippets were updated. | Documentation enhancement. | |
2.0 | Added the Cy_SysClk_DeepSleepCallback and Cy_SysClk_RegisterCallback functions | Power management performance enhancement, see Low Power Callback |
The next functions are changed: Cy_SysClk_ExtClkSetFrequency and Cy_SysClk_ExtRefSetFrequency - now there are opportunities to set a zero frequency which means the clock signal is disabled | Clock system management enhancement | |
The next API are changed: cy_en_sysclk_clkhf_src_t and cy_en_sysclk_pll_bypass_t, the backward compatibility of the Cy_SysClk_ClkHfSetSource and Cy_SysClk_PllBypass functions is preserved, however the deprecated interface items are strongly not recommended for new designs | Clock switching management bugs fixes | |
The Cy_SysClk_PllConfigure is changed do that the PLL output frequency could never overcome 48MHz | Documentation improvements, bug fixes | |
Updated the Cy_SysClk_PllGetFrequency() function - now it returns a more precise result | Usability improvement | |
Updated the Cy_SysClk_PllSetSource() and Cy_SysClk_ClkPumpSetSource functions - now they check the source validness even it is already connected | Usability improvement | |
Updated the Cy_SysClk_PllDisable() function | Code optimization | |
Updated the Cy_SysClk_WcoEnable() function - now the WCO startup delay recommended by the TRM is supported | Performance improvement | |
The external PLL reference clock (EXTREF) frequency maximum is reduced to 48MHz | Bug fix | |
The external clock input (EXTCLK) frequency minimum is reduced to 0MHz | Bug fix | |
The external crystal oscillator (ECO) frequency maximum is reduced to 33.33MHz | Bug fix | |
Updated the WCO documentation, especially the Bypass feature, see Bypass mode | Documentation improvement | |
Minor documentation updates | Documentation enhancement | |
1.20 | Fixed the Cy_SysClk_ImoLock function to properly lock IMO. | Defect fix. |
1.10 | New feature is added: external reference signal for PLL. New items: CY_SYSCLK_PLL_SRC_EXTREF, Cy_SysClk_ExtRefSetFrequency and Cy_SysClk_ExtRefGetFrequency Updated functions: Cy_SysClk_PllSetSource and Cy_SysClk_PllGetFrequency. | Added support of PSOC 4500S device EXCO block. |
The implementation of Cy_SysClk_ExtClkSetFrequency, Cy_SysClk_IloCompensate, Cy_SysClk_EcoConfigure, Cy_SysClk_PllSetSource, Cy_SysClk_PllConfigure, Cy_SysClk_ClkHfSetSource, Cy_SysClk_ClkHfGetSource and Cy_SysClk_ClkHfGetFrequency functions is updated. | Bug fixing and code optimization. | |
1.0 | Initial version |