MTB CAT1 Peripheral driver library


Configuration structure for one row of the State Transition Table, array of these structures defines whole State Transition Table.

The State Transition Table may have maximum 16 rows.

Data Fields

cy_en_hppass_condition_t condition
 Condition field. More...
cy_en_hppass_action_t action
 Action field. More...
uint8_t branchStateIdx
 Index of the next state, used if cy_stc_hppass_ac_stt_t::action is CY_HPPASS_ACTION_BRANCH_IF_TRUE or CY_HPPASS_ACTION_BRANCH_IF_FALSE. More...
bool interrupt
 Send Output Pulse Trigger or generate CPU Interrupt if configured. More...
uint16_t count
 Field to set the timer/counter value for an interval or loop counts. More...
bool gpioOutUnlock
 GPIO Out Unlock: false, Lock: GPIO Out does NOT get updated true, Unlock: GPIO Out does get updated.
uint8_t gpioOutMsk
 GPIO out generation, use GPIO Out Masks masks.
bool csgUnlock [CY_HPPASS_CSG_NUM]
 CSG Unlock: false, Lock: cy_stc_hppass_ac_stt_t::csgEnable is ignored true, Unlock: CSG state is set per cy_stc_hppass_ac_stt_t::csgEnable.
bool csgEnable [CY_HPPASS_CSG_NUM]
 CSG Slice Enable. More...
bool csgDacTrig [CY_HPPASS_CSG_NUM]
 CSG Slice Trigger. More...
bool sarUnlock
 SAR Unlock: false, Lock: cy_stc_hppass_ac_stt_t::sarEnable is ignored, true, Unlock: SAR state is set per cy_stc_hppass_ac_stt_t::sarEnable.
bool sarEnable
 SAR Enable. More...
uint8_t sarGrpMsk
 The Sequencer Groups mask, use SAR Sequencer Groups mask.. More...
cy_stc_hppass_stt_mux_t sarMux [CY_HPPASS_SAR_MUX_NUM]
 Array of the Muxed Sampler control settings. More...

Field Documentation

◆ condition

cy_en_hppass_condition_t cy_stc_hppass_ac_stt_t::condition

Condition field.

◆ action

cy_en_hppass_action_t cy_stc_hppass_ac_stt_t::action

Action field.

◆ branchStateIdx

uint8_t cy_stc_hppass_ac_stt_t::branchStateIdx

Index of the next state, used if cy_stc_hppass_ac_stt_t::action is CY_HPPASS_ACTION_BRANCH_IF_TRUE or CY_HPPASS_ACTION_BRANCH_IF_FALSE.

The range is 0 to 15.

◆ interrupt

bool cy_stc_hppass_ac_stt_t::interrupt

Send Output Pulse Trigger or generate CPU Interrupt if configured.

If cy_stc_hppass_ac_stt_t::action is CY_HPPASS_ACTION_WAIT_FOR, the trigger or interrupt is generated after the condition occurs.

◆ count

uint16_t cy_stc_hppass_ac_stt_t::count

Field to set the timer/counter value for an interval or loop counts.

If cy_stc_hppass_ac_stt_t::action is CY_HPPASS_ACTION_WAIT_FOR, the field is an interval timer, if CY_HPPASS_ACTION_BRANCH_IF_TRUE or CY_HPPASS_ACTION_BRANCH_IF_FALSE - the field is a loop counter. The range is 1 to 4096.

◆ csgEnable

bool cy_stc_hppass_ac_stt_t::csgEnable[CY_HPPASS_CSG_NUM]

CSG Slice Enable.

Must be used with the cy_stc_hppass_ac_stt_t::csgUnlock to enable or disable selected CSG Slice. Normally used in conjunction with cy_stc_hppass_ac_stt_t::action == CY_HPPASS_ACTION_WAIT_FOR and cy_stc_hppass_ac_stt_t::condition == CY_HPPASS_CONDITION_BLOCK_READY

◆ csgDacTrig

bool cy_stc_hppass_ac_stt_t::csgDacTrig[CY_HPPASS_CSG_NUM]

CSG Slice Trigger.

When the CSG Slice is enabled, this field can be used as CSG DAC Start or Update trigger when cy_stc_hppass_dac_t::start or cy_stc_hppass_dac_t::update is set to CY_HPPASS_DAC_START_AC and CY_HPPASS_DAC_UPDATE_AC correspondingly.

◆ sarEnable

bool cy_stc_hppass_ac_stt_t::sarEnable

SAR Enable.

Must be used with the cy_stc_hppass_ac_stt_t::sarUnlock to enable or disable selected CSG Slice. Normally used in conjunction with cy_stc_hppass_ac_stt_t::action == CY_HPPASS_ACTION_WAIT_FOR and cy_stc_hppass_ac_stt_t::condition == CY_HPPASS_CONDITION_BLOCK_READY

◆ sarGrpMsk

uint8_t cy_stc_hppass_ac_stt_t::sarGrpMsk

The Sequencer Groups mask, use SAR Sequencer Groups mask..

When the SAR is enabled, this field can be used to trigger one ore more SAR Group entries when cy_stc_hppass_sar_grp_t::trig is set to CY_HPPASS_SAR_TRIG_AC.

◆ sarMux

cy_stc_hppass_stt_mux_t cy_stc_hppass_ac_stt_t::sarMux[CY_HPPASS_SAR_MUX_NUM]

Array of the Muxed Sampler control settings.

Effective only if the correspondent cy_stc_hppass_sar_t::muxMode == CY_HPPASS_SAR_MUX_AC, otherwise ignored.