MTB CAT1 Peripheral driver library


The DAC configuration structure.

Data Fields

cy_en_hppass_dac_start_t start
 DAC trigger start. More...
cy_en_hppass_dac_update_t update
 DAC trigger update. More...
cy_en_hppass_dac_mode_t mode
 DAC mode.
bool continuous
 Continuous mode. More...
bool skipTrig
 Skip the first DAC hardware update trigger after the proper cy_stc_hppass_dac_t::mode is enabled.
bool cascade
 Synchronize parameter update with previous CSG slice in the case of multi-phase operation.
bool paramSync
 Parameter Synchronization enable. More...
uint8_t deGlitch
 DAC de-glitch time in clock cycles. More...
uint8_t stepSize
 Static value of 6 bit DAC Step Size. More...
uint16_t valBuffA
 DAC A value, usage depends on cy_stc_hppass_dac_t::mode. More...
uint16_t valBuffB
 DAC B value, usage depends on cy_stc_hppass_dac_t::mode. More...
cy_stc_hppass_dac_period_t period
 DAC Period divider, clocked from CSG clock.

Field Documentation

◆ start

cy_en_hppass_dac_start_t cy_stc_hppass_dac_t::start

DAC trigger start.

If input trigger is selected, it should be in the pulse mode.

◆ update

cy_en_hppass_dac_update_t cy_stc_hppass_dac_t::update

DAC trigger update.

If input trigger is selected, it should be in the pulse mode

◆ continuous

bool cy_stc_hppass_dac_t::continuous

Continuous mode.

(Only valid for Slope and LUT modes)

◆ paramSync

bool cy_stc_hppass_dac_t::paramSync

Parameter Synchronization enable.

If set, the DAC parameters will be set only after Cy_HPPASS_DAC_SetParamSyncReady function call

◆ deGlitch

uint8_t cy_stc_hppass_dac_t::deGlitch

DAC de-glitch time in clock cycles.

Valid range 0..7 (0 means de-glitching is disabled, 1..7 - de-glitching period in cycles). The de-glitch period should be not grater than the DAC update period.

◆ stepSize

uint8_t cy_stc_hppass_dac_t::stepSize

Static value of 6 bit DAC Step Size.

Valid range: 1..64

◆ valBuffA

uint16_t cy_stc_hppass_dac_t::valBuffA

DAC A value, usage depends on cy_stc_hppass_dac_t::mode.

  • Buffered mode - DAC value
  • Hysteretic Buffered mode - DAC high threshold
  • Slope modes - DAC start value
  • LUT modes - LUT start address

◆ valBuffB

uint16_t cy_stc_hppass_dac_t::valBuffB

DAC B value, usage depends on cy_stc_hppass_dac_t::mode.

  • Buffered mode - DAC value
  • Hysteretic Buffered mode - DAC low threshold
  • Slope modes - DAC stop value
  • LUT modes - LUT stop address