PSoC 6 Peripheral Driver Library
cy_stc_ppu_prog_cfg_t Struct Reference


Configuration structure for Programmable (PROG) PPU (PPU_PR) struct initialization.

Data Fields

uint32_t * address
 Base address of the memory region (Only applicable to slave)
cy_en_prot_size_t regionSize
 Size of the memory region (Only applicable to slave)
uint8_t subregions
 Mask of the 8 subregions to disable (Only applicable to slave)
cy_en_prot_perm_t userPermission
 User permissions for the region.
cy_en_prot_perm_t privPermission
 Privileged permissions for the region.
bool secure
 Non Secure = 0, Secure = 1.
bool pcMatch
 Access evaluation = 0, Matching = 1.
uint16_t pcMask
 Mask of allowed protection context(s)