PDStack Middleware Library
cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t Struct Reference


PD device policy status structure.

This structure holds all of the configuration and status information associated with a port on the EZ-PD(TM) PMG1 device. Members of this structure should not be directly modified by any of the application code.

Data Fields

cy_en_pd_port_role_t portRole
 Port role: Sink, source, or dual. More...
cy_en_pd_port_role_t dfltPortRole
 Default port role: Sink or source. More...
uint8_t srcCurLevel
 Type C current level in the source role. More...
uint8_t isSrcBat
 Power source is connected to a battery. More...
uint8_t isSnkBat
 Power sink is connected to a battery. More...
uint8_t snkUsbSuspEn
 USB suspend supported indication. More...
uint8_t snkUsbCommEn
 USB communication supported indication. More...
uint8_t srcPdoCount
 Source PDO count from the config table or updated at runtime by the EC. More...
uint8_t srcPdoMask
 Source PDO mask from the config table or updated at runtime by the EC. More...
uint8_t snkPdoCount
 Sink PDO count from the config table or update at runtime by the EC. More...
uint8_t snkPdoMask
 Sink PDO mask from the config table or update at runtime by the EC. More...
uint8_t rpSupported
 Supported Rp values bit mask. More...
bool pdSupport
 USB PD supported. More...
uint8_t trySrcSnk
 Try source/sink control knob. More...
uint8_t dbSupport
 Dead battery support control knob. More...
bool errRecov
 Error recovery control knob. More...
uint8_t portDisable
 PD port disable flag. More...
uint8_t frsEnable
 FRS enable flag. More...
uint8_t vconnRetain
 Whether VConn should be retained in ON state. More...
uint16_t reserved3 [5]
 Reserved words for padding to 4-byte aligned address. More...
cy_pd_pd_do_t srcPdo [CY_PD_MAX_NO_OF_PDO]
 Source PDO loaded from the config table or updated at runtime by the EC. More...
cy_pd_pd_do_t snkPdo [CY_PD_MAX_NO_OF_PDO]
 Sink PDO loaded from the config table or updated at runtime by the EC.
uint16_t snkMaxMin [CY_PD_MAX_NO_OF_PDO]
 Max min current from the config table or updated at runtime by the EC.
uint8_t srcPdoFlags [2]
 B29:B20 of the first 5 V fixed source PDO.
uint8_t snkPdoFlags [2]
 B29:B20 of the first 5 V fixed sink PDO.
bool volatile bootup
 Flag to indicate chip bootup used to check dead battery. More...
bool volatile deadBat
 Flag to indicate dead battery operation. More...
uint8_t drpPeriod
 Time period for DRP toggling. More...
uint8_t srcPeriod
 Time period for which to stay as an SRC for a DRP device. More...
uint8_t snkPeriod
 Time period for which to stay as an SNK for a DRP device. More...
cy_en_pd_port_role_t roleAtConnect
 Port role when the port moved to the attached state. More...
bool volatile pdConnected
 Ports are PD-connected indications. More...
bool volatile pdDisabled
 PD disabled indication. More...
bool volatile raPresent
 Ra present indication. More...
bool volatile bistCm2Enabled
 BIST carrier mode 2 running. More...
bool volatile bistStmEnabled
 BIST_Shared_Test_Mode enabled flag. More...
cy_en_pdstack_std_vdm_prod_t cblType
 Stores the cable type. More...
cy_en_pdstack_std_vdm_ver_t cblVdmVersion
 Stores the cable VDM version. More...
uint8_t curSrcPdocount
 Source PDO count in the last sent source cap. More...
uint8_t curSnkPdocount
 Sink PDO count in the last sent sink cap. More...
bool cblWait
 Flag to indicate cable discovery is waiting for some event. More...
cy_en_pdstack_pe_cbl_state_t cblState
 Cable discovery state machine state. More...
uint8_t cblSoftResetTried
 Stores number of cable soft reset tries. More...
cy_en_pdstack_typec_fsm_state_t typecFsmState
 Type-C generic FSM state. More...
cy_en_pdstack_dpm_pd_cmd_t dpmPdCmd
 Current DPM PD command. More...
bool dpmPdCmdActive
 Indicates DPM PD command is registered. More...
bool dpmTypecCmdActive
 Indicates DPM Type C command is registered. More...
bool dpmInit
 DPM Initialized flag. More...
bool dpmSafeDisable
 DPM safe disable flag. More...
cy_en_pdstack_dpm_typec_cmd_t dpmTypecCmd
 Current DPM Type C command. More...
cy_pd_cc_state_t ccLive
 Live CC status. More...
cy_pd_cc_state_t ccStatus
 Current debounced CC status. More...
cy_pd_cc_state_t ccRdStatus
 Rd status. More...
cy_en_pd_pd_rev_t specRevSopPrimeLive
 Current spec revision for SOP Prime/DPrime messages. More...
cy_en_pd_pd_rev_t specRevCbl
 Spec revision of the currently connected cable. More...
cy_en_pd_pd_rev_t specRevPeer
 Spec revision of the currently connected peer. More...
bool unchunkSupLive
 Mutual unchunk support with the currently connected peer. More...
bool unchunkSupPeer
 Unchunk support of the currently connected peer. More...
bool snkRpDetachEn
 Flag to indicate sink will detach on Rp removal instead of VBUS removal. More...
bool curFb
 Flag to indicate current foldback is active.
cy_en_pdstack_ams_type_t nonIntrResponse
 Flag to indicate stack is waiting for App response to a non interruptible AMS.
bool frRxDisabled
 FRS receive disabled by EC. More...
bool frTxDisabled
 FRS transmit disabled by EC. More...
volatile bool faultActive
 Flag to indicate the a fault condition exists. More...
cy_en_pdstack_pe_fsm_state_t peFsmState
 Holds the current state of policy engine (PE). More...
uint32_t volatile peEvt
 Stores policy engine events. More...
cy_stc_pdstack_contract_t contract
 Current pd contract. More...
cy_pd_pd_do_t alert
 Alert status.
cy_pd_pd_do_t cblVdo
 Stores the last received cable VDO. More...
bool cblModeEn
 Whether cable supports alternate modes. More...
uint16_t srcCapStartDelay
 Place holder for src cap start delay in milliseconds.
cy_pdstack_dpm_pd_cmd_cbk_t dpmPdCbk
 Pointer to DPM PD callback function. More...
cy_pdstack_dpm_typec_cmd_cbk_t dpmTypecCbk
 Pointer to DPM Type C callback function. More...
 Pointer to DPM command buffer. More...
cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_pd_cmd_buf_t dpmCmdBuf
 Local DPM command buffer. More...
 Max min current/power of current sink capabilities. More...
cy_pd_pd_do_t curSrcPdo [CY_PD_MAX_NO_OF_PDO+CY_PD_MAX_NO_OF_EPR_PDO]
 Current source PDOs sent in source cap messages. More...
cy_pd_pd_do_t curSnkPdo [CY_PD_MAX_NO_OF_PDO+CY_PD_MAX_NO_OF_EPR_PDO]
 Current sink PDOs sent in sink cap messages. More...
cy_pd_pd_do_t srcCurRdo
 Stores the current rdo received by source.
cy_pd_pd_do_t srcLastRdo
 Stores the last rdo received by source.
cy_pd_pd_do_t srcRdo
 Last RDO received (when operating as a source) that resulted in a contract. More...
cy_pd_pd_do_t snkRdo
 Last RDO sent (when operating as a sink) that resulted in a contract.
cy_pd_pd_do_t snkSelPdo
 Selected PDO which resulted in the contract (when sink). More...
cy_pd_pd_do_t srcSelPdo
 Selected PDO which resulted in the contract (when source). More...
 Pointer to the current/last source cap message received. More...
uint32_t padval
 Fields below need to be properly aligned to a 4-byte boundary. More...
cy_stc_pdstack_pd_power_status_t portStatus
 Port power status. More...
uint8_t reserved_1 [24]
 Reserved 24 bytes to match the old structure definition for ROM compatibility, the new extSrcCap moved to cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_ext_status_t. More...
uint8_t ppsStatus [CY_PD_EXT_PPS_STATUS_SIZE]
 Buffer to hold PPS status. More...
uint8_t dpmErrInfo
 Additional error status for DPM commands. More...
bool pwrLimited
 Whether SRC PDOs have been limited due to cable capability. More...
cy_pd_pd_do_t cblVdo2
 Stores the last received active cable VDO #2. More...
uint8_t reserved_2 [24]
 Reserved 24 bytes to match the old structure definition for ROM compatibility, the new extSnkCap moved to cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_ext_status_t. More...
uint32_t randBase
 Temporary variable used for random number generation. More...
bool pd3SrcCcBusy
 Checks whether to keep Rp at SinkTxNG as a PD 3.0 Source. More...
bool isSolnBusy
 Checks whether the solution state allows Type-C transitions.
uint8_t rev3En
 Flag indicating that PD Revision 3.0 support is enabled. More...
uint8_t hwDrpToggleEn
 Flag indicating that hardware-based DRP toggling is enabled. More...
uint8_t trySrcSnkDis
 Flag indicating that Try.SRC Try.SNK is disabled. More...
uint8_t frsRxEn
 Flag indicating that FRS as an initial sink is supported. More...
uint8_t frsTxEn
 Flag indicating that FRS as an initial source is supported. More...
uint8_t ppsSrcEn
 Flag indicating that PPS source is supported. More...
uint8_t usb4En
 Flag indicating that USB4 messages are supported. More...
bool typecRpDetachDisabled
 Flag used Rp Detach detect. More...
bool typecAccessorySuppDisabled
 Flag for accessory support. More...
uint8_t cableDiscCount
 Number of cable discovery attempts to be made. More...
uint8_t mfgLenInfo
 Length of manufacturer information. More...
uint32_t dWordPad0
 Variable added for padding to a DWORD-aligned address. More...
uint8_t mfgName [26]
 Manufacturer name. More...
uint8_t ppsSnkEn
 Flag indicating that PPS SINK RDO from EC is supported. More...
cy_pd_pd_do_t ppsSnkRdo
uint16_t disReqCount
 Number of dpm disable requests active. More...
uint8_t swapResponse
 Response to be sent for each USB PD SWAP command. More...
bool autoVcsDisable
 Option to disable automatic VConn swap from the stack. More...
bool dataResetEn
 Data reset support. More...

Field Documentation

◆ portRole

cy_en_pd_port_role_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::portRole

Port role: Sink, source, or dual.

◆ dfltPortRole

cy_en_pd_port_role_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::dfltPortRole

Default port role: Sink or source.

◆ srcCurLevel

uint8_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::srcCurLevel

Type C current level in the source role.

◆ isSrcBat

uint8_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::isSrcBat

Power source is connected to a battery.

◆ isSnkBat

uint8_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::isSnkBat

Power sink is connected to a battery.

◆ snkUsbSuspEn

uint8_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::snkUsbSuspEn

USB suspend supported indication.

◆ snkUsbCommEn

uint8_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::snkUsbCommEn

USB communication supported indication.

◆ srcPdoCount

uint8_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::srcPdoCount

Source PDO count from the config table or updated at runtime by the EC.

◆ srcPdoMask

uint8_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::srcPdoMask

Source PDO mask from the config table or updated at runtime by the EC.

◆ snkPdoCount

uint8_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::snkPdoCount

Sink PDO count from the config table or update at runtime by the EC.

◆ snkPdoMask

uint8_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::snkPdoMask

Sink PDO mask from the config table or update at runtime by the EC.

◆ rpSupported

uint8_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::rpSupported

Supported Rp values bit mask.

  • Bit 0 => Default Rp supported.
  • Bit 1 => 1.5 A Rp supported.
  • Bit 2 => 3 A Rp supported.

◆ pdSupport

bool cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::pdSupport

USB PD supported.

◆ trySrcSnk

uint8_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::trySrcSnk

Try source/sink control knob.

◆ dbSupport

uint8_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::dbSupport

Dead battery support control knob.

◆ errRecov

bool cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::errRecov

Error recovery control knob.

◆ portDisable

uint8_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::portDisable

PD port disable flag.

◆ frsEnable

uint8_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::frsEnable

FRS enable flag.

◆ vconnRetain

uint8_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::vconnRetain

Whether VConn should be retained in ON state.

◆ reserved3

uint16_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::reserved3[5]

Reserved words for padding to 4-byte aligned address.

◆ srcPdo

cy_pd_pd_do_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::srcPdo[CY_PD_MAX_NO_OF_PDO]

Source PDO loaded from the config table or updated at runtime by the EC.

◆ bootup

bool volatile cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::bootup

Flag to indicate chip bootup used to check dead battery.

◆ deadBat

bool volatile cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::deadBat

Flag to indicate dead battery operation.

◆ drpPeriod

uint8_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::drpPeriod

Time period for DRP toggling.

◆ srcPeriod

uint8_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::srcPeriod

Time period for which to stay as an SRC for a DRP device.

◆ snkPeriod

uint8_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::snkPeriod

Time period for which to stay as an SNK for a DRP device.

◆ roleAtConnect

cy_en_pd_port_role_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::roleAtConnect

Port role when the port moved to the attached state.

◆ pdConnected

bool volatile cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::pdConnected

Ports are PD-connected indications.

◆ pdDisabled

bool volatile cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::pdDisabled

PD disabled indication.

◆ raPresent

bool volatile cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::raPresent

Ra present indication.

◆ bistCm2Enabled

bool volatile cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::bistCm2Enabled

BIST carrier mode 2 running.

◆ bistStmEnabled

bool volatile cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::bistStmEnabled

BIST_Shared_Test_Mode enabled flag.

◆ cblType

cy_en_pdstack_std_vdm_prod_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::cblType

Stores the cable type.

◆ cblVdmVersion

cy_en_pdstack_std_vdm_ver_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::cblVdmVersion

Stores the cable VDM version.

◆ curSrcPdocount

uint8_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::curSrcPdocount

Source PDO count in the last sent source cap.

◆ curSnkPdocount

uint8_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::curSnkPdocount

Sink PDO count in the last sent sink cap.

◆ cblWait

bool cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::cblWait

Flag to indicate cable discovery is waiting for some event.

◆ cblState

cy_en_pdstack_pe_cbl_state_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::cblState

Cable discovery state machine state.

◆ cblSoftResetTried

uint8_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::cblSoftResetTried

Stores number of cable soft reset tries.

◆ typecFsmState

cy_en_pdstack_typec_fsm_state_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::typecFsmState

Type-C generic FSM state.

◆ dpmPdCmd

cy_en_pdstack_dpm_pd_cmd_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::dpmPdCmd

Current DPM PD command.

◆ dpmPdCmdActive

bool cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::dpmPdCmdActive

Indicates DPM PD command is registered.

◆ dpmTypecCmdActive

bool cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::dpmTypecCmdActive

Indicates DPM Type C command is registered.

◆ dpmInit

bool cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::dpmInit

DPM Initialized flag.

◆ dpmSafeDisable

bool cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::dpmSafeDisable

DPM safe disable flag.

Used to ensure that the port is disabled correctly after a fault occurrence.

◆ dpmTypecCmd

cy_en_pdstack_dpm_typec_cmd_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::dpmTypecCmd

Current DPM Type C command.

◆ ccLive

cy_pd_cc_state_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::ccLive

Live CC status.

◆ ccStatus

cy_pd_cc_state_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::ccStatus

Current debounced CC status.

◆ ccRdStatus

cy_pd_cc_state_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::ccRdStatus

Rd status.

◆ specRevSopPrimeLive

cy_en_pd_pd_rev_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::specRevSopPrimeLive

Current spec revision for SOP Prime/DPrime messages.

◆ specRevCbl

cy_en_pd_pd_rev_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::specRevCbl

Spec revision of the currently connected cable.

◆ specRevPeer

cy_en_pd_pd_rev_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::specRevPeer

Spec revision of the currently connected peer.

◆ unchunkSupLive

bool cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::unchunkSupLive

Mutual unchunk support with the currently connected peer.

◆ unchunkSupPeer

bool cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::unchunkSupPeer

Unchunk support of the currently connected peer.

◆ snkRpDetachEn

bool cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::snkRpDetachEn

Flag to indicate sink will detach on Rp removal instead of VBUS removal.

◆ frRxDisabled

bool cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::frRxDisabled

FRS receive disabled by EC.

◆ frTxDisabled

bool cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::frTxDisabled

FRS transmit disabled by EC.

◆ faultActive

volatile bool cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::faultActive

Flag to indicate the a fault condition exists.

◆ peFsmState

cy_en_pdstack_pe_fsm_state_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::peFsmState

Holds the current state of policy engine (PE).

◆ peEvt

uint32_t volatile cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::peEvt

Stores policy engine events.

◆ contract

cy_stc_pdstack_contract_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::contract

Current pd contract.

◆ cblVdo

cy_pd_pd_do_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::cblVdo

Stores the last received cable VDO.

◆ cblModeEn

bool cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::cblModeEn

Whether cable supports alternate modes.

◆ dpmPdCbk

cy_pdstack_dpm_pd_cmd_cbk_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::dpmPdCbk

Pointer to DPM PD callback function.

◆ dpmTypecCbk

cy_pdstack_dpm_typec_cmd_cbk_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::dpmTypecCbk

Pointer to DPM Type C callback function.

◆ cmdP

cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_pd_cmd_buf_t* cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::cmdP

Pointer to DPM command buffer.

◆ dpmCmdBuf

cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_pd_cmd_buf_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::dpmCmdBuf

Local DPM command buffer.

◆ curSnkMaxMin

uint16_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::curSnkMaxMin[CY_PD_MAX_NO_OF_PDO+CY_PD_MAX_NO_OF_EPR_PDO]

Max min current/power of current sink capabilities.

◆ curSrcPdo

cy_pd_pd_do_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::curSrcPdo[CY_PD_MAX_NO_OF_PDO+CY_PD_MAX_NO_OF_EPR_PDO]

Current source PDOs sent in source cap messages.

◆ curSnkPdo

cy_pd_pd_do_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::curSnkPdo[CY_PD_MAX_NO_OF_PDO+CY_PD_MAX_NO_OF_EPR_PDO]

Current sink PDOs sent in sink cap messages.

◆ srcRdo

cy_pd_pd_do_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::srcRdo

Last RDO received (when operating as a source) that resulted in a contract.

◆ snkSelPdo

cy_pd_pd_do_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::snkSelPdo

Selected PDO which resulted in the contract (when sink).

◆ srcSelPdo

cy_pd_pd_do_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::srcSelPdo

Selected PDO which resulted in the contract (when source).

◆ srcCapP

cy_stc_pdstack_pd_packet_t* cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::srcCapP

Pointer to the current/last source cap message received.

May be NULL. Data pointed to by this should not be changed.

◆ padval

uint32_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::padval

Fields below need to be properly aligned to a 4-byte boundary.

◆ portStatus

cy_stc_pdstack_pd_power_status_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::portStatus

Port power status.

◆ reserved_1

uint8_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::reserved_1[24]

Reserved 24 bytes to match the old structure definition for ROM compatibility, the new extSrcCap moved to cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_ext_status_t.

◆ ppsStatus

uint8_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::ppsStatus[CY_PD_EXT_PPS_STATUS_SIZE]

Buffer to hold PPS status.

◆ dpmErrInfo

uint8_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::dpmErrInfo

Additional error status for DPM commands.

◆ pwrLimited

bool cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::pwrLimited

Whether SRC PDOs have been limited due to cable capability.

◆ cblVdo2

cy_pd_pd_do_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::cblVdo2

Stores the last received active cable VDO #2.

◆ reserved_2

uint8_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::reserved_2[24]

Reserved 24 bytes to match the old structure definition for ROM compatibility, the new extSnkCap moved to cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_ext_status_t.

◆ randBase

uint32_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::randBase

Temporary variable used for random number generation.

◆ pd3SrcCcBusy

bool cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::pd3SrcCcBusy

Checks whether to keep Rp at SinkTxNG as a PD 3.0 Source.

◆ rev3En

uint8_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::rev3En

Flag indicating that PD Revision 3.0 support is enabled.

◆ hwDrpToggleEn

uint8_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::hwDrpToggleEn

Flag indicating that hardware-based DRP toggling is enabled.

◆ trySrcSnkDis

uint8_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::trySrcSnkDis

Flag indicating that Try.SRC Try.SNK is disabled.

◆ frsRxEn

uint8_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::frsRxEn

Flag indicating that FRS as an initial sink is supported.

◆ frsTxEn

uint8_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::frsTxEn

Flag indicating that FRS as an initial source is supported.

◆ ppsSrcEn

uint8_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::ppsSrcEn

Flag indicating that PPS source is supported.

◆ usb4En

uint8_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::usb4En

Flag indicating that USB4 messages are supported.

◆ typecRpDetachDisabled

bool cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::typecRpDetachDisabled

Flag used Rp Detach detect.

◆ typecAccessorySuppDisabled

bool cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::typecAccessorySuppDisabled

Flag for accessory support.

◆ cableDiscCount

uint8_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::cableDiscCount

Number of cable discovery attempts to be made.

Range: 0x00 - 0x14.

◆ mfgLenInfo

uint8_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::mfgLenInfo

Length of manufacturer information.

0 - For no information. 5 to 26: For valid information.

◆ dWordPad0

uint32_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::dWordPad0

Variable added for padding to a DWORD-aligned address.

◆ mfgName

uint8_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::mfgName[26]

Manufacturer name.

Null terminated string. Should be 4-byte aligned.

◆ ppsSnkEn

uint8_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::ppsSnkEn

Flag indicating that PPS SINK RDO from EC is supported.

◆ disReqCount

uint16_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::disReqCount

Number of dpm disable requests active.

◆ swapResponse

uint8_t cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::swapResponse

Response to be sent for each USB PD SWAP command.

  • Bits 1:0 => DR_SWAP response.
  • Bits 3:2 => PR_SWAP response.
  • Bits 5:4 => VCONN_SWAP response. Allowed values are: 0 = ACCEPT, 1 = REJECT, 2 = WAIT, 3 = NOT_SUPPORTED.

◆ autoVcsDisable

bool cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::autoVcsDisable

Option to disable automatic VConn swap from the stack.

◆ dataResetEn

bool cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_status_t::dataResetEn

Data reset support.