MTB CAT1 Peripheral driver library
cy_stc_adcmic_dc_config_t Struct Reference


The DC measurement path configuration structure.

Data Fields

cy_en_adcmic_dc_range_t range
 Selects the DC measurement range.
cy_en_adcmic_dc_channel_t channel
 DC channel to be measured.
uint16_t timerPeriod
 Timer period.
cy_en_adcmic_timer_count_input_t timerInput
 Timer count input.
 The pointer to the context structure. More...

Field Documentation

◆ context

cy_stc_adcmic_context_t* cy_stc_adcmic_dc_config_t::context

The pointer to the context structure.

If none of the Cy_ADCMic_CountsTo_uVolts, Cy_ADCMic_CountsTo_mVolts, nor Cy_ADCMic_CountsTo_Volts functions is used, this pointer can be NULL.