CAPSENSE™ Middleware Library 6.10.0
Settings Macros

General Description

Settings macros.


 Interrupt Driven scanning mode.
 DMA Driven scanning mode.
 Sensor connection method through analog mux bus.
 Sensor connection method through control mux switches.
 CIC filter mode.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_CIC2_FILTER   (1u)
 CIC2 filter mode.
 Maximum CIC2 Decimation Rate.
 CIC2 filter minimum valid sample number.
 CIC2 filter maximum valid sample number.
 Raw count counter mode saturate.
 Raw count counter mode overflow.
 Synchronization mode is disabled.
 Synchronization is external.
 Synchronization is internal.
 Sensing group undefined used at initialization.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_CSD_GROUP   (1u)
 CSD sensing group.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_CSX_GROUP   (2u)
 CSX sensing group.
 BIST group.
 BIST CSD sensor capacitance measurement group.
 BIST CSX sensor capacitance measurement group.
 BIST shield capacitance measurement group.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_ISX_GROUP   (10u)
 ISX sensing group.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_MPSC_GROUP   (11u)
 MPSC-D sensing group.
 Total number of mode templates.
 Pin function undefined.
 Control mux switch state is ground.
 Control mux switch state is High-Z.
 Control mux switch state defined as CSX Tx electrode.
 Control mux switch state defined as CSX Negative Tx electrode.
 Control mux switch state defined as CSX Rx electrode.
 Control mux switch state defined as CSD sensor.
 Control mux switch state defined as connection to shield signal.
 Control mux switch state defined as CSDBUSC connected electrode.
 Pin function undefined.
 Pin function is ground.
 Pin function is High-Z.
 Pin function is CSX Rx electrode.
 Pin function is CSX Tx electrode.
 Pin function is CSX Negative Tx electrode.
 Pin function is CSD sensor.
 Pin function is ISX Lx electrode.
 Pin function is ISX Rx electrode.
 Pin function is Active shield.
 Pin function is Passive shield.
 Pin function is CSX VDDA/2 connection.
 Pin function is MPSC CSP connection.
 Pin function is MPSC CSN connection.
 Pin function is MPSC CSZ connection.
 Number of CTRLMUX Pin States for LP.
 Number of CTRLMUX Pin State MASK registers.
 Number of multi-frequency scan channels.
 Total number of multi-frequency scan channels.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_MFS_CH0_INDEX   (0u)
 Multi-frequency channel 0 constant.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_MFS_CH1_INDEX   (1u)
 Multi-frequency channel 1 constant.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_MFS_CH2_INDEX   (2u)
 Multi-frequency channel 2 constant.
 Multi-frequency channel number mask.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_MFS_EN_MASK   (0x10u)
 Multi-frequency enable mask.
 Multi-frequency channels position.
 Multi-frequency channels mask.
 Multi-frequency channel 1 mask.
 Multi-frequency channel 2 mask.
 Inactive sensor connection undefined.
 Inactive sensor connection to ground.
 Inactive sensor connection to High-Z.
 Inactive sensor connection to shield.
 Inactive CSX sensor connection to VDDA/2 voltage driven bus. More...
#define CY_CAPSENSE_SH_DELAY_0NS   (0u)
 No shield signal delay.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_SH_DELAY_5NS   (1u)
 Shield signal delay > 5 ns.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_SH_DELAY_10NS   (2u)
 Shield signal delay > 10 ns.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_SH_DELAY_20NS   (3u)
 Shield signal delay > 20 ns.
 Idac sourcing.
 Idac sinking.
 Shield tank capacitor pre-charge from Vref.
 Shield tank capacitor pre-charge from IO buffer.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_CIC_AUTO_MASK   (0x80u)
 Auto-mode of CIC2 Shift mask.
 CIC2 Shift field position in register.
 Auto-mode of clock source selection mask.
 Clock source selection mask.
 Clock source direct.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_CLK_SOURCE_SSC6   (0x01u)
 Clock source SSC6.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_CLK_SOURCE_SSC7   (0x02u)
 Clock source SSC7.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_CLK_SOURCE_SSC9   (0x03u)
 Clock source SSC9.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_CLK_SOURCE_SSC10   (0x04u)
 Clock source SSC10.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_CLK_SOURCE_PRS8   (0x05u)
 Clock source PRS8.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_CLK_SOURCE_PRS12   (0x06u)
 Clock source PRS12.
 Smart sensing algorithm Clock Source reserved bits.
 Smart sensing algorithm Clock Source reserved bits position.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_CLK_SOURCE_SSC   (0x01u)
 Clock source SSC.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_CLK_SOURCE_PRS   (0x02u)
 Clock source PRS.
 Clock source SSC auto-selection mask.
 Clock source SSC auto-selection.
 Clock source PRS auto-selection mask.
 Clock source PRS auto-selection.
 LFSR range auto-selection mask.
 LFSR range mask.
 LFSR range auto-selection.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_LFSR_BITS_RANGE_0   (0x00u)
 LFSR range for LFSR_BITS=0.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_LFSR_BITS_RANGE_1   (0x01u)
 LFSR range for LFSR_BITS=1.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_LFSR_BITS_RANGE_2   (0x02u)
 LFSR range for LFSR_BITS=2.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_LFSR_BITS_RANGE_3   (0x03u)
 LFSR range for LFSR_BITS=3.
 The cicRate value set by users.
 The cicRate value configured by middleware.
 The cicRate value configured by SMARTSENSE™ algorithm.
 This mode implements checking the following rules: More...
 This mode implements checking the following rules: More...
 This mode implements checking the following rules: More...
#define CY_CAPSENSE_INIT_SW_RES_LOW   (0x00u)
 Low switch resistance at initialization.
 Medium switch resistance at initialization.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_INIT_SW_RES_HIGH   (0x02u)
 High switch resistance at initialization.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_SCAN_SW_RES_LOW   (0x00u)
 Low switch resistance at scanning.
 Medium switch resistance at scanning.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_SCAN_SW_RES_HIGH   (0x02u)
 High switch resistance at scanning.
 Low shield switch resistance.
 Medium shield switch resistance.
 High shield switch resistance.
 Low-EMI shield switch resistance.
 Shield disabled.
 Active shield mode.
 Passive shield mode.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_VREF_SRSS   (0x00u)
 Vref source is taken from SRSS.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_VREF_PASS   (0x01u)
 Vref source is taken from PASS.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_IREF_SRSS   (0x00u)
 Iref source is taken from SRSS.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_IREF_PASS   (0x01u)
 Iref source is taken from PASS.
 Voltage limit to switch to low-voltage configuration.
 Mask of all filters enabling.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_POSITION_MED_MASK   (0x00000001u)
 Median position filter enable mask.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_POSITION_IIR_MASK   (0x00000002u)
 IIR position filter enable mask.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_POSITION_AIIR_MASK   (0x00000004u)
 Adaptive IIR position filter enable mask.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_POSITION_AVG_MASK   (0x00000008u)
 Average position filter enable mask.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_POSITION_JIT_MASK   (0x00000010u)
 Jitter position filter enable mask.
 Mask of position filters history size.
 Offset of position filters history size.
 Mask of IIR coefficient of position filter.
 Offset of IIR coefficient of position filter.
 Offset of raw count filter history size.
 Offset of raw count median filter enable mask.
 Offset of raw count median filter mode mask.
 Offset of raw count IIR filter enable mask.
 Offset of raw count IIR filter mode mask.
 Offset of raw count average filter enable mask.
 Offset of raw count average filter mode mask.
 Offset of raw count HW IIR filter enable mask.
 Offset of raw count CM filter enable mask.
 Mask of raw count filter history size.
 Median raw count filter enable mask.
 Median raw count filter mode mask.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_RC_FILTER_IIR_EN_MASK   ((uint16_t)((uint16_t)0x0001u << CY_CAPSENSE_RC_FILTER_IIR_EN_OFFSET))
 IIR raw count filter enable mask.
 IIR raw count filter mode mask.
 Average raw count filter enable mask.
 Average raw count filter mode mask.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_RC_HW_IIR_FILTER_EN_MASK   ((uint16_t)((uint16_t)0x0001u << CY_CAPSENSE_RC_HW_IIR_FILTER_EN_OFFSET))
 Raw count HW IIR filter enable mask.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_RC_FILTER_CM_EN_MASK   ((uint16_t)((uint16_t)0x0001u << CY_CAPSENSE_RC_FILTER_CM_EN_OFFSET))
 Raw count CM filter enable mask.
 All raw count filters enable mask. More...
 Raw count IIR filter mode standard.
 Raw count IIR filter mode performance.
 Raw count average filter mode.

Macro Definition Documentation



Inactive CSX sensor connection to VDDA/2 voltage driven bus.

This field is available only for the fifth-generation CAPSENSE™.



This mode implements checking the following rules:

  • An LFSR value should be selected so that the max clock dither is limited with the value, specified by the LFSR Dither Limit parameter.
  • At least one full spread spectrum polynomial should pass during the scan time.
  • The value of the number of conversions should be an integer multiple of the repeat period of the polynomial, that is specified by the Sense Clock LFSR Polynomial parameter.



This mode implements checking the following rules:

  • An LFSR value should be selected so that the max clock dither is limited with the value, specified by the LFSR Dither Limit parameter.
  • At least one full spread spectrum polynomial should pass during the scan time.



This mode implements checking the following rules:

  • An LFSR value should be selected so that the max clock dither is limited with the value, specified by the LFSR Dither Limit parameter.


Median raw count filter enable mask.
Definition: cy_capsense_common.h:652

All raw count filters enable mask.