PSoC 6 Peripheral Driver Library


The Pipe channel configuration structure.

Data Fields

cy_stc_ipc_pipe_ep_config_t ep0ConfigData
 Specifies the notify interrupt number for the first endpoint.
cy_stc_ipc_pipe_ep_config_t ep1ConfigData
 Specifies the notify interrupt number for the second endpoint.
uint32_t endpointClientsCount
 Client count and size of MsgCallback array.
cy_ipc_pipe_callback_array_ptr_t endpointsCallbacksArray
 Pipes callback function array. More...
cy_israddress userPipeIsrHandler
 User IRQ handler function that is called when IPC receive data to process (interrupt was raised). More...

Field Documentation

◆ endpointsCallbacksArray

cy_ipc_pipe_callback_array_ptr_t cy_stc_ipc_pipe_config_t::endpointsCallbacksArray

Pipes callback function array.

◆ userPipeIsrHandler

cy_israddress cy_stc_ipc_pipe_config_t::userPipeIsrHandler

User IRQ handler function that is called when IPC receive data to process (interrupt was raised).