CAT2 Peripheral Driver Library
cy_stc_sar_channel_config_t Struct Reference


Channel configuration structure.

Data Fields

cy_en_sar_chan_config_port_pin_addr_t addr
 The combined SARMUX port address and pin address value. More...
bool differential
 Differential enable for this channel. More...
cy_en_sar_channel_ctrl_resolution_t resolution
 Resolution for this channel. More...
bool avgEn
 Averaging enable for this channel. More...
cy_en_sar_channel_sampletime_t sampleTimeSel
 Sample time select: select which of the 4 global sample times to use for this channel.
bool rangeIntrEn
 Range detection interrupt enable.
bool satIntrEn
 Saturation detection interrupt enable.
cy_en_sar_chan_config_neg_port_pin_addr_t neg_addr
 The combined SARMUX negative port address and pin address value. More...
bool negAddrEn
 Enable addressing negative pin for new differential mode.
bool diagVplusSource
 Diagnostic broken wire Vplus source current.
bool diagVplusSink
 Diagnostic broken wire Vplus sink current.
bool diagVminusSoure
 Diagnostic broken wire Vminus source current.
bool diagVminusSink
 Diagnostic broken wire Vminus sink current.

Field Documentation

◆ addr

cy_en_sar_chan_config_port_pin_addr_t cy_stc_sar_channel_config_t::addr

The combined SARMUX port address and pin address value.

◆ differential

bool cy_stc_sar_channel_config_t::differential

Differential enable for this channel.

  • false: The voltage on the addressed pin is measured (Single-ended) and the resulting value is stored in the corresponding data register.
  • true: The differential voltage on the addressed pin pair is measured and the resulting value is stored in the corresponding data register. (pinAddr[0] is ignored).

◆ resolution

cy_en_sar_channel_ctrl_resolution_t cy_stc_sar_channel_config_t::resolution

Resolution for this channel.

When AVG_EN is set this bit is ignored and always a 12-bit resolution (or highest resolution allowed by wounding) is used for this channel.

◆ avgEn

bool cy_stc_sar_channel_config_t::avgEn

Averaging enable for this channel.

If set the avgCnt and avgShift settings are used for sampling the addressed pin(s)

◆ neg_addr

cy_en_sar_chan_config_neg_port_pin_addr_t cy_stc_sar_channel_config_t::neg_addr

The combined SARMUX negative port address and pin address value.