CAT2 Peripheral Driver Library
cy_stc_dmac_descriptor_config_t Struct Reference


This structure holds initialization values for the DMAC ping/pong descriptor.

It contains descriptor configuration elements and is pre-initialized by user. It passed as a parameter to the Cy_DMAC_Descriptor_Init().

Data Fields

void volatile const * srcAddress
 The source address of the transfer. More...
void volatile * dstAddress
 The destination address of the transfer. More...
uint32_t dataCount
 The natural number of data elements to transfer, for example, "1" means one data element is transferred. More...
cy_en_dmac_data_size_t dataSize
 The data size. More...
cy_en_dmac_transfer_size_t srcTransferSize
 The source transfer size. More...
bool srcAddrIncrement
 Increment the source address (by value defined by srcTransferSize) after each transfer. More...
cy_en_dmac_transfer_size_t dstTransferSize
 The destination transfer size. More...
bool dstAddrIncrement
 Increment the destination address (by value defined by dstTransferSize) after each transfer.
cy_en_dmac_retrigger_t retrigger
 Specifies whether the DMA controller should wait for the input trigger to be deactivated. More...
bool cpltState
 Invalidate the descriptor on completion. More...
bool interrupt
 Set an interrupt on descriptor completion. More...
bool preemptable
 The transfer is preemptable. More...
bool flipping
 Flip the active channel descriptor after completion. More...
cy_en_dmac_trigger_type_t triggerType
 Sets what type of transfer is triggered. More...

Field Documentation

◆ srcAddress

void volatile const* cy_stc_dmac_descriptor_config_t::srcAddress

The source address of the transfer.

◆ dstAddress

void volatile* cy_stc_dmac_descriptor_config_t::dstAddress

The destination address of the transfer.

◆ dataCount

uint32_t cy_stc_dmac_descriptor_config_t::dataCount

The natural number of data elements to transfer, for example, "1" means one data element is transferred.

The valid range is 1...65536.

◆ dataSize

cy_en_dmac_data_size_t cy_stc_dmac_descriptor_config_t::dataSize

The data size.

◆ srcTransferSize

cy_en_dmac_transfer_size_t cy_stc_dmac_descriptor_config_t::srcTransferSize

The source transfer size.

◆ srcAddrIncrement

bool cy_stc_dmac_descriptor_config_t::srcAddrIncrement

Increment the source address (by value defined by srcTransferSize) after each transfer.

◆ dstTransferSize

cy_en_dmac_transfer_size_t cy_stc_dmac_descriptor_config_t::dstTransferSize

The destination transfer size.

◆ retrigger

cy_en_dmac_retrigger_t cy_stc_dmac_descriptor_config_t::retrigger

Specifies whether the DMA controller should wait for the input trigger to be deactivated.

◆ cpltState

bool cy_stc_dmac_descriptor_config_t::cpltState

Invalidate the descriptor on completion.

◆ interrupt

bool cy_stc_dmac_descriptor_config_t::interrupt

Set an interrupt on descriptor completion.

◆ preemptable

bool cy_stc_dmac_descriptor_config_t::preemptable

The transfer is preemptable.

◆ flipping

bool cy_stc_dmac_descriptor_config_t::flipping

Flip the active channel descriptor after completion.

◆ triggerType

cy_en_dmac_trigger_type_t cy_stc_dmac_descriptor_config_t::triggerType

Sets what type of transfer is triggered.

See cy_en_dmac_trigger_type_t.