MTB CAT1 Peripheral driver library


TDM Initialization configuration.

Data Fields

bool enable
 Enables/Disables TDM TX.
cy_en_tdm_device_cfg_t masterMode
 Master mode/Slave mode configuration. More...
cy_en_tdm_ws_t wordSize
 TX word length. More...
cy_en_tdm_format_t format
 TX data format, cy_en_tdm_format_t. More...
uint16_t clkDiv
 Should be set to an even value ({2, 4, 6, ..., 256}), to ensure a 50/50% duty cycle clock. More...
cy_en_tdm_clock_sel_t clkSel
 Interface clock "clk_if" selection, cy_en_tdm_clock_sel_t. More...
cy_en_tdm_sckpolarity_t sckPolarity
 TX clock polarity, 0: as is and 1: inverted cy_en_tdm_sckpolarity_t.
cy_en_tdm_fsyncpolarity_t fsyncPolarity
 Synchronization polarity:0:as is 1:inverted. More...
cy_en_tdm_fsyncformat_t fsyncFormat
 Channel synchronization pulse format cy_en_tdm_fsyncformat_t.
uint8_t channelNum
 Number of channels in the frame: 1 to 32 channels supported. More...
uint8_t channelSize
 Channel Size. More...
uint8_t fifoTriggerLevel
 Trigger level. More...
uint32_t chEn
 Channels enabled: channel i is controlled by bit chEn[i]. More...
uint32_t signalInput
 Controls routing to the TX slave signaling inputs (FSYNC/SCK): '0': TX slave signaling independent from RX signaling : '1': TX slave signaling inputs driven by RX Slave: '2': TX slave signaling inputs driven by RX Master:
bool i2sMode
 IF set to 1 the IP is configured for I2S mode else for TDM mode.

Field Documentation

◆ masterMode

cy_en_tdm_device_cfg_t cy_stc_tdm_config_tx_t::masterMode

Master mode/Slave mode configuration.


◆ wordSize

cy_en_tdm_ws_t cy_stc_tdm_config_tx_t::wordSize

TX word length.

Channel size must be greater or equal to the word size.

◆ format

cy_en_tdm_format_t cy_stc_tdm_config_tx_t::format

TX data format, cy_en_tdm_format_t.

◆ clkDiv

uint16_t cy_stc_tdm_config_tx_t::clkDiv

Should be set to an even value ({2, 4, 6, ..., 256}), to ensure a 50/50% duty cycle clock.

Only for Master Mode

◆ clkSel

cy_en_tdm_clock_sel_t cy_stc_tdm_config_tx_t::clkSel

Interface clock "clk_if" selection, cy_en_tdm_clock_sel_t.

◆ fsyncPolarity

cy_en_tdm_fsyncpolarity_t cy_stc_tdm_config_tx_t::fsyncPolarity

Synchronization polarity:0:as is 1:inverted.


◆ channelNum

uint8_t cy_stc_tdm_config_tx_t::channelNum

Number of channels in the frame: 1 to 32 channels supported.

In I2S mode number of channels should be 2.

◆ channelSize

uint8_t cy_stc_tdm_config_tx_t::channelSize

Channel Size.

Channel size must be greater or equal to the word size.

◆ fifoTriggerLevel

uint8_t cy_stc_tdm_config_tx_t::fifoTriggerLevel

Trigger level.

When the TX FIFO has less entries than the number of this field, a transmitter trigger event is generated.

◆ chEn

uint32_t cy_stc_tdm_config_tx_t::chEn

Channels enabled: channel i is controlled by bit chEn[i].

For example : In I2S mode for 2 channels the chEn will be 0x3