MTB CAT1 Peripheral driver library
cy_stc_sd_host_context_t Struct Reference


Context structure.

Data Fields

cy_en_sd_host_dma_type_t dmaType
 Defines the DMA type to be used. More...
cy_en_sd_host_card_capacity_t cardCapacity
 The standard card or the card with the high capacity. More...
uint32_t maxSectorNum
 The SD card maximum number of the sectors. More...
uint32_t RCA
 The relative card address. More...
cy_en_sd_host_card_type_t cardType
 The card type. More...
uint32_t csd [4]
 The Card-Specific Data register. More...
cy_en_sd_host_bus_width_t busWidth
 card bus width. More...

Field Documentation

◆ dmaType

cy_en_sd_host_dma_type_t cy_stc_sd_host_context_t::dmaType

Defines the DMA type to be used.

◆ cardCapacity

cy_en_sd_host_card_capacity_t cy_stc_sd_host_context_t::cardCapacity

The standard card or the card with the high capacity.

◆ maxSectorNum

uint32_t cy_stc_sd_host_context_t::maxSectorNum

The SD card maximum number of the sectors.


uint32_t cy_stc_sd_host_context_t::RCA

The relative card address.

◆ cardType

cy_en_sd_host_card_type_t cy_stc_sd_host_context_t::cardType

The card type.

◆ csd

uint32_t cy_stc_sd_host_context_t::csd[4]

The Card-Specific Data register.

◆ busWidth

cy_en_sd_host_bus_width_t cy_stc_sd_host_context_t::busWidth

card bus width.