This is the definition of BT IPC context structure.
Data Fields | |
uint32_t | ulChannelHCI |
HCI Channel used to send to BLE. | |
uint32_t | dlChannelHCI |
HCI Channel used to receive from BLE. | |
uint32_t | ulChannelHPC |
HPC Channel used to send to BLE. | |
uint32_t | dlChannelHPC |
HPC Channel used to receive from BLE. | |
uint32_t | intStuctureSelf |
Interrupt structure for the MCU. | |
uint32_t | intStucturePeer |
Interrupt structure for the BLE. | |
uint32_t | intPeerMask |
Interrupt mask for the peer. | |
uint32_t | dlNotifyMask |
Down link notify mask. | |
uint32_t | ulReleaseMask |
Up link release mask. | |
cy_stc_sysint_t | ipcIntConfig |
IPC Interrupt configuration structure. | |
cy_ipc_bt_irq_handler_t | irqHandlerPtr |
This handler will be removed later once simulations are done. | |
cy_ipc_bt_int_cb_ptr_t | internal_hpc_notify_cb |
This callback will be removed later once simulations are done. | |
cy_ipc_bt_callback_ptr_t | dlNotifyCallbackPtr |
Callback function called when the DL message is received. | |
cy_ipc_bt_relcallback_ptr_t | ulReleaseCallbackPtr |
Callback function called when the UL channel is released. | |
cy_ipc_bt_bufcallback_ptr_t | bufCallbackPtr |
Callback function called when there is a free buffer available. | |
cy_stc_ipc_hcp_cb_t | hpcNotifyCallbackParam [MAX_BT_IPC_HPC_CB] |
Array of callback pointers registered for control channel notification. | |
cy_stc_ipc_bt_buf_t | buffPool [MAX_BUF_COUNT] |
Storage for pool of buffers sent by BLE for communication. | |
cy_stc_ipc_msg_fifo_t | IpcFifo |
FIFO for HCI IPC messages sent by BLE for communication. | |
cy_stc_ipc_bt_buf_t | toFreeBuf [MAX_TO_FREE_BUF_COUNT] |
Array of buffer descriptor of HCI long buffer to be released is stored. | |
uint32_t | droppedHCI |
Count of dropped HCI messages. | |
uint8_t | bootType |
Boot type. | |
uint32_t | certError |
Certificate processing error description. | |
uint32_t | ipc_int_count |
Total number of IPC interrupts received. | |
uint32_t | ipc_hci_cmd_count |
Total number of HCI cmds received. | |
uint32_t | ipc_hci_release_count |
Total number of HCI release received. | |
uint32_t | ipc_hci_notify_count |
Total number of HCI notifications received. | |
uint32_t | ipc_hci_peer_release_count |
Total number of releases done to peer HCI channel. | |
uint32_t | ipc_hpc_cmd_count |
Total number of HPC cmds received. | |
uint32_t | ipc_hpc_release_count |
Total number of HPC notifications received. | |
uint32_t | ipc_hpc_notify_count |
Total number of HPC notifications received. | |
uint32_t | ipc_hpc_peer_release_count |
Total number of releases done to peer HPC channel. | |
uint32_t | ipc_hci_peer_inbuf_count |
Total number of HCI buffers received. | |
uint32_t | ipc_hci_peer_outbuf_count |
Total number of HCI buffers returned. | |
uint32_t | ipc_hpc_peer_inbuf_count |
Total number of HPC buffers received. | |
uint32_t | ipc_hpc_peer_outbuf_count |
Total number of HPC buffers returned. | |
uint32_t | ipc_hci_cmd_self_outbuf_count |
Total number of HCI cmd buffers pulled form pool. | |
uint32_t | ipc_hci_cmd_self_outbuf_success |
Total number of HCI cmd buffers sent to peer. | |
uint32_t | ipc_hci_cmd_self_inbuf_count |
Total number of HCI cmd buffers received back from peer. | |
uint32_t | ipc_hci_fifo_full |
Total FIFO full condition count. | |
uint32_t | ipc_hci_notify_in_fifo_full |
HCI Notify received during FIFO full condition. | |