MTB CAT1 Peripheral driver library


This is the definition of BT IPC configuration structure.

Data Fields

uint32_t ulChannelHCI
 HCI Channel used to send to BLE.
uint32_t dlChannelHCI
 HCI Channel used to receive from BLE.
uint32_t ulChannelHPC
 HPC Channel used to send to BLE.
uint32_t dlChannelHPC
 HPC Channel used to receive from BLE.
uint32_t intStuctureSelf
 Interrupt structure for the MCU.
uint32_t intStucturePeer
 Interrupt structure for the BLE.
cy_stc_sysint_t ipcIntConfig
 IPC Interrupt configuration structure.
cy_ipc_bt_irq_handler_t irqHandlerPtr
 This handler will be removed later once simulations are done.
cy_ipc_bt_int_cb_ptr_t internal_hpc_notify_cb
 This callback will be removed later once simulations are done.
cy_ipc_bt_relcallback_ptr_t ulReleaseCallbackPtr
 Callback function called when the UL channel is released.
cy_ipc_bt_bufcallback_ptr_t bufCallbackPtr
 Callback function called when there is a free buffer available.