MTB CAT1 Peripheral driver library


The Crypto configuration structure.

Data Fields

uint32_t ipcChannel
 Defines the IPC channel used for client-server data exchange.
uint32_t acquireNotifierChannel
 Specifies the IPC notifier channel (IPC interrupt structure number) to notify server that data for the operation is prepared.
uint32_t releaseNotifierChannel
 Specifies the IPC notifier channel (IPC interrupt structure number) to notify client that operation is complete and data is valid.
cy_stc_sysint_t releaseNotifierConfig
 Specifies the release notifier interrupt configuration. More...
cy_crypto_callback_ptr_t userCompleteCallback
 User callback function. More...
cy_israddress userGetDataHandler
 Server-side user IRQ handler function, called when data for the operation is prepared to process. More...
cy_israddress userErrorHandler
 Server-side user IRQ handler function, called when a Crypto hardware error occurs (interrupt was raised). More...
cy_stc_sysint_t acquireNotifierConfig
 Specifies the prepared data notifier interrupt configuration. More...
cy_stc_sysint_t cryptoErrorIntrConfig
 Specifies the hardware error processing interrupt configuration. More...

Field Documentation

◆ releaseNotifierConfig

cy_stc_sysint_t cy_stc_crypto_config_t::releaseNotifierConfig

Specifies the release notifier interrupt configuration.

It used for internal purposes and user doesn't fill it.

◆ userCompleteCallback

cy_crypto_callback_ptr_t cy_stc_crypto_config_t::userCompleteCallback

User callback function.

If this field is NOT NULL, it called when Crypto operation is complete.

◆ userGetDataHandler

cy_israddress cy_stc_crypto_config_t::userGetDataHandler

Server-side user IRQ handler function, called when data for the operation is prepared to process.

  • If this field is NULL, server will use own interrupt handler to get data.
  • If this field is not NULL, server will call this interrupt handler. This interrupt handler must call the Cy_Crypto_Server_GetDataHandler to get data to process.

    Note: In the second case user should process data separately and clear interrupt by calling Cy_Crypto_Server_Process. This model is used in the multitasking environment.

◆ userErrorHandler

cy_israddress cy_stc_crypto_config_t::userErrorHandler

Server-side user IRQ handler function, called when a Crypto hardware error occurs (interrupt was raised).

  • If this field is NULL - server will use own interrupt handler for error processing.
  • If this field is not NULL - server will call this interrupt handler. This interrupt handler must call the Cy_Crypto_Server_ErrorHandler to clear the interrupt.

◆ acquireNotifierConfig

cy_stc_sysint_t cy_stc_crypto_config_t::acquireNotifierConfig

Specifies the prepared data notifier interrupt configuration.

It used for internal purposes and user doesn't fill it.

◆ cryptoErrorIntrConfig

cy_stc_sysint_t cy_stc_crypto_config_t::cryptoErrorIntrConfig

Specifies the hardware error processing interrupt configuration.

It used for internal purposes and user doesn't fill it.