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Interconnect (Internal Digital Routing)

General Description

High level interface to the Infineon digital routing.


Facilities for runtime manipulation of the on chip routing. The following types of connections are supported:

Quick Start

Code Snippets

Snippet 1: Connecting a pin to TCPWM block

The following code snippet demonstrates connecting a GPIO pin to an active TCPWM block on a device using the cyhal_connect_pin. It is assumed that the TCPWM is already configured and active.

// Find out the resource block that connects the specified pins from the provided resource pin
// mapping table cyhal_pin_map_tcpwm_line. This example connects the pin to the TCPWM line pin
_CYHAL_UTILS_GET_RESOURCE(P2_4, cyhal_pin_map_tcpwm_line);
// Obtain the GPIO pin resource
cyhal_resource_inst_t pin_rsc = _cyhal_utils_get_gpio_resource(P2_4);
// Reserve the resource in hardware manager to prevent other HAL blocks from using it
cy_rslt_t status = cyhal_hwmgr_reserve(&pin_rsc);
if (CY_RSLT_SUCCESS == status)
// The resource is free, connect it to the block
if (CY_RSLT_SUCCESS != status)
Strong output.
Definition: cyhal_gpio.h:158
cy_rslt_t cyhal_hwmgr_reserve(const cyhal_resource_inst_t *obj)
Reserve the specified resource.
Definition: cyhal_hwmgr.c:177
void cyhal_hwmgr_free(const cyhal_resource_inst_t *obj)
Free the specified resource to allow it to be reused.
Definition: cyhal_hwmgr.c:196
Represents a particular instance of a resource on the chip.
Definition: cyhal_hw_resources.h:588
const cyhal_resource_pin_mapping_t cyhal_pin_map_tcpwm_line[68]
List of valid pin to peripheral connections for the tcpwm_line signal.
Represents an association between a pin and a resource.
Definition: cyhal_psoc6_01_104_m_csp_ble.h:143
@ P2_4
Port 2 Pin 4.
Definition: cyhal_psoc6_01_124_bga.h:73
cy_rslt_t cyhal_connect_pin(const cyhal_resource_pin_mapping_t *pin_connection, uint8_t drive_mode)
Connect a pin to a peripheral terminal.
Definition: cyhal_interconnect.c:502
uint32_t cy_rslt_t
Provides the result of an operation as a structured bitfield.
Definition: cy_result.h:426
cy_rslt_t return value indicating success
Definition: cy_result.h:453

Snippet 2: Connecting a Timer output signal to a DMA input signal

The following code snippet demonstrates configuring and connecting a Timer which will overflow every 2 seconds and, in doing so, trigger a DMA channel start.

cyhal_source_t timer_source;
uint32_t src_arr[] = { 100, 200 };
uint32_t dst_arr[] = { 0, 0 };
const cyhal_timer_cfg_t timer_cfg =
.period = 20000,
.direction = CYHAL_TIMER_DIR_UP,
.is_compare = false,
.is_continuous = true,
.value = 0
const cyhal_dma_cfg_t dma_cfg =
.src_addr = (uint32_t)src_arr,
.src_increment = 1,
.dst_addr = (uint32_t)dst_arr,
.dst_increment = 1,
.transfer_width = 32,
.length = 2,
.burst_size = 0,
// Configure simple dma transfer from src_arr to dst_arr
cyhal_dma_configure(&dma, &dma_cfg);
// Setup timer to run continuously, overflowing every 2 seconds
cyhal_timer_init(&timer, NC, NULL);
cyhal_timer_configure(&timer, &timer_cfg);
cyhal_timer_set_frequency(&timer, 10000);
// Connect timer overflow trigger to DMA start
// Once timer is started, a DMA transfer will be triggered every 2 seconds (when the timer
// overflows) until the connection is disabled.
// Disable the connection
uint32_t src_addr
Source address. Some devices can apply special requirements for user data arrays. Please refer to imp...
Definition: cyhal_dma.h:263
cy_rslt_t cyhal_dma_connect_digital(cyhal_dma_t *obj, cyhal_source_t source, cyhal_dma_input_t input)
Connects a source signal and enables the specified input to the DMA channel.
void cyhal_dma_free(cyhal_dma_t *obj)
Free the DMA object.
cy_rslt_t cyhal_dma_disconnect_digital(cyhal_dma_t *obj, cyhal_source_t source, cyhal_dma_input_t input)
Disconnects a source signal and disables the specified input to the DMA channel.
#define cyhal_dma_init(obj, priority, direction)
Initialize the DMA peripheral.
Definition: cyhal_dma.h:328
cy_rslt_t cyhal_dma_configure(cyhal_dma_t *obj, const cyhal_dma_cfg_t *cfg)
Setup the DMA channel behavior.
All bursts are triggered and a single CYHAL_DMA_TRANSFER_COMPLETE will occur at the end.
Definition: cyhal_dma.h:249
Memory to memory.
Definition: cyhal_dma.h:184
Transfer all elements when an input signal is received.
Definition: cyhal_dma.h:213
Configuration of a DMA channel.
Definition: cyhal_dma.h:262
Default DMA channel priority.
Definition: cyhal_dma_impl.h:66
DMA object.
Definition: cyhal_hw_types.h:216
Timer object.
Definition: cyhal_hw_types.h:1478
@ NC
No Connect/Invalid Pin.
Definition: cyhal_psoc6_01_104_m_csp_ble.h:53
Name of each input trigger.
Definition: cyhal_triggers_psoc6_01.h:355
uint32_t compare_value
Timer/counter comparison value.
Definition: cyhal_timer.h:178
cy_rslt_t cyhal_timer_configure(cyhal_timer_t *obj, const cyhal_timer_cfg_t *cfg)
Updates the configuration and counter value of the timer/counter object.
cy_rslt_t cyhal_timer_enable_output(cyhal_timer_t *obj, cyhal_timer_output_t signal, cyhal_source_t *source)
Enables the specified output signal from a tcpwm that will be triggered when the corresponding event ...
cy_rslt_t cyhal_timer_set_frequency(cyhal_timer_t *obj, uint32_t hz)
Configures the timer frequency.
cy_rslt_t cyhal_timer_disable_output(cyhal_timer_t *obj, cyhal_timer_output_t signal)
Disables the specified output signal from a timer.
void cyhal_timer_free(cyhal_timer_t *obj)
Deinitialize the timer/counter object.
cy_rslt_t cyhal_timer_init(cyhal_timer_t *obj, cyhal_gpio_t pin, const cyhal_clock_t *clk)
Initialize the timer/counter peripheral and configure the pin.
cy_rslt_t cyhal_timer_start(cyhal_timer_t *obj)
Starts the timer/counter with the pre-set configuration from cyhal_timer_configure.
Overflow signal.
Definition: cyhal_timer.h:156
Counts up.
Definition: cyhal_timer.h:130
Describes the current configuration of a timer/counter.
Definition: cyhal_timer.h:168

API Reference

 Interconnect HAL Results
 Interconnect specific return codes.


cy_rslt_t cyhal_connect_pin (const cyhal_resource_pin_mapping_t *pin_connection, uint8_t drive_mode)
 Connect a pin to a peripheral terminal. More...
cy_rslt_t cyhal_disconnect_pin (cyhal_gpio_t pin)
 Disconnect a peripheral from a pin. More...

Function Documentation

◆ cyhal_connect_pin()

cy_rslt_t cyhal_connect_pin ( const cyhal_resource_pin_mapping_t pin_connection,
uint8_t  drive_mode 

Connect a pin to a peripheral terminal.

This will route a direct connection from the pin to the peripheral. Any previous direct connection from the pin will be overriden.
See Snippet 1: Connecting a pin to TCPWM block

[in]pin_connectionThe pin and target peripheral terminal to be connected
[in]drive_modeThe drive mode to use for the pin
The status of the connect request

◆ cyhal_disconnect_pin()

cy_rslt_t cyhal_disconnect_pin ( cyhal_gpio_t  pin)

Disconnect a peripheral from a pin.

This will also reset the pin's drive mode to High-Z.

[in]pinThe pin to be disconnected
The status of the disconnect request