XMC Peripheral Library for XMC4000 Family
XMC_SCU_CLOCK_CONFIG_t Struct Reference

#include <xmc4_scu.h>

Data Fields

bool enable_oschp
bool enable_osculp
uint8_t fccu_clkdiv
uint8_t fcpu_clkdiv
uint8_t fperipheral_clkdiv
uint8_t fsys_clkdiv

Detailed Description

Defines a data structure used for initializing the clock functional block. Clock functional block configures clock source needed for various peripheral and its divider values. Use type XMC_SCU_CLOCK_CONFIG_t for accessing these structure parameters.

Field Documentation

◆ calibration_mode

Backup clock trimming mode.

◆ enable_oschp

bool enable_oschp

Enable external high precision oscillator. Should be enabled when fOHP has to be source of system clock.

◆ enable_osculp

bool enable_osculp

Enable external ultra low power oscillator. Should be enabled when fULP has to be source of standby clock(fSTDBY).

◆ fccu_clkdiv

uint8_t fccu_clkdiv

Ratio of fSys to fCCU.

◆ fcpu_clkdiv

uint8_t fcpu_clkdiv

Ratio of fSys to fCPU.

◆ fperipheral_clkdiv

uint8_t fperipheral_clkdiv

Ratio of fSYS to fPERI.

◆ fstdby_clksrc

Standby clock source.

◆ fsys_clkdiv

uint8_t fsys_clkdiv

Ratio of fPLL to fSYS.

◆ fsys_clksrc

Choice of system clock.

◆ syspll_config

PLL configuration

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: