CAT2 Peripheral Driver Library
cy_stc_i2s_config_t Struct Reference


I2S initialization configuration.

Data Fields

uint8_t clkDiv
 CLK_SEL divider: 1: Bypass, 2: 1/2, 3: 1/3, ..., 64: 1/64. More...
bool extClk
 'false': internal clock, 'true': external clock. More...
cy_en_i2s_alignment_t txAlignment
 TX data alignment, see: cy_en_i2s_alignment_t. More...
cy_en_i2s_ws_pw_t txWsPulseWidth
 TX Word Select pulse width. More...
bool txSckoInversion
 TX SCKO polarity: 'false': Serial data is transmitted off the falling bit clock edge (accordingly to the I2S Standard); 'true': Serial data is transmitted off the rising bit clock edge. More...
uint8_t txChannels
 The number of TX channels, the valid range is 1...8 for TDM modes. More...
cy_en_i2s_len_t txChannelLength
 The TX channel length, see cy_en_i2s_len_t, the value of this parameter is ignored in TDM modes, the real channel length is 32 bit in these modes. More...
cy_en_i2s_len_t txWordLength
 The TX word length, see cy_en_i2s_len_t, must be less or equal to txChannelLength. More...
cy_en_i2s_overhead_t txOverheadValue
 The TX overhead bits value when the word length is less than the channel length. More...
uint8_t txFifoTriggerLevel
 The TX FIFO interrupt trigger level (0, 1, ..., 255). More...

Field Documentation

◆ clkDiv

uint8_t cy_stc_i2s_config_t::clkDiv

CLK_SEL divider: 1: Bypass, 2: 1/2, 3: 1/3, ..., 64: 1/64.

◆ extClk

bool cy_stc_i2s_config_t::extClk

'false': internal clock, 'true': external clock.

◆ txAlignment

cy_en_i2s_alignment_t cy_stc_i2s_config_t::txAlignment

TX data alignment, see: cy_en_i2s_alignment_t.

◆ txWsPulseWidth

cy_en_i2s_ws_pw_t cy_stc_i2s_config_t::txWsPulseWidth

TX Word Select pulse width.

The value of this parameter is ignored in I2S and the Left Justified modes WS pulse width is always "one channel length" in these modes.

◆ txSckoInversion

bool cy_stc_i2s_config_t::txSckoInversion

TX SCKO polarity: 'false': Serial data is transmitted off the falling bit clock edge (accordingly to the I2S Standard); 'true': Serial data is transmitted off the rising bit clock edge.

Effective only in Master mode.

◆ txChannels

uint8_t cy_stc_i2s_config_t::txChannels

The number of TX channels, the valid range is 1...8 for TDM modes.

In the I2S and Left Justified modes, the value of this parameter is ignored - the real number of channels is always 2 in these modes.

◆ txChannelLength

cy_en_i2s_len_t cy_stc_i2s_config_t::txChannelLength

The TX channel length, see cy_en_i2s_len_t, the value of this parameter is ignored in TDM modes, the real channel length is 32 bit in these modes.

◆ txWordLength

cy_en_i2s_len_t cy_stc_i2s_config_t::txWordLength

The TX word length, see cy_en_i2s_len_t, must be less or equal to txChannelLength.

◆ txOverheadValue

cy_en_i2s_overhead_t cy_stc_i2s_config_t::txOverheadValue

The TX overhead bits value when the word length is less than the channel length.

◆ txFifoTriggerLevel

uint8_t cy_stc_i2s_config_t::txFifoTriggerLevel

The TX FIFO interrupt trigger level (0, 1, ..., 255).

A trigger event is generated when the TX FIFO has less entries than the number in this field.