The USBFS driver provides APIs to configure and access the USBFS hardware block on the EZ-PD PMG1 family of devices. More...
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The USBFS driver provides APIs to configure and access the USBFS hardware block on the EZ-PD PMG1 family of devices.
The PMG1 family is a set of USB Power-Delivery (USBPD) enabled Micro-Controllers for the general market. The devices PMG1-S2 & PMG1-S3 in this family support the USBFS Device Sub-System (USBFS) in addition to other standard MCU peripherals available.
The USBFS driver provides an API to interact with a fixed-function USB block.
The functions and other declarations used in this driver are in cy_usbfs_dev_drv.h. You can include cy_pdl.h to get access to all functions and declarations in the PDL.
The USB block supports Host and Device modes of operation. This version of the driver supports only Device mode.
The primary usage model for the USBFS driver is to provide a defined API interface to USB Device Middleware component that works on top of it.
The driver also provides an API interface for the application to implement the required functionality:
This section explains how to configure the USBFS driver and system resources to enable USB Device operation. The pointers to the populated cy_stc_usbfs_dev_drv_config_t configuration structure and allocated context are passed in the middleware initialization function Cy_USB_Dev_Init. After middleware initialization, it calls Cy_USBFS_Dev_Drv_Init to initialize the USBFS driver for Device operation.
To configure the USBFS driver in Device mode, the configuration structure cy_stc_usbfs_dev_drv_config_t parameters must be populated. The configuration structure content significantly depends on the selected endpoints management mode parameter:
The epAccess and intrLevelSel must be provided. All other parameters are do not cares for this mode. Refer to section Configure Interrupts to get information about intrLevelSel configuration.
To enable DMA operation, the DMA channels must be assigned for each endpoint to be used. Each DMA channel needs a single DMA descriptor to operate. The USBFS driver defines the DMA configuration structure cy_stc_usbfs_dev_drv_dma_config_t to be populated for each DMA channel. The code example below provides an initialized USBFS driver DMA configuration structure:
The pointers to the DMA configuration structure are required into the cy_stc_usbfs_dev_drv_config_t USBFS driver configuration structure to allow the USBFS driver to use DMA channels for used endpoints. The dmaConfig[0] field expects a pointer to the DMA configuration for data endpoint 1, the dmaConfig[1] field pointer to the DMA configuration for data endpoint 2, and so on up to data endpoint 8. The code example below provides an initialized USBFS driver configuration structure which uses endpoint 1:
DMA Automatic mode needs a DMA channels configuration similar to the described above. But it also requires one more DMA descriptor for each DMA channel and DMA output trigger multiplexer. Refer to the Assign and Route DMA Channels section, for more detail about the trigger multiplexer . The code example below provides an initialized USBFS driver DMA configuration structure:
The driver requires a buffer for data endpoints to operate. This buffer must be allocated by the user. The buffer size is equal to the sum of all used endpoints maximum packet sizes. If an endpoint belongs to more than one alternate setting, select the greatest maximum packet size for this endpoint. The driver configuration structure cy_stc_usbfs_dev_drv_config_t parameters epBuffer and epBufferSize pass the buffer to the driver.
The code example below provides an initialized USBFS driver configuration structure that uses data endpoint 1 with a maximum packet size of 63 bytes and set 16-bit access:
Only dedicated USB pins can be used for USB operation. Keep the default USB pins configuration because after the USBFS driver initializes, the USB block takes control over the pins and drives them properly.
The USB hardware block requires two clock sources for operation:
Refer to SysClk (System Clock) driver API for more detail about clock
The USBFS driver requires a DMA controller to operate in DMA Manual and Automatic modes. The USB hardware block supports the DMA request and feedback lines for each data endpoint. Therefore, up to eight DMA channels serve eight data endpoints. The connection between the USB block and the DMA channels is set using the trigger muxes infrastructure. The USB block output DMA request line is connected to the DMA channel trigger input. This allows the USB block to request a DMA transfer. The DMA completion output is connected to the USB block burst end input. This allows the USB block to get notification that a DMA transfer has been completed and a next DMA request can be sent. The USBFS driver DMA configuration structure requires the outTrigMux field to provide the trigger mux that performs DMA completion and USB block burst end connection.
Refer to TrigMux (Trigger Multiplexer) for more detail on the routing capabilities.
The code examples below shows a connection DMA channel and USB block and the define for outTrigMux field initialization for the PMG1-S3 device.
The interrupts are mandatory for the USBFS driver operation. The USBFS block provides multiple interrupt sources to be assigned to trigger one of the three interrupts: Low, Medium, or High. This allows to assign different priority to the interrupt sources handling. The cy_stc_usbfs_dev_drv_config_t structure provides the intrLevelSel field which initializes the INTR_LVL_SEL register. This register configures which interrupt the interrupt source will trigger.
The recommended/default configuration is:
However, the final configuration must be defined by the application.
The Cy_USBFS_Dev_Drv_Interrupt function must be called in the interrupt handler for the selected USB block instance. Note that the Cy_USBFS_Dev_Drv_Interrupt has the parameter intrCause that must be assigned by calling the appropriate interrupt cause function:
Finally, the interrupts must be configured and interrupt handler routines hook up to NVIC. The code below assigns the interrupt priorities accordingly to interrupt names. The priorities among the USBFS interrupts are as follows: High - the greatest; Medium - the middle; Low - the lowest.
The USBFS hardware block supports three endpoint buffer management modes: CPU (No DMA) mode (Mode 1), Manual DMA mode (Mode 2), and Automatic DMA mode (Mode 3). These modes are listed using enum cy_en_usbfs_dev_drv_ep_management_mode_t. The following sub-sections provide more information about the endpoint buffer management.
The USBFS block has a 512-byte hardware buffer that is divided between all data endpoints used in the selected configuration. How the hardware buffer is divided between endpoints depends on the selected endpoint buffer management modes:
To access the hardware buffer, the endpoint data register is read or written by CPU or DMA. On each read or write, buffer pointers are updated to access a next data element.
The USBFS block provides two sets of data registers: 8-bit and 16-bit. Either the 8-bit endpoint data register or the 16-bit endpoint data register can be used to read/write to the endpoint buffer. The buffer access is controlled by the epAccess field of the driver configuration structure cy_stc_usbfs_dev_drv_config_t. The endpoint hardware buffer and SRAM buffer must be allocated using the rules below when the 16-bit access is used:
The driver provides the CY_USBFS_DEV_DRV_ALLOC_ENDPOINT_BUFFER macro that applies the rules above to allocate the SRAM buffer for an endpoint. This macro should be used by application to hide configuration differences. However, in this case the application must ignore extra bytes in the buffer. Alternately, apply the rules above only for the 16-bits access type configuration.
The driver firmware allocates an endpoint hardware buffer (dividing hardware buffer between utilized endpoints). Therefore, for CPU mode (Mode 1) and Manual DMA mode (Mode 2), an endpoint whose maximum packet size is odd, consumes an extra byte in the hardware buffer when the 16-bit access is used. This is not applicable for Automatic DMA mode (Mode 3) because endpoints dedicated buffer are even and aligned.
In addition, to operate in Automatic DMA mode (Mode 3), the driver needs an internal SRAM buffer for endpoints. The buffer size is a sum of all endpoint buffers. When the 16-bit access is used, each endpoint buffer must be allocated using the rules above. The driver configuration structure cy_stc_usbfs_dev_drv_config_t has epBuffer and epBufferSize fields to pass the allocated buffer to the driver.
For example: the USB Device uses three data endpoints whose max packets are 63 bytes, 63 bytes, and 8 bytes. The endpoints buffer for the driver must be allocated as follows:
CPU handles data transfers between the user-provided SRAM endpoint-buffer and the USB block hardware-buffer when Cy_USBFS_Dev_Drv_ReadOutEndpoint or Cy_USBFS_Dev_Drv_LoadInEndpoint is called.
DMA handles data transfers between the user-provided SRAM endpoint buffer and the USB block hardware buffer. The DMA request is issued by CPU to execute a data transfer when Cy_USBFS_Dev_Drv_ReadOutEndpoint or Cy_USBFS_Dev_Drv_LoadInEndpoint.
DMA handles data transfers between the driver SRAM endpoints buffer and the USB block hardware buffer. The USB block generates DMA requests automatically. When USB transfer starts, the USB block triggers DMA requests to transfer data between the driver endpoint buffer and the hardware buffer until transfer completion. The common area acts as a FIFO to (and keeps data that does not fit into) the endpoint dedicated buffer. For IN endpoints, the dedicated buffer is pre-loaded before enabling USB Host access to the endpoint. This gives time for the DMA to provide remaining data before underflow occurs. The USB block hardware has a feedback connection with the DMA and does not issue new DMA request until it receives notification that the previous DMA transfer completed. When the Cy_USBFS_Dev_Drv_ReadOutEndpoint or Cy_USBFS_Dev_Drv_LoadInEndpoint function is called, the memcpy function is used to copy data from/into the driver endpoints buffer to the user-provided endpoint buffer. The driver provides the Cy_USBFS_Dev_Drv_OverwriteMemcpy function to replace memcpy function by one that has been custom implemented (the DMA can be used for data copy).
The driver provides the following callbacks that can be used by the application:
Also, the driver provides callbacks for a Bus Reset event and Control Endpoint 0 communication events (setup packet, in packet, out packet). But these callbacks are used by middleware and must not be used by the application directly. The middleware provides appropriate hooks for these events.
The USB specification requires that no device supplies current on VBUS at its upstream facing port at any time. To meet this requirement, the device must monitors for the presence or absence of VBUS and removes power from the Dp/Dm pull-up resistor if VBUS is absent. The USBFS driver does not provide any support of VBUS monitoring or detection. The application firmware must implement the required functionality using a VDDUSB power pad or GPIO. Refer to the Universal Serial Bus (USB) Device Mode section, sub-section VBUS Detection in the technical reference manual (TRM).
Connect the VBUS through a resistive network when the regular GPIO is used for VBUS detection to save the pin from voltage picks on VBUS, or use GPIO tolerant over the voltage. An example schematic is shown below.
The USBFS driver supports the USB Suspend, Resume, and Remote Wakeup functionality. This functionality is tightly related with the user application. The USBFS driver provides only the API interface which helps the user achieve the desired low-power behavior. The additional processing is required from the user application. The description of application processing is provided below.
Normally, the USB Host sends an SOF packet every 1 ms (at full speed), and this keeps the USB Device awake. The USB Host suspends the USB Device by not sending anything to the USB Device for 3 ms. To recognize this condition, the bus activity must be checked. This can be done using the Cy_USBFS_Dev_Drv_CheckActivity function or by monitoring the SOF interrupt. A suspended device may draw no more than 0.5 mA from VBUS. Therefore, put the device into low-power mode to consume less current. The Cy_USBFS_Dev_Drv_Suspend function must be called before entering low-power mode. When the USB Host wants to wake the device after a suspend, it does so by reversing the polarity of the signal on the data lines for at least 20 ms. The resume signaling is completed with a low-speed end-of-packet signal. The USB block is disabled during Deep Sleep or Hibernate low-power modes. To exit a low-power mode when USB Host drives resume, a falling edge interrupt on Dp must be configured before entering these modes. The Cy_USBFS_Dev_Drv_Resume function must be called after exiting the low-power mode. To resume communication with the USB Host, the data endpoints must be managed: the OUT endpoints must be enabled and IN endpoints must be loaded with data.
If the USB Device supports remote wakeup functionality, the application has to use middleware function Cy_USB_Dev_IsRemoteWakeupEnabled to determine whether remote wakeup was enabled by the USB Host. When the device is suspended and it determines the conditions to initiate a remote wakeup are met, the application must call the Cy_USBFS_Dev_Drv_Force function to force the appropriate J and K states onto the USB bus, signaling a remote wakeup condition. Note that Cy_USBFS_Dev_Drv_Resume must be called first to restore the condition.
For more detail on the USB Full-Speed Device peripheral, refer to the section Universal Serial Bus (USB) Device Mode in the technical reference manual (TRM).
Version | Changes | Reason for Change |
2.20 | Resolved compiler warnings related to USBFS DMAC APIs. | Defect fix. |
2.10 | Corrected variable type name. | Defect fix. |
2.0 | The USBFS driver's DMA feature is disabled by default. You can enable it by setting the macro CY_USBFS_DRV_DMA_ENABLE to 1 in the application Makefile.
| Feature support |
Updated the Cy_USBFS_Dev_Drv_Ep0Read function to read upto 64 bytes of data at a time. | Defect fix | |
1.10 | Add DMA endpoint buffer management | New feature support |
1.0.1 | Update the paths to the code snippets. | PDL structure update. |
1.0 | The initial version. |