CAT2 Peripheral Driver Library

Macros to check UART events passed by cy_cb_scb_uart_handle_events_t callback. More...


 All data elements specified by Cy_SCB_UART_Transmit have been loaded into the TX FIFO.
 The transmit operation started by Cy_SCB_UART_Transmit is complete.
 The receive operation started by Cy_SCB_UART_Receive is complete.
#define CY_SCB_UART_RB_FULL_EVENT   (0x08UL)
 The ring buffer is full, there is no more space for additional data. More...
 An error was detected during the receive operation. More...
 An error was detected during the transmit operation. More...
 The receive fifo is not empty. More...
 The transmit fifo is empty. More...

Detailed Description

Macros to check UART events passed by cy_cb_scb_uart_handle_events_t callback.

Note that only single event is notified by the callback when it is called.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define CY_SCB_UART_RB_FULL_EVENT   (0x08UL)

The ring buffer is full, there is no more space for additional data.

Additional data is stored in the RX FIFO until it becomes full, at which point data is dropped.



An error was detected during the receive operation.

This includes overflow, frame error, or parity error. Check Cy_SCB_UART_GetReceiveStatus to determine the source of the error.



An error was detected during the transmit operation.

This includes a NACK or lost arbitration. Check Cy_SCB_UART_GetTransmitStatus to determine the source of the error



The receive fifo is not empty.

To use this event the CY_SCB_RX_INTR_NOT_EMPTY interrupt must be enabled by the user.



The transmit fifo is empty.

To use this event the CY_SCB_UART_TX_EMPTY interrupt must be enabled by the user.