MTB CAT1 Peripheral driver library
cy_stc_sar2_config_t Struct Reference


Configuration structure of the SAR2 HW block.

Data Fields

uint8_t preconditionTime
 The number of ADC clock cycles when Preconditioning is done before the sample window starts. More...
uint8_t powerupTime
 The number of cycles to wait for power up after IDLE_PWRDWN. More...
bool enableIdlePowerDown
 When idle automatically power is down, the analog if true. More...
cy_en_sar2_msb_stretch_mode_t msbStretchMode
 When the set uses 2 cycles for the Most Significant Bit (MSB), see cy_en_sar2_msb_stretch_mode_t.
bool enableHalfLsbConv
 When true takes an extra cycle to convert the half LSB and add it to the 12-bit result for Missing Code Recovery.
bool sarMuxEnable
 Enable the SARMUX (only valid if sarIpEnable = true). More...
bool adcEnable
 Enable the SAR ADC and SAR sequencer (only valid if sarIpEnable = true). More...
bool sarIpEnable
 Enable the SAR IP. More...
cy_stc_sar2_channel_config_tchannelConfig [CY_SAR2_NUM_CHANNELS]
 Channel configuration pointer array. More...

Field Documentation

◆ preconditionTime

uint8_t cy_stc_sar2_config_t::preconditionTime

The number of ADC clock cycles when Preconditioning is done before the sample window starts.

◆ powerupTime

uint8_t cy_stc_sar2_config_t::powerupTime

The number of cycles to wait for power up after IDLE_PWRDWN.

◆ enableIdlePowerDown

bool cy_stc_sar2_config_t::enableIdlePowerDown

When idle automatically power is down, the analog if true.

◆ sarMuxEnable

bool cy_stc_sar2_config_t::sarMuxEnable

Enable the SARMUX (only valid if sarIpEnable = true).

◆ adcEnable

bool cy_stc_sar2_config_t::adcEnable

Enable the SAR ADC and SAR sequencer (only valid if sarIpEnable = true).

◆ sarIpEnable

bool cy_stc_sar2_config_t::sarIpEnable

Enable the SAR IP.

◆ channelConfig

cy_stc_sar2_channel_config_t* cy_stc_sar2_config_t::channelConfig[CY_SAR2_NUM_CHANNELS]

Channel configuration pointer array.