MTB CAT1 Peripheral driver library
cy_stc_pdm_pcm_config_v2_t Struct Reference


PDM-PCM initialization configuration.

Data Fields

uint8_t clkDiv
 PDM Clock Divider This configures a frequency of PDM CLK. More...
cy_en_pdm_pcm_clock_sel_t clksel
 Interface clock clk_if selection. More...
cy_en_pdm_pcm_halve_rate_sel_t halverate
 Halve rate sampling. More...
uint8_t route
 Specifies what IOSS data input signal "pdm_data[]" is routed to a specific PDM receiver. More...
uint8_t fir0_coeff_user_value
 FIR 0 filter coefficient enable. More...
uint8_t fir1_coeff_user_value
 FIR 1 filter coefficient enable. More...
cy_stc_pdm_pcm_fir_coeff_t fir0_coeff [8]
 The (symmetric) 30-taps finite impulse response (FIR) filter with 14-bit signed coefficients (in the range [-8192, 8191]) are specified by FIR0_COEFF0, ..., FIR0_COEFF7. More...
cy_stc_pdm_pcm_fir_coeff_t fir1_coeff [14]
 The (symmetric) 55-taps finite impulse response (FIR) filter with 14-bit signed coefficients (in the range [-8192, 8191]) are specified by FIR1_COEFF0, ..., FIR1_COEFF13. More...

Field Documentation

◆ clkDiv

uint8_t cy_stc_pdm_pcm_config_v2_t::clkDiv

PDM Clock Divider This configures a frequency of PDM CLK.

The configured frequency is used to operate PDM core. The value that user assigns here will be incremented by 1 and assigned internally. For example, if the clkDiv value is 0, it is internally incremented by 1.

◆ clksel

cy_en_pdm_pcm_clock_sel_t cy_stc_pdm_pcm_config_v2_t::clksel

Interface clock clk_if selection.


◆ halverate

cy_en_pdm_pcm_halve_rate_sel_t cy_stc_pdm_pcm_config_v2_t::halverate

Halve rate sampling.


◆ route

uint8_t cy_stc_pdm_pcm_config_v2_t::route

Specifies what IOSS data input signal "pdm_data[]" is routed to a specific PDM receiver.

Each PDM receiver j has a dedicated 1-bit control field: PDM receiver j uses DATA_SEL[j]. The 1-bit field DATA_SEL[j] specification is as follows: '0': PDM receiver j uses data input signal "pdm_data[j]". '1': PDM receiver j uses data input signal "pdm_data[j ^ 1]" (the lower bit of the index is inverted)

◆ fir0_coeff_user_value

uint8_t cy_stc_pdm_pcm_config_v2_t::fir0_coeff_user_value

FIR 0 filter coefficient enable.

User has to configure the coeff values. 0: Disabled. 1: Enabled

◆ fir1_coeff_user_value

uint8_t cy_stc_pdm_pcm_config_v2_t::fir1_coeff_user_value

FIR 1 filter coefficient enable.

User has to configure the coeff values. 0: Disabled. 1: Enabled

◆ fir0_coeff

cy_stc_pdm_pcm_fir_coeff_t cy_stc_pdm_pcm_config_v2_t::fir0_coeff[8]

The (symmetric) 30-taps finite impulse response (FIR) filter with 14-bit signed coefficients (in the range [-8192, 8191]) are specified by FIR0_COEFF0, ..., FIR0_COEFF7.

The FIR filter coefficients have no default values: the coefficients MUST be programmed BEFORE the filter is enabled. By Default FIR0 is disabled and is only used for 8Khz and 16 Khz sample frequencies

◆ fir1_coeff

cy_stc_pdm_pcm_fir_coeff_t cy_stc_pdm_pcm_config_v2_t::fir1_coeff[14]

The (symmetric) 55-taps finite impulse response (FIR) filter with 14-bit signed coefficients (in the range [-8192, 8191]) are specified by FIR1_COEFF0, ..., FIR1_COEFF13.

The (default) FIR filter has built in droop correction. The filter gain (sum of the coefficients) is 13921 and the default coefficients (as specified by FIR1_COEFFx.DATA0/1[13:0]) are: (-2, 21), (26, -17), (-41, 25), (68, -33), (-107, 41), (160, -48), (-230, 54), (325, -56), (-453, 51), (631, -31), (-894, -21), (1326, 172), (-2191, -770), (4859, 8191)