MTB CAT1 Peripheral driver library
cy_stc_pdm_pcm_channel_config_t Struct Reference


PDM-PCM Channel initialization configuration.

Data Fields

uint8_t sampledelay
 Interface sample delay. More...
cy_en_pdm_pcm_word_size_t wordSize
 see cy_en_pdm_pcm_word_size_t
bool signExtension
 Word extension type: More...
uint8_t rxFifoTriggerLevel
 Fifo interrupt trigger level (in words), range: 0 - 63.
bool fir0_enable
 FIR 0 filter coefficient enable (does NOT effect FIR filter scaling and FIR filter decimation): More...
cy_en_pdm_pcm_ch_cic_decimcode_t cic_decim_code
 CIC filter decimation. More...
cy_en_pdm_pcm_ch_fir0_decimcode_t fir0_decim_code
 FIR filter decimation. More...
uint8_t fir0_scale
 FIR 0 filter PCM scaling. More...
cy_en_pdm_pcm_ch_fir1_decimcode_t fir1_decim_code
 FIR filter decimation. More...
uint8_t fir1_scale
 FIR 1 filter PCM scaling. More...
bool dc_block_disable
 Disables DC BLOCK if set to true. More...
cy_en_pdm_pcm_ch_dcblock_coef_t dc_block_code
 DC blocker coefficient. More...

Field Documentation

◆ sampledelay

uint8_t cy_stc_pdm_pcm_channel_config_t::sampledelay

Interface sample delay.

This field specifies when a PDM value is captured. The value that user assigns here will be incremented by 1 and assigned internally

◆ signExtension

bool cy_stc_pdm_pcm_channel_config_t::signExtension

Word extension type:

  • 0: extension by zero
  • 1: extension by sign bits

◆ fir0_enable

bool cy_stc_pdm_pcm_channel_config_t::fir0_enable

FIR 0 filter coefficient enable (does NOT effect FIR filter scaling and FIR filter decimation):

  • 0: Disabled
  • 1: Enabled

◆ cic_decim_code

cy_en_pdm_pcm_ch_cic_decimcode_t cy_stc_pdm_pcm_channel_config_t::cic_decim_code

CIC filter decimation.

The CIC filter PCM frequency is a fraction of the PDM frequency. cy_en_pdm_pcm_ch_cic_decimcode_t

◆ fir0_decim_code

cy_en_pdm_pcm_ch_fir0_decimcode_t cy_stc_pdm_pcm_channel_config_t::fir0_decim_code

FIR filter decimation.

The FIR filter PCM frequency is a fraction of the CIC filter PCM frequency. cy_en_pdm_pcm_ch_fir0_decimcode_t

◆ fir0_scale

uint8_t cy_stc_pdm_pcm_channel_config_t::fir0_scale

FIR 0 filter PCM scaling.

range 0-31

◆ fir1_decim_code

cy_en_pdm_pcm_ch_fir1_decimcode_t cy_stc_pdm_pcm_channel_config_t::fir1_decim_code

FIR filter decimation.

The FIR filter PCM frequency is a fraction of the FIR0 filter PCM frequency. cy_en_pdm_pcm_ch_fir1_decimcode_t

◆ fir1_scale

uint8_t cy_stc_pdm_pcm_channel_config_t::fir1_scale

FIR 1 filter PCM scaling.

range 0 to 31

◆ dc_block_disable

bool cy_stc_pdm_pcm_channel_config_t::dc_block_disable

Disables DC BLOCK if set to true.

This is for debug only. To be used for test modes 0,1 and 2 in test config ie. if the input is constant 0's or constant 1's or alternating 0's and 1's

◆ dc_block_code

cy_en_pdm_pcm_ch_dcblock_coef_t cy_stc_pdm_pcm_channel_config_t::dc_block_code

DC blocker coefficient.
