MTB CAT1 Peripheral driver library


Configuration structure to set up the entire High Performance Programmable Analog Sub-System to be used with Cy_HPPASS_Init.

Data Fields

cy_stc_hppass_ac_t ac
 Autonomous Controller.
cy_stc_hppass_csg_t const * csg
 Pointer to the CSG configuration structure. More...
cy_stc_hppass_sar_t const * sar
 Pointer to the SAR configuration structure. More...
cy_stc_hppass_trig_in_t trigIn [CY_HPPASS_TRIG_NUM]
 Array of Input Triggers.
cy_en_hppass_trig_out_pulse_t trigPulse [CY_HPPASS_TRIG_NUM]
 Array of Output Pulse Triggers.
cy_stc_hppass_trig_out_level_t trigLevel [CY_HPPASS_TRIG_NUM]
 Array of Output Level Triggers.

Field Documentation

◆ csg

cy_stc_hppass_csg_t const* cy_stc_hppass_cfg_t::csg

Pointer to the CSG configuration structure.

Can be NULL if CSG is not used.

◆ sar

cy_stc_hppass_sar_t const* cy_stc_hppass_cfg_t::sar

Pointer to the SAR configuration structure.

Can be NULL if SAR is not used.