Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL)
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HAL API Reference
The following provides a list of HAL API documentation
[detail level 1234]
 HAL General Types/MacrosThis section documents the basic types and macros that are used by multiple HAL drivers
 Result Type
 General TypesThis section documents the basic types that are used by multiple HAL drivers
 Result CodesHAL specific return codes definitions for all drivers
 ADC HAL ResultsADC specific return codes
 Clock HAL ResultsClock specific return codes
 Comparator HAL ResultsComparator specific return codes
 DMA HAL ResultsDMA specific return codes
 GPIO HAL ResultsGPIO specific return codes
 I2C HAL ResultsI2C specific return codes
 LPTimer HAL ResultsLPTimer specific return codes
 NVM HAL ResultsNVM specific return codes
 PWM HAL ResultsPWM specific return codes
 RTC HAL ResultsRTC specific return codes
 SPI HAL ResultsSPI specific return codes
 SYSPM HAL ResultsSYSPM specific return codes
 SYSTEM HAL ResultsSYSTEM specific return codes
 Timer HAL ResultsTimer specific return codes
 TRNG HAL ResultsTRNG specific return codes
 UART HAL ResultsUART specific return codes
 HAL Driver AvailabilityThis section documents the macros that can be used to check if a specific driver is available for the current device
 HAL DriversThis section documents the drivers which form the stable API of the ModusToolbox™ HAL
 ADC (Analog to Digital Converter)High level interface for interacting with the analog to digital converter (ADC)
 ADC HAL ResultsADC specific return codes
 ClockInterface for enabling or disabling the clock and updating the clock frequency
 Clock HAL ResultsClock specific return codes
 COMP (Analog Comparator)High level interface for interacting with an analog Comparator
 Comparator HAL ResultsComparator specific return codes
 DMA (Direct Memory Access)High level interface for interacting with the direct memory access (DMA)
 DMA HAL ResultsDMA specific return codes
 GPIO (General Purpose Input Output)High level interface for configuring and interacting with general purpose input/outputs (GPIO)
 GPIO HAL ResultsGPIO specific return codes
 I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit)High level interface for interacting with the I2C resource
 I2C HAL ResultsI2C specific return codes
 LPTimer (Low-Power Timer)High level interface for interacting with the low-power timer (LPTimer)
 LPTimer HAL ResultsLPTimer specific return codes
 NVM (Onboard Non-Volatile Memory)High level interface to the onboard Non-Volatile memory (Internal Flash, RRAM, OTP region)
 NVM HAL ResultsNVM specific return codes
 PWM (Pulse Width Modulator)High level interface for interacting with the pulse width modulator (PWM) hardware resource
 PWM HAL ResultsPWM specific return codes
 RTC (Real-Time Clock)High level interface for interacting with the real-time clock (RTC)
 RTC HAL ResultsRTC specific return codes
 SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface)High level interface for interacting with the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
 SPI HAL ResultsSPI specific return codes
 System Power ManagementInterface for changing power states and restricting when they are allowed
 SYSPM HAL ResultsSYSPM specific return codes
 SystemHigh level interface for interacting with reset and delays
 SYSTEM HAL ResultsSYSTEM specific return codes
 Timer (Timer/Counter)High level interface for interacting with the Timer/Counter hardware resource
 Timer HAL ResultsTimer specific return codes
 TRNG (True Random Number Generator)High level interface to the True Random Number Generator (TRNG)
 TRNG HAL ResultsTRNG specific return codes
 UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter)High level interface for interacting with the Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter (UART)
 UART HAL ResultsUART specific return codes
 Implementation SpecificThis section provides details about the implementation of the Infineon HAL
 ADC (Analog to Digital Converter)ADC reads on PSC3 do not automatically clear the read status after reading the result
 DMA (Direct Memory Access)DW (DataWire) is one of two DMA hardware implementations
 Specific Hardware TypesAliases for types which are part of the public HAL interface but whose representations need to vary per HAL implementation
 LPTimer (Low-Power Timer)The maximum number of ticks that can set to an LPTimer is 0xFFF0FFFF
 System Power ManagementThe Power Management has the following characteristics:
MTB_HAL_SYSPM_CB_SYSTEM_NORMAL equates to the Low Power mode
MTB_HAL_SYSPM_CB_SYSTEM_LOW equates to the Ultra Low Power mode
 TRNG (True Random Number Generator)Initialization polynomial values for the True Random Number Generator
 RTC (Real Time Clock)Internally the RTC only stores the year as a two digit BCD value (0-99); no century information is stored
 SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface)