Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL)
SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface)

General Description

High level interface for interacting with the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI).

The SPI protocol is a synchronous serial interface protocol. Devices operate in either master or slave mode. The master initiates the data transfer.

Motorola SPI modes 0, 1, 2, and 3 are supported, with either MSB or LSB first. The operating mode and data frame size can be configured via cyhal_spi_cfg_t.


Quick Start

Initialise a SPI master or slave interface using cyhal_spi_init() and provide the SPI pins (mosi, miso, sclk, ssel), number of bits per frame (data_bits) and SPI Motorola mode. The data rate can be set using cyhal_spi_set_frequency().
See Code snippets for code snippets to send or receive the data.

Code snippets

Snippet 1: SPI Master - Single byte transfer operation (Read and Write)

The following code snippet initializes an SPI Master interface using the cyhal_spi_init(). The data rate of transfer is set using cyhal_spi_set_frequency(). The code snippet shows how to transfer a single byte of data using cyhal_spi_send() and cyhal_spi_recv().

cy_rslt_t rslt;
uint32_t spi_master_frequency = 1000000;
uint32_t transmit_data = 0x01;
uint32_t receive_data;
// Configuring the SPI master: Specify the SPI interface pins, frame size, SPI Motorola mode
// and master mode
// Set the data rate to 1 Mbps
rslt = cyhal_spi_set_frequency(&mSPI, spi_master_frequency);
// Transfer one byte of data to the slave.
if (CY_RSLT_SUCCESS == cyhal_spi_send(&mSPI, transmit_data))
// Receives one byte of data from the slave by transmiting a dummy byte 0xFF.
if (CY_RSLT_SUCCESS == cyhal_spi_recv(&mSPI, &receive_data))
// Transfer Complete and successful
SPI object.
Definition: cyhal_hw_types.h:1392
cy_rslt_t cyhal_spi_init(cyhal_spi_t *obj, cyhal_gpio_t mosi, cyhal_gpio_t miso, cyhal_gpio_t sclk, cyhal_gpio_t ssel, const cyhal_clock_t *clk, uint8_t bits, cyhal_spi_mode_t mode, bool is_slave)
Initialize the SPI peripheral.
cy_rslt_t cyhal_spi_send(cyhal_spi_t *obj, uint32_t value)
Synchronously send a byte out.
cy_rslt_t cyhal_spi_set_frequency(cyhal_spi_t *obj, uint32_t hz)
Set the SPI baud rate.
cy_rslt_t cyhal_spi_recv(cyhal_spi_t *obj, uint32_t *value)
Synchronously get a received value out of the SPI receive buffer.
Standard motorola SPI CPOL=0, CPHA=0 with MSB first operation.
Definition: cyhal_spi.h:188
uint32_t cy_rslt_t
Provides the result of an operation as a structured bitfield.
Definition: cy_result.h:426
cy_rslt_t return value indicating success
Definition: cy_result.h:453

Snippet 2: SPI Slave - Single byte transfer operation (Read and Write)

The following code snippet initializes an SPI Slave interface using the cyhal_spi_init(). The data rate of transfer is set using cyhal_spi_set_frequency. The code snippet shows how to transfer a single byte of data using cyhal_spi_send() and cyhal_spi_recv.

cy_rslt_t rslt;
uint32_t spi_slave_frequency = 1000000;
uint32_t transmit_data = 1;
uint32_t receive_data;
// Configuring the SPI slave: Specify the SPI interface pins, frame size, SPI Motorola mode
// and slave mode
// Set the data rate to 1 Mbps
rslt = cyhal_spi_set_frequency(&sSPI, spi_slave_frequency);
// Place a byte in the TX FIFO to be read by the master
if (CY_RSLT_SUCCESS == cyhal_spi_send(&sSPI, transmit_data))
// Get a received value out of the SPI receive buffer. This API Blocks until a value is
// available
if (CY_RSLT_SUCCESS == cyhal_spi_recv(&sSPI, &receive_data))
// Transfer successful

Snippet 3: SPI Block Data transfer

The following snippet sends and receives an array of data in a single SPI transaction using cyhal_spi_transfer(). The example uses SPI master to transmit 5 bytes of data and receive 5 bytes of data in a single transaction.

cy_rslt_t rslt;
uint32_t spi_frequency = 1000000;
uint8_t transmit_data[5] = { 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5 };
uint8_t receive_data[5];
// BSP-1637 workaround
memset(&mSPI, 0, sizeof(mSPI));
// Configuring the SPI interface: Specify the SPI interface pins, frame size, SPI Motorola
// mode and master/slave mode
// Set the data rate to 1 Mbps
rslt = cyhal_spi_set_frequency(&mSPI, spi_frequency);
// Master: Starts a data transfer. Slave: Prepares the slave for data transfer. It is a blocking
// function
if (CY_RSLT_SUCCESS == cyhal_spi_transfer(&mSPI, transmit_data, 5u, receive_data, 5u, 0xFF))
// Transfer Complete
cy_rslt_t cyhal_spi_transfer(cyhal_spi_t *obj, const uint8_t *tx, size_t tx_length, uint8_t *rx, size_t rx_length, uint8_t write_fill)
Synchronously Write a block out and receive a value.

Snippet 4: Interrupts on SPI events

SPI interrupt events ( cyhal_spi_event_t) can be mapped to an interrupt and assigned to a callback function. The callback function needs to be first registered and then the event needs to be enabled. The following snippet initialises a SPI master to perform a block transfer using cyhal_spi_transfer_async(). This is a non-blocking function. A callback function is registered using cyhal_spi_register_callback to notify whenever the SPI transfer is complete.

void spi_interrupt_callback(void* arg, cyhal_spi_event_t event)
if ((event & CYHAL_SPI_IRQ_DONE) != 0u)
// Transmission is complete. Handle Event
cy_rslt_t snippet_cyhal_interrupt_callback_events(void)
cy_rslt_t rslt;
uint32_t spi_frequency = 1000000;
uint32_t rx_transfer_count = 5, tx_transfer_count = 5;
uint8_t receive_data[5];
uint8_t transmit_data[5] = { 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5 };
// Configuring the SPI interface: Specify the SPI interface pins, frame size, SPI Motorola
// mode and master/slave mode
// Set the data rate to 1 Mbps
if (CY_RSLT_SUCCESS == rslt)
rslt = cyhal_spi_set_frequency(&mSPI, spi_frequency);
if (CY_RSLT_SUCCESS == rslt)
// Register a callback function to be called when the interrupt fires
// Enable the events that will trigger the call back function
// Master: Initiates a data transfer. Slave: Prepares the slave for data transfer. It is a
// non-blocking function
cyhal_spi_transfer_async(&mSPI, transmit_data, rx_transfer_count, receive_data,
// SPI Master: Transfer started. SPI Slave: Prepares for data transfer
return rslt;
cy_rslt_t cyhal_spi_transfer_async(cyhal_spi_t *obj, const uint8_t *tx, size_t tx_length, uint8_t *rx, size_t rx_length)
Start an asynchronous SPI transfer.
void(* cyhal_spi_event_callback_t)(void *callback_arg, cyhal_spi_event_t event)
Handler for SPI interrupts.
Definition: cyhal_spi.h:171
void cyhal_spi_register_callback(cyhal_spi_t *obj, cyhal_spi_event_callback_t callback, void *callback_arg)
Register a SPI callback handler.
void cyhal_spi_enable_event(cyhal_spi_t *obj, cyhal_spi_event_t event, uint8_t intr_priority, bool enable)
Configure SPI interrupt.
SPI interrupt triggers.
Definition: cyhal_spi.h:153
Transfer complete.
Definition: cyhal_spi.h:157

More Information

API Reference

 SPI HAL Results
 SPI specific return codes.

Data Structures

struct  cyhal_spi_cfg_t
 Initial SPI configuration. More...


#define cyhal_spi_frequency   cyhal_spi_set_frequency
 Compatibility define for cyhal_spi_set_frequency.
#define CYHAL_SPI_MODE_FLAG_LSB   (0x01u)
 Flag for SPI cyhal_spi_mode_t values indicating that the LSB is sent first.
#define CYHAL_SPI_MODE_FLAG_CPHA   (0x02u)
 Flag for SPI cyhal_spi_mode_t values indicating that the CPHA=1.
#define CYHAL_SPI_MODE_FLAG_CPOL   (0x04u)
 Flag for SPI cyhal_spi_mode_t values indicating that the CPOL=1.
#define CYHAL_SPI_MODE(cpol, cpha, lsb)
 Creates a cyhal_spi_mode_t value given the cpol, cpha, lsb values. More...


typedef void(* cyhal_spi_event_callback_t) (void *callback_arg, cyhal_spi_event_t event)
 Handler for SPI interrupts.


enum  cyhal_spi_event_t {
  CYHAL_SPI_IRQ_DONE = 1 << 2 ,
 SPI interrupt triggers. More...
enum  cyhal_spi_ssel_polarity_t {
 SPI Slave Select polarity. More...
enum  cyhal_spi_mode_t {
 SPI operating modes. More...
enum  cyhal_spi_fifo_type_t {
 SPI FIFO type. More...
enum  cyhal_spi_output_t {
 Enum of possible output signals from an SPI. More...


cy_rslt_t cyhal_spi_init (cyhal_spi_t *obj, cyhal_gpio_t mosi, cyhal_gpio_t miso, cyhal_gpio_t sclk, cyhal_gpio_t ssel, const cyhal_clock_t *clk, uint8_t bits, cyhal_spi_mode_t mode, bool is_slave)
 Initialize the SPI peripheral. More...
void cyhal_spi_free (cyhal_spi_t *obj)
 Release a SPI object. More...
cy_rslt_t cyhal_spi_set_frequency (cyhal_spi_t *obj, uint32_t hz)
 Set the SPI baud rate. More...
cy_rslt_t cyhal_spi_slave_select_config (cyhal_spi_t *obj, cyhal_gpio_t ssel, cyhal_spi_ssel_polarity_t polarity)
 Configures provided ssel pin to work as SPI slave select with specified polarity. More...
cy_rslt_t cyhal_spi_select_active_ssel (cyhal_spi_t *obj, cyhal_gpio_t ssel)
 Selects an active slave select line from one of available. More...
cy_rslt_t cyhal_spi_recv (cyhal_spi_t *obj, uint32_t *value)
 Synchronously get a received value out of the SPI receive buffer. More...
cy_rslt_t cyhal_spi_send (cyhal_spi_t *obj, uint32_t value)
 Synchronously send a byte out. More...
cy_rslt_t cyhal_spi_slave_read (cyhal_spi_t *obj, uint8_t *dst_buff, uint16_t *size, uint32_t timeout)
 Wait for master send data to RX buffer and store them to the user-defined buffer. More...
cy_rslt_t cyhal_spi_slave_write (cyhal_spi_t *obj, const uint8_t *src_buff, uint16_t *size, uint32_t timeout)
 Write data from the user-defined buffer to TX buffer. More...
uint32_t cyhal_spi_readable (cyhal_spi_t *obj)
 Returns the number of bytes that can be read from the RX buffer. More...
uint32_t cyhal_spi_writable (cyhal_spi_t *obj)
 Returns the number of bytes that can be written to the TX buffer. More...
cy_rslt_t cyhal_spi_transfer (cyhal_spi_t *obj, const uint8_t *tx, size_t tx_length, uint8_t *rx, size_t rx_length, uint8_t write_fill)
 Synchronously Write a block out and receive a value. More...
cy_rslt_t cyhal_spi_transfer_async (cyhal_spi_t *obj, const uint8_t *tx, size_t tx_length, uint8_t *rx, size_t rx_length)
 Start an asynchronous SPI transfer. More...
bool cyhal_spi_is_busy (cyhal_spi_t *obj)
 Checks if the specified SPI peripheral is in use. More...
cy_rslt_t cyhal_spi_abort_async (cyhal_spi_t *obj)
 Abort an SPI transfer. More...
void cyhal_spi_register_callback (cyhal_spi_t *obj, cyhal_spi_event_callback_t callback, void *callback_arg)
 Register a SPI callback handler. More...
void cyhal_spi_enable_event (cyhal_spi_t *obj, cyhal_spi_event_t event, uint8_t intr_priority, bool enable)
 Configure SPI interrupt. More...
cy_rslt_t cyhal_spi_set_fifo_level (cyhal_spi_t *obj, cyhal_spi_fifo_type_t type, uint16_t level)
 Sets a threshold level for a FIFO that will generate an interrupt and a trigger output. More...
cy_rslt_t cyhal_spi_enable_output (cyhal_spi_t *obj, cyhal_spi_output_t output, cyhal_source_t *source)
 Enables the specified output signal from an SPI. More...
cy_rslt_t cyhal_spi_disable_output (cyhal_spi_t *obj, cyhal_spi_output_t output)
 Disables the specified output signal from an SPI. More...
cy_rslt_t cyhal_spi_init_cfg (cyhal_spi_t *obj, const cyhal_spi_configurator_t *cfg)
 Initialize the SPI peripheral using a configurator generated configuration struct. More...
cy_rslt_t cyhal_spi_clear (cyhal_spi_t *obj)
 Clear the SPI buffers. More...

Data Structure Documentation

◆ cyhal_spi_cfg_t

struct cyhal_spi_cfg_t
Data Fields
cyhal_spi_mode_t mode The operating mode.
uint8_t data_bits The number of bits per transfer.
bool is_slave Whether the peripheral is operating as slave or master.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define CYHAL_SPI_MODE (   cpol,
((((cpol) > 0) ? CYHAL_SPI_MODE_FLAG_CPOL : 0) | \
(((cpha) > 0) ? CYHAL_SPI_MODE_FLAG_CPHA : 0) | \
(((lsb) > 0) ? CYHAL_SPI_MODE_FLAG_LSB : 0))
Flag for SPI cyhal_spi_mode_t values indicating that the CPOL=1.
Definition: cyhal_spi.h:178
Flag for SPI cyhal_spi_mode_t values indicating that the LSB is sent first.
Definition: cyhal_spi.h:174
Flag for SPI cyhal_spi_mode_t values indicating that the CPHA=1.
Definition: cyhal_spi.h:176

Creates a cyhal_spi_mode_t value given the cpol, cpha, lsb values.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ cyhal_spi_event_t

SPI interrupt triggers.


All transfer data has been moved into data FIFO.


Transfer complete.


An error occurred while transferring data.

◆ cyhal_spi_ssel_polarity_t

SPI Slave Select polarity.


SSEL signal is active low.


SSEL signal is active high.

◆ cyhal_spi_mode_t

SPI operating modes.


Standard motorola SPI CPOL=0, CPHA=0 with MSB first operation.


Standard motorola SPI CPOL=0, CPHA=0 with LSB first operation.


Standard motorola SPI CPOL=0, CPHA=1 with MSB first operation.


Standard motorola SPI CPOL=0, CPHA=1 with LSB first operation.


Standard motorola SPI CPOL=1, CPHA=0 with MSB first operation.


Standard motorola SPI CPOL=1, CPHA=0 with LSB first operation.


Standard motorola SPI CPOL=1, CPHA=1 with MSB first operation.


Standard motorola SPI CPOL=1, CPHA=1 with LSB first operation.

◆ cyhal_spi_fifo_type_t

SPI FIFO type.


Set RX FIFO level.


Set TX FIFO level.

◆ cyhal_spi_output_t

Enum of possible output signals from an SPI.


Output the RX FIFO signal which is triggered when the receive FIFO has more entries than the configured level.


Output the TX FIFO signal which is triggered when the transmit FIFO has less entries than the configured level.

Function Documentation

◆ cyhal_spi_init()

cy_rslt_t cyhal_spi_init ( cyhal_spi_t obj,
cyhal_gpio_t  mosi,
cyhal_gpio_t  miso,
cyhal_gpio_t  sclk,
cyhal_gpio_t  ssel,
const cyhal_clock_t clk,
uint8_t  bits,
cyhal_spi_mode_t  mode,
bool  is_slave 

Initialize the SPI peripheral.

Configures the pins used by SPI, sets a default format and frequency, and enables the peripheral. Depending on the configuration, some pins may not be needed. Master mode: MOSI used, MISO unused: SCLK & SSEL are both optional Master mode: MISO used, MOSI unused: SCLK is mandatory, SSEL is optional Slave mode: MOSI or MISO are used: SCLK & SSEL are both mandatory

[out]objPointer to a SPI object. The caller must allocate the memory for this object but the init function will initialize its contents.
[in]mosiThe pin to use for MOSI
At least MOSI or MISO pin should be non-NC
[in]misoThe pin to use for MISO
At least MOSI or MISO pin should be non-NC
[in]sclkThe pin to use for SCLK
This pin can be NC if in master mode with only MOSI used
[in]sselThe pin to use for SSEL
Provided pin will be configured for CYHAL_SPI_SSEL_ACTIVE_LOW polarity and set as active. This can be changed (as well as additional ssel pins can be added) by cyhal_spi_slave_select_config and cyhal_spi_select_active_ssel functions. This pin can be NC.
[in]clkThe clock to use can be shared, if not provided a new clock will be allocated
[in]bitsThe number of bits per frame
Supported transfer data width options describes what data width options are supported by certain hardware
[in]modeThe SPI mode (clock polarity, phase, and shift direction)
[in]is_slavefalse for master mode or true for slave mode operation
The status of the init request

◆ cyhal_spi_free()

void cyhal_spi_free ( cyhal_spi_t obj)

Release a SPI object.

Return the peripheral, pins and clock owned by the SPI object to their reset state

[in,out]objThe SPI object to deinitialize

◆ cyhal_spi_set_frequency()

cy_rslt_t cyhal_spi_set_frequency ( cyhal_spi_t obj,
uint32_t  hz 

Set the SPI baud rate.

Actual frequency may differ from the desired frequency due to available dividers and bus clock Configures the SPI peripheral's baud rate

[in,out]objThe SPI object to configure
[in]hzThe baud rate in Hz
The status of the set_frequency request

◆ cyhal_spi_slave_select_config()

cy_rslt_t cyhal_spi_slave_select_config ( cyhal_spi_t obj,
cyhal_gpio_t  ssel,
cyhal_spi_ssel_polarity_t  polarity 

Configures provided ssel pin to work as SPI slave select with specified polarity.

Multiple pins can be configured as SPI slave select pins. Please refer to device datasheet for details. Switching between configured slave select pins is done by cyhal_spi_select_active_ssel function. Unless modified with this function, the SSEL pin provided as part of cyhal_spi_init is the default.

[in]objThe SPI object to add slave select for
[in]sselSlave select pin to be added
[in]polarityPolarity of slave select
The status of ssel pin configuration

◆ cyhal_spi_select_active_ssel()

cy_rslt_t cyhal_spi_select_active_ssel ( cyhal_spi_t obj,
cyhal_gpio_t  ssel 

Selects an active slave select line from one of available.

This function is applicable for the master and slave. SSEL pin should be configured by cyhal_spi_slave_select_config or cyhal_spi_init functions prior to selecting it as active. The active slave select line will automatically be toggled as part of any transfer.

[in]objThe SPI object for switching
[in]sselSlave select pin to be set as active
CY_RSLT_SUCCESS if slave select was switched successfully, otherwise - CYHAL_SPI_RSLT_ERR_CANNOT_SWITCH_SSEL

◆ cyhal_spi_recv()

cy_rslt_t cyhal_spi_recv ( cyhal_spi_t obj,
uint32_t *  value 

Synchronously get a received value out of the SPI receive buffer.

In Master mode - transmits fill-in value and read the data from RxFifo In Slave mode - Blocks until a value is available

[in]objThe SPI peripheral to read
[in]valueThe value received
The status of the read request
  • In Master mode, MISO pin required to be non-NC for this API to operate
  • In Slave mode, MOSI pin required to be non-NC for this API to operate

◆ cyhal_spi_send()

cy_rslt_t cyhal_spi_send ( cyhal_spi_t obj,
uint32_t  value 

Synchronously send a byte out.

In Master mode transmits value to slave and read/drop a value from the RxFifo. In Slave mode writes a value to TxFifo

[in]objThe SPI peripheral to use for sending
[in]valueThe value to send
The status of the write request
  • In Master mode, MOSI pin required to be non-NC for this API to operate
  • In Slave mode, MISO pin required to be non-NC for this API to operate

◆ cyhal_spi_slave_read()

cy_rslt_t cyhal_spi_slave_read ( cyhal_spi_t obj,
uint8_t *  dst_buff,
uint16_t *  size,
uint32_t  timeout 

Wait for master send data to RX buffer and store them to the user-defined buffer.

NOTE: If size of actual data is less then expected the function copy only available data.

[in]objThe SPI object
[in]dst_buffPointer on memory to store the data from the slave RX buffer.
[in,out]size[in] The number of bytes to read, [out] number actually read.
[in]timeoutTimeout in millisecond, set this value to 0 if you don't want to wait at all.
The status of the read request

◆ cyhal_spi_slave_write()

cy_rslt_t cyhal_spi_slave_write ( cyhal_spi_t obj,
const uint8_t *  src_buff,
uint16_t *  size,
uint32_t  timeout 

Write data from the user-defined buffer to TX buffer.

NOTE: If size of actual data is less then expected the function copy only available data.

[in]objThe SPI object
[in]src_buffPointer on memory to copy the data to the slave TX buffer.
[in,out]size[in] The number of bytes to send, [out] number actually sent.
[in]timeoutTimeout in millisecond, set this value to 0 if you don't want to wait at all.
The status of the write request

◆ cyhal_spi_readable()

uint32_t cyhal_spi_readable ( cyhal_spi_t obj)

Returns the number of bytes that can be read from the RX buffer.

[in]objThe SPI object
The number of bytes in the RX buffer.

◆ cyhal_spi_writable()

uint32_t cyhal_spi_writable ( cyhal_spi_t obj)

Returns the number of bytes that can be written to the TX buffer.

[in]objThe SPI object
The number of bytes that can be written

◆ cyhal_spi_transfer()

cy_rslt_t cyhal_spi_transfer ( cyhal_spi_t obj,
const uint8_t *  tx,
size_t  tx_length,
uint8_t *  rx,
size_t  rx_length,
uint8_t  write_fill 

Synchronously Write a block out and receive a value.

The total number of bytes sent and received will be the maximum of tx_length and rx_length. The bytes written will be padded (at the end) with the value given by write_fill.

This function will block for the duration of the transfer. cyhal_spi_transfer_async can be used for non-blocking transfers.

[in]objThe SPI peripheral to use for sending
[in]txPointer to the byte-array of data to write to the device
[in,out]tx_lengthNumber of bytes to write, updated with the number actually written
[out]rxPointer to the byte-array of data to read from the device
[in,out]rx_lengthNumber of bytes to read, updated with the number actually read
[in]write_fillDefault data transmitted while performing a read
The status of the transfer request
Both MOSI and MISO pins required to be non-NC for this API to operate

◆ cyhal_spi_transfer_async()

cy_rslt_t cyhal_spi_transfer_async ( cyhal_spi_t obj,
const uint8_t *  tx,
size_t  tx_length,
uint8_t *  rx,
size_t  rx_length 

Start an asynchronous SPI transfer.

This will transfer rx_length bytes into the buffer pointed to by rx, while simultaneously transfering tx_length bytes of data from the buffer pointed to by tx, both in the background. When the transfer is complete, the CYHAL_SPI_IRQ_DONE event will be raised. See cyhal_spi_register_callback and cyhal_spi_enable_event.

For blocking transfers cyhal_spi_transfer can be used.
[in]objThe SPI object that holds the transfer information
[in]txThe transmit buffer
[in,out]tx_lengthThe number of bytes to transmit
[out]rxThe receive buffer
[in,out]rx_lengthThe number of bytes to receive
The status of the transfer_async request
Both MOSI and MISO pins required to be non-NC for this API to operate

◆ cyhal_spi_is_busy()

bool cyhal_spi_is_busy ( cyhal_spi_t obj)

Checks if the specified SPI peripheral is in use.

[in]objThe SPI peripheral to check
Indication of whether the SPI is still transmitting

◆ cyhal_spi_abort_async()

cy_rslt_t cyhal_spi_abort_async ( cyhal_spi_t obj)

Abort an SPI transfer.

[in]objThe SPI peripheral to stop
The status of the abort_async request

◆ cyhal_spi_register_callback()

void cyhal_spi_register_callback ( cyhal_spi_t obj,
cyhal_spi_event_callback_t  callback,
void *  callback_arg 

Register a SPI callback handler.

This function will be called when one of the events enabled by cyhal_spi_enable_event occurs.

[in]objThe SPI object
[in]callbackThe callback handler which will be invoked when the interrupt fires
[in]callback_argGeneric argument that will be provided to the callback when called

◆ cyhal_spi_enable_event()

void cyhal_spi_enable_event ( cyhal_spi_t obj,
cyhal_spi_event_t  event,
uint8_t  intr_priority,
bool  enable 

Configure SPI interrupt.

This function is used for word-approach

When an enabled event occurs, the function specified by cyhal_spi_register_callback will be called.

[in]objThe SPI object
[in]eventThe SPI event type
[in]intr_priorityThe priority for NVIC interrupt events
[in]enableTrue to turn on interrupts, False to turn off

◆ cyhal_spi_set_fifo_level()

cy_rslt_t cyhal_spi_set_fifo_level ( cyhal_spi_t obj,
cyhal_spi_fifo_type_t  type,
uint16_t  level 

Sets a threshold level for a FIFO that will generate an interrupt and a trigger output.

The RX FIFO interrupt and trigger will be activated when the receive FIFO has more entries than the threshold. The TX FIFO interrupt and trigger will be activated when the transmit FIFO has less entries than the threshold.

[in]objThe SPI object
[in]typeFIFO type to set level for
[in]levelLevel threshold to set
The status of the level set

◆ cyhal_spi_enable_output()

cy_rslt_t cyhal_spi_enable_output ( cyhal_spi_t obj,
cyhal_spi_output_t  output,
cyhal_source_t source 

Enables the specified output signal from an SPI.

[in]objThe SPI object
[in]outputWhich output signal to enable
[out]sourcePointer to user-allocated source signal object which will be initialized by enable_output. source should be passed to (dis)connect_digital functions to (dis)connect the associated endpoints.
The status of the output enable

◆ cyhal_spi_disable_output()

cy_rslt_t cyhal_spi_disable_output ( cyhal_spi_t obj,
cyhal_spi_output_t  output 

Disables the specified output signal from an SPI.

[in]objThe SPI object
[in]outputWhich output signal to disable
The status of the output disable

◆ cyhal_spi_init_cfg()

cy_rslt_t cyhal_spi_init_cfg ( cyhal_spi_t obj,
const cyhal_spi_configurator_t cfg 

Initialize the SPI peripheral using a configurator generated configuration struct.

[in]objThe SPI peripheral to configure
[in]cfgConfiguration structure generated by a configurator.
The status of the operation

◆ cyhal_spi_clear()

cy_rslt_t cyhal_spi_clear ( cyhal_spi_t obj)

Clear the SPI buffers.

[in]objThe SPI object
The status of the clear request