typedef uint16_t | wiced_bt_l2cap_ch_cfg_bits_t |
| Channel configuration fields in bit map. More...
typedef void( | wiced_bt_l2cap_connected_cback_t )(wiced_bt_device_address_t bd_addr, uint16_t local_cid, uint16_t peer_mtu) |
| Connection established callback prototype. More...
typedef void( | wiced_bt_l2cap_disconnect_indication_cback_t )(uint16_t local_cid, uint16_t reason, wiced_bool_t ack) |
| Disconnect indication callback prototype. More...
typedef void( | wiced_bt_l2cap_disconnect_confirm_cback_t )(uint16_t local_cid, uint16_t result) |
| Disconnect confirm callback prototype. More...
typedef void( | wiced_bt_l2cap_data_indication_cback_t )(uint16_t local_cid, tDRB *p_drb) |
| Data received indication callback prototype. More...
typedef void( | wiced_bt_l2cap_tx_complete_cback_t )(uint16_t local_cid, void *p_data) |
| Transmit complete callback protype. More...
typedef void( | wiced_bt_l2cap_fixed_chnl_cback_t )(wiced_bt_device_address_t bd_addr, wiced_bool_t connected, uint16_t reason, wiced_bt_transport_t transport) |
| Fixed channel connected and disconnected. More...
typedef void( | wiced_bt_l2cap_fixed_data_cback_t )(wiced_bt_device_address_t bd_addr, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len) |
| Signalling data received. More...
typedef void( | wiced_bt_l2cap_le_connect_indication_cback_t )(wiced_bt_device_address_t bd_addr, uint16_t local_cid, uint16_t psm, uint8_t id, uint16_t mtu_peer) |
| LE Connection indication callback prototype. More...
typedef void( | wiced_bt_l2cap_drb_release_cb )(tDRB *p_drb) |
| User DRB may be released callback prototype. More...
typedef void( | wiced_bt_l2cap_le_connect_confirm_cback_t )(uint16_t local_cid, uint16_t result, uint16_t mtu_peer) |
| LE Connection confirmation callback prototype. More...
typedef void( | wiced_bt_l2cap_ecrb_connect_ind )(wiced_bt_device_address_t peer_addr, wiced_bt_transport_t transport, uint16_t psm, wiced_bt_ecrb_cid_list_t lcids, uint8_t id, uint16_t peer_mtu) |
| ECRB Application callback for incoming connection requests.
typedef void( | wiced_bt_l2cap_ecrb_confirm_cb )(uint16_t lcid, uint16_t result, uint16_t peer_mtu) |
| ECRB Application callback for outging connection confirms.
typedef void( | wiced_bt_l2cap_ecrb_mtu_changed_cb )(uint16_t lcid, uint16_t new_mtu, uint16_t new_mps) |
| ECRB Application callback for channel MTU size change.
wiced_bool_t | wiced_bt_l2cap_register_fixed_channel (uint16_t fixed_cid, wiced_bt_l2cap_fixed_chnl_reg_t *p_freg) |
| Register a fixed channel. More...
wiced_bool_t | wiced_bt_l2cap_deregister_fixed_channel (uint16_t fixed_cid) |
| De-register a fixed channel. More...
wiced_bool_t | wiced_bt_l2cap_connect_fixed_chnl (uint16_t fixed_cid, wiced_bt_device_address_t bd_addr, wiced_bt_ble_address_type_t ble_addr_type) |
| Connect an fixed signalling channel to a remote device. More...
uint16_t | wiced_bt_l2cap_send_fixed_chnl_data (uint16_t fixed_cid, wiced_bt_device_address_t rem_bda, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len) |
| Write data on a fixed signalling channel. More...
wiced_bool_t | wiced_bt_l2cap_remove_fixed_chnl (uint16_t fixed_cid, wiced_bt_device_address_t rem_bda) |
| Remove a fixed channel to a remote device. More...
wiced_bool_t | wiced_bt_l2cap_set_fixed_channel_timeout (wiced_bt_device_address_t rem_bda, uint16_t fixed_cid, uint16_t idle_timeout) |
| Higher layers call this function to set the idle timeout for a fixed channel. More...
wiced_bool_t | wiced_bt_l2cap_ecrb_register (uint16_t psm, wiced_bt_l2cap_ecrb_cb_ptrs_t *p_ecrb_callbacks) |
| Application calls this function to register support for enhanced credit-based channels. More...
wiced_bool_t | wiced_bt_l2cap_ecrb_deregister (uint16_t psm) |
| Application calls this function to deregister support for enhanced credit-based channels. More...
int | wiced_bt_l2cap_ecrb_connect_req (uint16_t psm, wiced_bt_transport_t transport, wiced_bt_device_address_t bd_addr, wiced_bt_ble_address_type_t bd_addr_type, wiced_bt_ble_conn_mode_t conn_mode, uint16_t our_rx_mtu, uint16_t our_rx_mps, int num_channels, tDRB **p_rx_drb_list, wiced_bt_ecrb_cid_list_t lcid_list) |
| Higher layers call this function to create up to 5 credit-based L2CAP connections on the same PSM. More...
void | wiced_bt_l2cap_ecrb_ConnectRsp (uint16_t result, uint8_t trans_id, int16_t our_rx_mtu, uint16_t our_rx_mps, wiced_bt_ecrb_cid_list_t lcid_list, tDRB **p_rx_drb_list) |
| Higher layers call this function to accept incoming Enhanced Credit-based L2CAP channel establishment, for which they had gotten a connect indication callback. More...
wiced_bool_t | wiced_bt_l2cap_ecrb_reconfigure (uint16_t new_rx_mtu, int16_t new_rx_mps, int num_channels, wiced_bt_ecrb_cid_list_t lcid_list, tDRB **p_rx_drb_list) |
| Higher layers call this function to reconfigure the MTU and or MPS of Enhanced Credit-based L2CAP channels. More...
wiced_bool_t | wiced_bt_l2cap_get_current_config (uint16_t lcid, wiced_bt_l2cap_cfg_information_t **pp_our_cfg, wiced_bt_l2cap_ch_cfg_bits_t *p_our_cfg_bits, wiced_bt_l2cap_cfg_information_t **pp_peer_cfg, wiced_bt_l2cap_ch_cfg_bits_t *p_peer_cfg_bits) |
| This function returns configurations of L2CAP channel. More...
uint16_t | wiced_bt_l2cap_register (uint16_t psm, wiced_bt_l2cap_appl_information_t *p_cb_information) |
| Other layers call this function to register for L2CAP services. More...
void | wiced_bt_l2cap_deregister (uint16_t psm) |
| Other layers call this function to deregister for L2CAP services. More...
uint16_t | wiced_bt_l2cap_allocate_psm (void) |
| Other layers call this function to find an unused PSM for L2CAP services. More...
wiced_bool_t | wiced_bt_l2cap_disconnect_req (uint16_t cid) |
| Higher layers call this function to disconnect a channel. More...
wiced_bool_t | wiced_bt_l2cap_disconnect_rsp (uint16_t cid) |
| Higher layers call this function to acknowledge the disconnection of a channel. More...
uint8_t | wiced_bt_l2cap_data_write (uint16_t cid, uint8_t *p_buf, uint16_t buf_len, uint16_t flags) |
| Higher layers call this function to write data with extended. More...
wiced_bool_t | wiced_bt_l2cap_set_idle_timeout (uint16_t cid, uint16_t timeout, wiced_bool_t is_global) |
| Higher layers call this function to set the idle timeout for a connection, or for all future connections. More...
wiced_bool_t | wiced_bt_l2cap_set_idle_timeout_by_bd_addr (wiced_bt_device_address_t bd_addr, uint16_t timeout, wiced_bt_transport_t transport) |
| Higher layers call this function to set the idle timeout for a connection. More...
wiced_bool_t | wiced_bt_l2cap_get_bdaddrby_handle (uint16_t handle, wiced_bt_device_address_t bd_addr) |
| Get BD address for the given HCI handle. More...
wiced_bool_t | wiced_bt_l2cap_cancel_ble_connect_req (wiced_bt_device_address_t rem_bda) |
| Cancel a pending connection attempt to a LE device. More...
wiced_bool_t | wiced_bt_l2cap_update_ble_conn_params (wiced_bt_device_address_t rem_bdRa, uint16_t min_int, uint16_t max_int, uint16_t latency, uint16_t timeout) |
| Update LE connection parameters. More...
wiced_bool_t | wiced_bt_l2cap_enable_update_ble_conn_params (wiced_bt_device_address_t rem_bda, wiced_bool_t enable) |
| Enable or disable updating LE connection params based on the request from the peer. More...
uint8_t | wiced_bt_l2cap_get_ble_conn_role (wiced_bt_device_address_t bd_addr) |
| This function returns the connection role. More...
uint16_t | wiced_bt_l2cap_le_register (uint16_t le_psm, wiced_bt_l2cap_le_appl_information_t *p_cb_information) |
| Other layers call this function to register L2CAP services for LE_PSM. More...
wiced_bool_t | wiced_bt_l2cap_le_deregister (uint16_t le_psm) |
| Other layers call this function to deregister L2CAP services for LE_PSM. More...
uint16_t | wiced_bt_l2cap_le_connect_req (uint16_t le_psm, wiced_bt_device_address_t p_bd_addr, wiced_bt_ble_address_type_t bd_addr_type, wiced_bt_ble_conn_mode_t conn_mode, uint16_t rx_mtu, uint8_t req_security, uint8_t req_encr_key_size, tDRB *p_rx_drb) |
| Higher layers call this function to create an L2CAP connection for LE_PSM. More...
wiced_bool_t | wiced_bt_l2cap_le_connect_rsp (wiced_bt_device_address_t p_bd_addr, uint8_t id, uint16_t lcid, uint16_t result, uint16_t rx_mtu, tDRB *p_rx_drb) |
| Higher layers call this function to accept an incoming LE L2CAP connection, for which they had gotten an connect indication callback. More...
wiced_bool_t | wiced_bt_l2cap_le_disconnect_req (uint16_t lcid) |
| Higher layers call this function to disconnect a LE COC channel. More...
wiced_bool_t | wiced_bt_l2cap_le_disconnect_rsp (uint16_t lcid) |
| Higher layers call this function to acknowledge the disconnection of a LE COC channel. More...
uint8_t | wiced_bt_l2cap_le_data_write (uint16_t cid, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t buf_len) |
| Send data over LE connection-oriented channel. More...
wiced_bool_t | wiced_bt_l2cap_le_set_user_congestion (uint16_t lcid, wiced_bool_t flow_off_peer) |
| App can call this function to flow control data reception from the peer (flow controlled channels only, viz LE COC, ECRB channels) To stop sending credits/flow off the remote peer set flow_off_peer to WICED_TRUE To resume sending credits/flow on set flow_off_peer to WICED_FALSE. More...
uint16_t | wiced_bt_l2cap_le_get_peer_mtu (uint16_t lcid) |
| Higher layers call this function to get peer MTU. More...
uint16_t | wiced_bt_l2cap_le_determ_secur_rsp (wiced_bt_device_address_t bd_addr, uint8_t req_secur, uint8_t req_encr_key_size) |
| Higher layers call this function to check if the current device security settings are sufficient to continue with call establishment. More...
int | wiced_bt_l2cap_get_num_queued_tx_packets (wiced_bt_device_address_t bd_addr, uint16_t lcid, int *p_fragments_with_controller) |
| Utility function to get the number of packets queued to tx. More...
Bluetooth L2CAP Application Programming Interface.
Logical Link Control and Adaptation Layer Protocol, referred to as L2CAP, provides connection oriented and connectionless data services to upper layer protocols with protocol multiplexing capability and segmentation and reassembly operation.