OPTIGA Trust M  1.1.0
C++ library for Optiga Trust M Chip Security Controller
optiga_trustm Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for optiga_trustm:


file  ifx_i2c.c
 This file implements the wrapper API Layer for IFX I2C protocol v2.00.
file  ifx_i2c.h [code]
 This file defines the API prototype for IFX I2C protocol v2.00 wrapper.
file  ifx_i2c_config.c
 This file provides the ifx i2c platform specific context configurations.
file  ifx_i2c_config.h [code]
 This file defines the structures and macros for the Infineon I2C Protocol.
file  ifx_i2c_physical_layer.c
 This file implements the APIs for physical layer of the Infineon I2C Protocol Stack library.
file  ifx_i2c_physical_layer.h [code]
 This file defines the API prototype for physical layer of the Infineon I2C Protocol Stack library.
file  ifx_i2c_presentation_layer.c
 This file implements the IFX I2C Presentation Layer of the Infineon I2C Protocol Stack library.
file  ifx_i2c_presentation_layer.h [code]
 Module for the presentation layer of the Infineon I2C Protocol Stack library.
file  ifx_i2c_transport_layer.c
 This file implements the APIs for transport layer of the Infineon I2C Protocol Stack library.
file  ifx_i2c_transport_layer.h [code]
 This file defines the API prototype for transport layer of the Infineon I2C Protocol Stack library.
file  optiga_cmd.c
 This file implements cmd modules which covers OPTIGA command formation, locking mechanism, session acquisition and asynchronous data handling.
file  optiga_cmd.h [code]
 This file defines APIs, types and data structures used in the Command (cmd) module implementation.
file  optiga_comms.h [code]
 This file implements Optiga comms abstraction layer for IFX I2C Protocol.
file  optiga_comms_ifx_i2c.c
 This file implements optiga comms abstraction layer for IFX I2C Protocol.
file  optiga_crypt.c
 This file implements the OPTIGA Crypt module.
file  optiga_crypt.h [code]
 This file implements the prototype declarations of OPTIGA Crypt module.
file  optiga_example.c
file  optiga_example.h [code]
 This file defines APIs, types and data structures used in the OPTIGA example.
file  optiga_lib_common.c
 This file implements the commonly used functions by the OPTIGA Library .
file  optiga_lib_common.h [code]
 This file provides the prototypes for the commonly used functions and structures of OPTIGA Library.
file  optiga_lib_common_internal.h [code]
 This file provides the prototypes for the commonly used internal functions and structures of OPTIGA Library.
file  optiga_lib_config.h [code]
 This file is defines the compilation switches to build code with required features.
file  optiga_lib_logger.c
 This file implements the APIs for the OPTIGA library logger.
file  optiga_lib_logger.h [code]
 This file provides the prototypes for the OPTIGA library logger.
file  optiga_lib_return_codes.h [code]
 This file defines the error codes for the all the layers and modules.
OPTIGA host library return value Decoding
The definition of the Error code layering for a 2 byte error code explained below.
Each error code is represented as [AB][CD], where each byte is represented as [ ] and individual alphabets represent a nibble.
A : Error indication Bit 15. Set to 1 indicates error from OPTIGA security chip
B : Layer information Bits [14 - 8]. This indicates the layer from which the error originated. E.g. OPTIGA, PAL, Comms, Util, Crypt etc.
CD : Return code Bits [7 - 0]. This indicates the actual nature of error.
file  optiga_lib_types.h [code]
 This file contains the type definitions for the fundamental data types.
file  optiga_lib_version.h [code]
 This file contains Optiga library version information.
file  optiga_util.c
 This file implements the OPTIGA utility module functionalities.
file  optiga_util.h [code]
 This file defines APIs, types and data structures used in the OPTIGA utility module.
file  pal.c
 This file implements the platform abstraction layer APIs.
file  pal.h [code]
 This file provides the prototype declarations of platform abstraction layer.
file  pal_crypt.h [code]
 This file provides the prototype declarations of PAL crypt.
file  pal_crypt_mbedtls.c
 This file implements the platform abstraction layer APIs for cryptographic functions using mbedTLS SW Crypto.
file  pal_gpio.h [code]
 This file provides the prototype declarations of PAL GPIO.
file  pal_gpio_arduino.cpp
 This file implements the platform abstraction layer APIs for GPIO.
file  pal_i2c.h [code]
 This file provides the prototype declarations of PAL I2C.
file  pal_i2c_arduino.cpp
 This file implements the platform abstraction layer(pal) APIs for I2C.
file  pal_ifx_i2c_config.h [code]
 This file provides the platform abstraction layer extern declarations for IFX I2C.
file  pal_ifx_i2c_config_arduino.cpp
 This file implements platform abstraction layer configurations for ifx i2c protocol.
file  pal_logger.h [code]
 This file provides the prototypes declarations for pal logger.
file  pal_logger_arduino.cpp
 This file provides the prototypes declarations for pal logger.
file  pal_os_datastore.h [code]
 This file provides API prototypes of platform abstraction layer for datastore operations.
file  pal_os_datastore_arduino.cpp
 This file implements the platform abstraction layer APIs for data store.
file  pal_os_event.h [code]
 This file provides the prototype declarations of PAL OS event.
file  pal_os_event_arduino.cpp
 This file implements the platform abstraction layer APIs for os event/scheduler.
file  pal_os_event_timer.h [code]
 This file provides the prototype declarations of PAL OS event.
file  pal_os_lock.h [code]
 This file provides the prototype declarations of PAL OS lock functionalities.
file  pal_os_lock_arduino.cpp
 This file implements the platform abstraction layer APIs for os locks (e.g. semaphore).
file  pal_os_memory.h [code]
 This file defines the memory management related macros.
file  pal_os_timer.h [code]
 This file provides the prototype declarations of PAL OS timer functionalities.
file  pal_os_timer_arduino.cpp
 This file implements the platform abstraction layer APIs for timer.
file  Util.c
 This file contains utility functions.
file  Util.h [code]
 This file contains utility functions.